Turn 151 Power Rankings
Link to previous Power Rankings:
I encourage everyone to go back to the last set of power rankings and compare the world population between now and turn 125. It's amazing how when you play turn-to-turn you don't notice it, but over 25 turns our population has trippled. I'm sure world population has more than doubled too.
Finally we're able to see everything to get an accurate take. Now all that's left for lurkers to haggle over is just how wrong I am. Not much change in the rankings though, so I guess I already was getting it right
Biggest Gain: +2, many
Biggest Drop: -2, also many
1. Mackoti (& Yuris) as Mehmed of the Ottomans
Prev Rank: #3
Cities: 22 (#2 overall)
Citizens: 197 (#1 overall) -- estimate: 189 known pop among 20 cities
Beakers: 15,520 (#3 overall)
Wonders: The Colossus, Shwedagon Paya
This was really a lot closer than I thought. But in a game that snowballs like Civ, I think you have to give any ties to the player that was there first. And mackoti has been atop the scoreboard ever since he finished devouring mostly_harmless all those turns ago. I also have to give an edge to him in the infrastructure department: he likely has more, and now with Education and Banking can set his cities up further along.
2. Pindicator & Scooter as Darius of Vikings
Prev Rank: #2
Cities: 25 (#1 overall)
Citizens: 196 (#2 overall)
Beakers: 15,825 (#2 overall)
Wonders: The Great Wall, The Pyramids
Always a bridesmaid lately, it seems. But while the numbers are close to mackoti, we still have 5 cities and 30 population tied up in anarchy while Nakor's ex-cities still assimilate in. In about 10 turns we may be able to claim the top spot (especially if the printing press bulb goes as planned), but for now I think we're still just a little behind mackoti. We also have a lot of neighbors and long borders with a lot of spread out cities to defend. On the plus side, this also means we have lots of options for coastal raiding.
3. dtay as Alexander of Germany
Prev Rank: #1
Cities: 15 (tied for #7 overall)
Citizens: 135 (tied for #6 overall)
Beakers: 22,487 (#1 overall)
Wonders: Statue of Zeus, The Great Library, The Parthenon
dtay has taken a very aggressive tech path this game. He still is without staple technologies like Iron Working, Feudalism, and Archery -- but he has used this razor focus to nab the beaker lead with being first to Liberalism and grabbing Nationalism. It's hard to imagine that Taj and a golden age isn't in the cards for him next, but what he will do from here is a bit of a guess. He's also benefiting from mackoti being at the south end of his continent, otherwise I think Fintourist & Old Harry would be using their knights on him right now. But even with that, he's Gunpowder and a Nationalism revolt away from being able to field his own contemporary military. He also still owns SoZ and the Great Library. His problem is one of longevity. If he doesn't make a move militarily in the next 25 turns, he may start to be left behind by the larger civilizations out there. Or perhaps he can keep the tech rate going to Rifling and then start his invasion plans.
4. Fintourist & Old Harry as Montezuma of Babylon
Prev Rank: #6
Cities: 17 (#6 overall)
Citizens: 145 (#4 overall) -- estimate: 138 known pop among 15 cities
Beakers: 14,504 (#4 overall)
Wonders: none
This is a team that is rising as their tech rate picks up steam, but like dtay may also have trouble keeping up with the top tier in later rankings. They've done a fantastic job developing the land they have, and there's still a lot of jungle for them to chop out (so they still have room to grow). But with neighbors like dtay and mackoti, they are sitting between two of the top teams in the game right now. Where do they expand? It may be that they go across the ocean and take on Ichabod.
5. plako as Ragnar of Maya
Prev Rank: #4
Cities: 18 (#5 overall)
Citizens: 135 (tied for #6 overall) -- estimate: 121 known pop among 16 cities
Beakers: 14,182 (#5 overall)
Wonders: The Great Lighthouse, Mausoleum of Maussollos
Call it a gut feeling, but I don't think we'll see plako this low when the next set of rankings come out. I think he's about to do to dhalphir what we did to Nakor. The low tech amount is a little surprising, to be honest: he's playing a FIN/AGG leader and landed the Great Lighthouse but is behind non-FIN leaders when it comes to tech. To be fair, his starting area kind of sucked.
