Just a quick post to inform that we got a message from luddite:
Will comment on this as well as your post tomorrow, Yamps - I'm a bit pressed for time right now.
Dear Lord Parkin,
Now that I've explored the map a little more, I wanted to you about how we're going to settle it in the future. It looks as though I have a solid sea border to my west, and I assume that you have the same on your east. Both of us have an inland sea below us.
To me, the fairest way to divide up the terrain seems to be that we'll each settle around our own sea. Unfortunately, that does make the strip of land in the middle a bit awkward. No reason that we can't divide that in half also, but we need to be careful to do so in a way that won't provoke any future conflicts. If we can set up a secure border with each other, it will make it much easier for us to expand southward and claim more territory from the other civs down there.
My warrior has discovered a rather nice potential city cite down in the south. It has gold, and two silk resources. And you've already seen the spot we talked about earlier with corn, whale, and cows. What I'd like to propose is that I should settle near the corn (west of it, which won't claim the cows) and you settle down south to claim the gold. Then, after we've both hooked up the resources, I trade you the corn and you trade me the gold. Later we can trade the silk for anything that I have a duplicate of.
Since you're charismatic with (hopefully) stonehenge, happiness won't be as big a concern for you as it is for me. Likewise, I don't need health as much since I'm expansive, but you might have trouble with it on a map like this with few food resources or trees. And assuming I can get metal casting with the oracle, the gold will be worth 2 happiness for me. In this way, we'll both profit, and we can guarantee a peaceful border because we'll both be getting the resources that we want as long as we're at peace.
What do you think?
Now that I've explored the map a little more, I wanted to you about how we're going to settle it in the future. It looks as though I have a solid sea border to my west, and I assume that you have the same on your east. Both of us have an inland sea below us.
To me, the fairest way to divide up the terrain seems to be that we'll each settle around our own sea. Unfortunately, that does make the strip of land in the middle a bit awkward. No reason that we can't divide that in half also, but we need to be careful to do so in a way that won't provoke any future conflicts. If we can set up a secure border with each other, it will make it much easier for us to expand southward and claim more territory from the other civs down there.
My warrior has discovered a rather nice potential city cite down in the south. It has gold, and two silk resources. And you've already seen the spot we talked about earlier with corn, whale, and cows. What I'd like to propose is that I should settle near the corn (west of it, which won't claim the cows) and you settle down south to claim the gold. Then, after we've both hooked up the resources, I trade you the corn and you trade me the gold. Later we can trade the silk for anything that I have a duplicate of.
Since you're charismatic with (hopefully) stonehenge, happiness won't be as big a concern for you as it is for me. Likewise, I don't need health as much since I'm expansive, but you might have trouble with it on a map like this with few food resources or trees. And assuming I can get metal casting with the oracle, the gold will be worth 2 happiness for me. In this way, we'll both profit, and we can guarantee a peaceful border because we'll both be getting the resources that we want as long as we're at peace.
What do you think?
Will comment on this as well as your post tomorrow, Yamps - I'm a bit pressed for time right now.