(April 6th, 2015, 22:27)Ichabod Wrote: I bought the game and I'm on the process of downloading it (at 60kbps tops as my internet goes, it'll take a little more than two days). After that, I can start sharing Gustaran's pain.
Stop your download while you still can - this game just causes too much suffering!

I rerolled a Knight and started at Heide's Tower to get the damn Ring of Binding. To put it midly: It's a disaster.

I am having epic battles with enemy knight #2 (I started calling him Mr. Mace, because I know him so well by now). I just love it when I'm standing "safely" behind him and he spins around on the spot and does a 180 degree sweep.

Ah well, not that these are not great fights, it's just when you have to work hard to beat trash mob #2 in the game it might be the wrong game. The only good thing is that enemies stop respawning after you have killed them 15 times so eventually I'm going to get my hands on that item: "Dark Souls 2 - Gustaran's quest for the Ring of Binding".

(Disclaimer: Do not let these reports discourage you from purchasing SOTFS. Then again, I did watch a streamer who had done 3-hour "speed" runs of Vanilla DS2 previously and he was annihilated after beating the first boss in Heide's tower when all those Heide Knight's got up and started patrolling the area...)