6. Ichabod & Wetbandit as Shaka of Greece
Prev Rank: #7
Cities: 21 (#3 overall)
Citizens: 148 (#3 overall)
Beakers: 10,787 (#9 overall)
Wonders: none
When I did the technology breakdown, I really was surprised to see Ichabod as low as he is. He sacrificed Code of Laws and Civil Service for a beeline to Guilds, and while that has grabbed him a lot of land he now needs to get his economy in order if he wants to stay in contention. He's on the easiest continent right now, and with the unending war between WilliamLP, Retep, and Bacchus he should be able to tech unmolested.
7. Commodore & Kurumi as Victoria of Portugal
Prev Rank: #5
Cities: 19 (#4 overall)
Citizens: 137 (#5 overall)
Beakers: 11,527 (#8 overall)
Wonders: Apostolic Palace, Hagia Sofia, The Hanging Gardens
Here's another person I was surprised about with technology. I expected Commodore to be more contemporary in Beakers with Vicky as his leader, but he's soundly middle-of-the-pack. No Guilds for knights, No optics for Carracks -- he appears to be teching towards Education right now, and likely following that up with a run to Economics to get his UB unlocked. Still, the question for Commodore is the same as it always has been: where will he expand? Try to take land from us or continue his subarctic circumnavigation by tackling one of dtay, black sword, or williamlp?
8. Bigger, Lewwyn, & Qgqqqqq as Gandhi of China
Prev Rank: #8
Cities: 15 (tied for #7 overall)
Citizens: 110 (#10 overall)
Beakers: 12,411 (#6 overall)
Wonders: The Kong Miao (Confucian Holy Shrine)
Lewwyn is just teetering on the edge of being out of the game. He needs to make a move to expand and it looks like he's finally gearing up to do just that. Whether that is coming after our newly gained cities with stacks of CKNs or exorcising pb8 demons by taking Azza out in one swift stroke, he has fallen off the pace of late.
9. The Black Sword & Jowy as Pacal of India
Prev Rank: #11
Cities: 15 (tied for #7 overall)
Citizens: 123 (#8 overall) -- estimate: 112 known pop among 13 cities
Beakers: 11,803 (#7 overall)
Wonders: The Kashi Vishwanath (Hindu Holy Shrine), The Oracle
Black Sword's hot start and then comeback is still one of the great surprises for me this game. Despite losing to dtay early on I think he's done a good job. His tech rate is amazing for what he's been through; he's the second person with Banking that I mistakenly attributed to dtay before. But what he needs to do is get a bunch of knights and hit dtay now. He won't get another window like this, and I'm afraid he's going to miss it.
10. Azza as Joao of the Dutch
Prev Rank: #9
Cities: 15 (tied for #7 overall)
Citizens: 120 (#9 overall) -- estimate: 112 known pop among 13 cities
Beakers: 8,951 (#10 overall)
Wonders: None
A little surprised at how much Azza has fallen in the tech rankings. It's a lot like watching my OSU football (american) team play the second half of it's season this year. Anybody who is without Code of Laws at this point in the game is pretty much out of it at this point of things (exception: Ichabod).
11. WilliamLP as Isabella of Inca
Prev Rank: #10
Cities: 13 (tied for #11 overall)
Citizens: 93 (#12 overall)
Beakers: 7,584 (#11 overall)
Wonders: The Temple of Artemis
His dotmap makes my eyes bleed. So many good tiles wasted. And having that many rivers yet being in the bottom half of the tech tree is such a shame. I hope he can get the moral victory and finish off retep before Ichabod decides to expand north. Or before we decide to expand east...
12. Dhalphir as Mansa Musa of America (previously Serdoa)
Prev Rank: #12
Cities: 13 (tied for #11 overall)
Citizens: 95 (#11 overall) -- estimate: 82 known pop among 11 cities
Beakers: 7,309 (#12 overall)
Wonders: Stonehenge
I fear you're going to be the next civ eliminated, dhalphir. Well, after slowcheetah that is. You might want to tech Feudalism or HBR soon.
