(October 30th, 2015, 07:48)Question Wrote: -I tried typing "8, 14" into the parameter field of the spell data table (to give wall of stone the nature eye functionality) but when i finish typing it, the field instantly clears itself? Right clicking also does not give me the usual pop up menu with some of the other spells that let you specify the parameter.
For that to work you also need to change the effect coding and the AI coding, otherwise it will not work properly, some effects will switch others not. In general it's not safe to move spells around unless you know how the code works.
Quote:-I'm guessing the desirability field is for how much the AI wants to trade for a particular spell? Some weird values here...some common spells are worth as much as very rare spells. Is it possible to change the AI's desire to cast a particular spell though?The AI adds weights for rarity, this is a modifier added after that.
Quote:-What do i do if i want to disable a spell entirely? (Prevent it from being researched, obtained, etc)There is no way to do that. You can overwrite it with an entirely new spell, though. However if it's something the AI uses, that can crash the game if the new spell is a different type.
Quote:For the diplomacy function, how do you change the relations with other wizards? Everytime i change the number under "Current wizard relations" for your wizard, it immediately resets back to the original value.You also need to change it for the other wizard's relation with you, the two values are synchronized every turn.