As I mentioned, I suck at platformers.
I think this is the first true platformer game I have played in...years. And yes, I am playing with mouse and keyboard -- I wouldn't have the first clue how to use a controller.
Sullla, your commentary and videos were very helpful and were a big part of why I purchased the game even though I do not normally play platformers. You do a great job of converying how fun the game can be. (I had also heard good things about Rogue Legacy elsewhere.) Is the Archmage stuff on your site? If so I need to check back and read through it, as I had only seen the paladin material previously.
Cyneheard, I also found that dragons were quite good against some of the bosses. I managed to kill Herodotus (the big blob boss) while only taking two hits using a dragon. The ability to remain flying and stay high up in the room keeps you out of most danger, and you periodically drop down long enough to strafe the blob(s). Then you can return to the heights until the latest graviloks (or whatever they are called, the flying warlocks who create the big ground spikes) have been dealt with. You have to be careful to avoid being hit, since this cancels your flight and drops you into the mess below. But overall it was quite effective. I don't like dragons for regular runs, though -- my reflexes are trained for jumping combos, and I keep screwing up the flight and getting hammered.
Anyway, I am slowly improving on NG+ mode. Only three more runes to find to complete that set, then fairy chests should provide boosts instead if I understand correctly. Now if I could just find a sword upgrade. I have found Dragon or Imperial gear for all the others slots since starting NG+, but am still stuck with the Sky sword.

Sullla, your commentary and videos were very helpful and were a big part of why I purchased the game even though I do not normally play platformers. You do a great job of converying how fun the game can be. (I had also heard good things about Rogue Legacy elsewhere.) Is the Archmage stuff on your site? If so I need to check back and read through it, as I had only seen the paladin material previously.
Cyneheard, I also found that dragons were quite good against some of the bosses. I managed to kill Herodotus (the big blob boss) while only taking two hits using a dragon. The ability to remain flying and stay high up in the room keeps you out of most danger, and you periodically drop down long enough to strafe the blob(s). Then you can return to the heights until the latest graviloks (or whatever they are called, the flying warlocks who create the big ground spikes) have been dealt with. You have to be careful to avoid being hit, since this cancels your flight and drops you into the mess below. But overall it was quite effective. I don't like dragons for regular runs, though -- my reflexes are trained for jumping combos, and I keep screwing up the flight and getting hammered.
Anyway, I am slowly improving on NG+ mode. Only three more runes to find to complete that set, then fairy chests should provide boosts instead if I understand correctly. Now if I could just find a sword upgrade. I have found Dragon or Imperial gear for all the others slots since starting NG+, but am still stuck with the Sky sword.