13. Bacchus as Suryavarman of Carthage
Prev Rank: #14
Cities: 10 (#13 overall)
Citizens: 80 (#13 overall) -- estimate: 69 known pop among 8 cities
Beakers: 6,458 (#13 overall)
Wonders: None
Who will come out on top in the great Bacchus - Retep - WilliamLP wars?
14. suttree as Huayna Capac of Spain
Prev Rank: #15
Cities: 7 (#14 overall)
Citizens: 47 (#14 overall) -- estimate: 41 known pop among 6 cities
Beakers: 3,208 (#15 overall)
Wonders: None
Runner up in the Next-To-Be-Eaten category. When mackoti does decide to expand again, i think it's pretty clear it will be through suttree.
15. retep as Sitting Bull of Khmer
Prev Rank: #17
Cities: 4 (#15 overall)
Citizens: 17 (#15 overall)
Beakers: 1,571 (#16 overall)
Wonders: None
How is this guy still alive? His only Classical Era tech is HBR. He hasn't teched Sailing yet. He hasn't teched Mysticism yet! If you average his total beakers over 151 turns, he's teching about 11bpt for the game. And yet he's still alive... Amazing.
16. Slowcheetah as Ramesses of Mongolia
Prev Rank: #16
Cities: 1 (#16 overall)
Citizens: 1 (#16 overall)
Beakers: 3,030 (#14 overall)
Wonders: None
Ichabod needs to finish the job and release him from his misery.
17. Nakor & CFC Jester as Wang Kon of Rome
Prev Rank: #13
Eliminated turn 149
18. mostly_harmless as Qin Shi Huang of Sumeria
Prev Rank: #10
Eliminated turn 129
Link to previous Power Rankings:
- The Way-Too-Early-To-Tell Power Rankings
- The Post-Pairing Power Rankings
- Turn 25 Power Rankings
- Turn 50 Power Rankings
- Turn 75 Power Rankings
- Turn 100 Power Rankings
- Turn 125 Power Rankings
I encourage everyone to go back to the last set of power rankings and compare the world population between now and turn 125. It's amazing how when you play turn-to-turn you don't notice it, but over 25 turns our population has trippled. I'm sure world population has more than doubled too.
Finally we're able to see everything to get an accurate take. Now all that's left for lurkers to haggle over is just how wrong I am. Not much change in the rankings though, so I guess I already was getting it right

Biggest Gain: +2, many
Biggest Drop: -2, also many
1. Mackoti (& Yuris) as Mehmed of the Ottomans
Prev Rank: #3
Cities: 22 (#2 overall)
Citizens: 197 (#1 overall) -- estimate: 189 known pop among 20 cities
Beakers: 15,520 (#3 overall)
Wonders: The Colossus, Shwedagon Paya
This was really a lot closer than I thought. But in a game that snowballs like Civ, I think you have to give any ties to the player that was there first. And mackoti has been atop the scoreboard ever since he finished devouring mostly_harmless all those turns ago. I also have to give an edge to him in the infrastructure department: he likely has more, and now with Education and Banking can set his cities up further along.
2. Pindicator & Scooter as Darius of Vikings
Prev Rank: #2
Cities: 25 (#1 overall)
Citizens: 196 (#2 overall)
Beakers: 15,825 (#2 overall)
Wonders: The Great Wall, The Pyramids
Always a bridesmaid lately, it seems. But while the numbers are close to mackoti, we still have 5 cities and 30 population tied up in anarchy while Nakor's ex-cities still assimilate in. In about 10 turns we may be able to claim the top spot (especially if the printing press bulb goes as planned), but for now I think we're still just a little behind mackoti. We also have a lot of neighbors and long borders with a lot of spread out cities to defend. On the plus side, this also means we have lots of options for coastal raiding.
