
I took a look at this filler spot again, and decided that I should go for it. I had totally forgot that there was a crab there that had previously been occupied by Bacchus' capital's culture. With that gone, this spot is actually excellent, with 2 food sources (including the now-useless pig) and 9 other workable tiles, including 2 land spots across the straight that I can put workshops down on. With a granary and lighthouse, this spot will be excellent.
I head out to lay seige to Pasargadae next turn; my advancing stack will have 11 knights, 8 cats, 2 pikes, and 2 swords, with 4 additional knights able to hit by the time the city's walls are knocked down. Should be enough, I think.

I took a look at this filler spot again, and decided that I should go for it. I had totally forgot that there was a crab there that had previously been occupied by Bacchus' capital's culture. With that gone, this spot is actually excellent, with 2 food sources (including the now-useless pig) and 9 other workable tiles, including 2 land spots across the straight that I can put workshops down on. With a granary and lighthouse, this spot will be excellent.
I head out to lay seige to Pasargadae next turn; my advancing stack will have 11 knights, 8 cats, 2 pikes, and 2 swords, with 4 additional knights able to hit by the time the city's walls are knocked down. Should be enough, I think.