I'm quite keen on going between the Pig and the Gold, as I mentioned before. Leaves us with just Warriors for a while longer, but the economic benefit of getting that Gold hooked up early would be immense.
Settling Horses is another possibility. That Horse we see seems rather poor/inconvenient to hook up with a second city, though... maybe we'll find a better source to the east.
As I mentioned before, I'm not so sure about that site NW-NW-N of the capital, and not just because it requires a border expansion to work any resources. It also denies us both Horses and Gold for a much longer period.
Settling Horses is another possibility. That Horse we see seems rather poor/inconvenient to hook up with a second city, though... maybe we'll find a better source to the east.
As I mentioned before, I'm not so sure about that site NW-NW-N of the capital, and not just because it requires a border expansion to work any resources. It also denies us both Horses and Gold for a much longer period.