3. dtay as Alexander of Germany
Prev Rank: #1
Cities: 15 (tied for #7 overall)
Citizens: 135 (tied for #6 overall)
Beakers: 22,487 (#1 overall)
Wonders: Statue of Zeus, The Great Library, The Parthenon
dtay has taken a very aggressive tech path this game. He still is without staple technologies like Iron Working, Feudalism, and Archery -- but he has used this razor focus to nab the beaker lead with being first to Liberalism and grabbing Nationalism. It's hard to imagine that Taj and a golden age isn't in the cards for him next, but what he will do from here is a bit of a guess. He's also benefiting from mackoti being at the south end of his continent, otherwise I think Fintourist & Old Harry would be using their knights on him right now. But even with that, he's Gunpowder and a Nationalism revolt away from being able to field his own contemporary military. He also still owns SoZ and the Great Library. His problem is one of longevity. If he doesn't make a move militarily in the next 25 turns, he may start to be left behind by the larger civilizations out there. Or perhaps he can keep the tech rate going to Rifling and then start his invasion plans.
4. Fintourist & Old Harry as Montezuma of Babylon
Prev Rank: #6
Cities: 17 (#6 overall)
Citizens: 145 (#4 overall) -- estimate: 138 known pop among 15 cities
Beakers: 14,504 (#4 overall)
Wonders: none
This is a team that is rising as their tech rate picks up steam, but like dtay may also have trouble keeping up with the top tier in later rankings. They've done a fantastic job developing the land they have, and there's still a lot of jungle for them to chop out (so they still have room to grow). But with neighbors like dtay and mackoti, they are sitting between two of the top teams in the game right now. Where do they expand? It may be that they go across the ocean and take on Ichabod.
5. plako as Ragnar of Maya
Prev Rank: #4
Cities: 18 (#5 overall)
Citizens: 135 (tied for #6 overall) -- estimate: 121 known pop among 16 cities
Beakers: 14,182 (#5 overall)
Wonders: The Great Lighthouse, Mausoleum of Maussollos
Call it a gut feeling, but I don't think we'll see plako this low when the next set of rankings come out. I think he's about to do to dhalphir what we did to Nakor. The low tech amount is a little surprising, to be honest: he's playing a FIN/AGG leader and landed the Great Lighthouse but is behind non-FIN leaders when it comes to tech. To be fair, his starting area kind of sucked.
6. Ichabod & Wetbandit as Shaka of Greece
Prev Rank: #7
Cities: 21 (#3 overall)
Citizens: 148 (#3 overall)
Beakers: 10,787 (#9 overall)
Wonders: none
When I did the technology breakdown, I really was surprised to see Ichabod as low as he is. He sacrificed Code of Laws and Civil Service for a beeline to Guilds, and while that has grabbed him a lot of land he now needs to get his economy in order if he wants to stay in contention. He's on the easiest continent right now, and with the unending war between WilliamLP, Retep, and Bacchus he should be able to tech unmolested.
7. Commodore & Kurumi as Victoria of Portugal
Prev Rank: #5
Cities: 19 (#4 overall)
Citizens: 137 (#5 overall)
Beakers: 11,527 (#8 overall)
Wonders: Apostolic Palace, Hagia Sofia, The Hanging Gardens
Here's another person I was surprised about with technology. I expected Commodore to be more contemporary in Beakers with Vicky as his leader, but he's soundly middle-of-the-pack. No Guilds for knights, No optics for Carracks -- he appears to be teching towards Education right now, and likely following that up with a run to Economics to get his UB unlocked. Still, the question for Commodore is the same as it always has been: where will he expand? Try to take land from us or continue his subarctic circumnavigation by tackling one of dtay, black sword, or williamlp?
8. Bigger, Lewwyn, & Qgqqqqq as Gandhi of China
Prev Rank: #8
Cities: 15 (tied for #7 overall)
Citizens: 110 (#10 overall)
Beakers: 12,411 (#6 overall)
Wonders: The Kong Miao (Confucian Holy Shrine)
Lewwyn is just teetering on the edge of being out of the game. He needs to make a move to expand and it looks like he's finally gearing up to do just that. Whether that is coming after our newly gained cities with stacks of CKNs or exorcising pb8 demons by taking Azza out in one swift stroke, he has fallen off the pace of late.
