Incidentally, in the process of exchanging screenshots with Luddite, I got a sneak peek into his empire. (He would have got the same with me - we both forgot to crop.) As at the current turn (54), he's generating 25 beakers at 100% science with -2 gpt. About the same as us, considering he's behind on expansion. He's 3 turns from Polytheism. Also, there's quite a large amount of land to his south and southwest.
Also discussed with Luddite about some kind of espionage agreement, but didn't reach any conclusions. He's putting 1 EP per turn into us at the moment; says he'll put it into someone else once he meets someone new.
Also discussed with Luddite about some kind of espionage agreement, but didn't reach any conclusions. He's putting 1 EP per turn into us at the moment; says he'll put it into someone else once he meets someone new.