9. The Black Sword & Jowy as Pacal of India
Prev Rank: #11
Cities: 15 (tied for #7 overall)
Citizens: 123 (#8 overall) -- estimate: 112 known pop among 13 cities
Beakers: 11,803 (#7 overall)
Wonders: The Kashi Vishwanath (Hindu Holy Shrine), The Oracle
Black Sword's hot start and then comeback is still one of the great surprises for me this game. Despite losing to dtay early on I think he's done a good job. His tech rate is amazing for what he's been through; he's the second person with Banking that I mistakenly attributed to dtay before. But what he needs to do is get a bunch of knights and hit dtay now. He won't get another window like this, and I'm afraid he's going to miss it.
10. Azza as Joao of the Dutch
Prev Rank: #9
Cities: 15 (tied for #7 overall)
Citizens: 120 (#9 overall) -- estimate: 112 known pop among 13 cities
Beakers: 8,951 (#10 overall)
Wonders: None
A little surprised at how much Azza has fallen in the tech rankings. It's a lot like watching my OSU football (american) team play the second half of it's season this year. Anybody who is without Code of Laws at this point in the game is pretty much out of it at this point of things (exception: Ichabod).
11. WilliamLP as Isabella of Inca
Prev Rank: #10
Cities: 13 (tied for #11 overall)
Citizens: 93 (#12 overall)
Beakers: 7,584 (#11 overall)
Wonders: The Temple of Artemis
His dotmap makes my eyes bleed. So many good tiles wasted. And having that many rivers yet being in the bottom half of the tech tree is such a shame. I hope he can get the moral victory and finish off retep before Ichabod decides to expand north. Or before we decide to expand east...
12. Dhalphir as Mansa Musa of America (previously Serdoa)
Prev Rank: #12
Cities: 13 (tied for #11 overall)
Citizens: 95 (#11 overall) -- estimate: 82 known pop among 11 cities
Beakers: 7,309 (#12 overall)
Wonders: Stonehenge
I fear you're going to be the next civ eliminated, dhalphir. Well, after slowcheetah that is. You might want to tech Feudalism or HBR soon.
13. Bacchus as Suryavarman of Carthage
Prev Rank: #14
Cities: 10 (#13 overall)
Citizens: 80 (#13 overall) -- estimate: 69 known pop among 8 cities
Beakers: 6,458 (#13 overall)
Wonders: None
Who will come out on top in the great Bacchus - Retep - WilliamLP wars?
14. suttree as Huayna Capac of Spain
Prev Rank: #15
Cities: 7 (#14 overall)
Citizens: 47 (#14 overall) -- estimate: 41 known pop among 6 cities
Beakers: 3,208 (#15 overall)
Wonders: None
Runner up in the Next-To-Be-Eaten category. When mackoti does decide to expand again, i think it's pretty clear it will be through suttree.
15. retep as Sitting Bull of Khmer
Prev Rank: #17
Cities: 4 (#15 overall)
Citizens: 17 (#15 overall)
Beakers: 1,571 (#16 overall)
Wonders: None
How is this guy still alive? His only Classical Era tech is HBR. He hasn't teched Sailing yet. He hasn't teched Mysticism yet! If you average his total beakers over 151 turns, he's teching about 11bpt for the game. And yet he's still alive... Amazing.
16. Slowcheetah as Ramesses of Mongolia
Prev Rank: #16
Cities: 1 (#16 overall)
Citizens: 1 (#16 overall)
Beakers: 3,030 (#14 overall)
Wonders: None
Ichabod needs to finish the job and release him from his misery.
17. Nakor & CFC Jester as Wang Kon of Rome
Prev Rank: #13
Eliminated turn 149
18. mostly_harmless as Qin Shi Huang of Sumeria
Prev Rank: #10
Eliminated turn 129
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player
Dodo Tier Player