Choose Your Own Adventure: The Abominable Snowman Alternate Endings Part 20
Ignoring Carlos and meeting with Runal in CHOICE #1 opens new possibilities, some of which do not involve Yeti. Along the way, I see pine trees with what seem to be a kind of dark fruit. But these are really bats! No harm comes of this, just an illustration.
Runal tries to warn me away from visiting the Yeti in this timeline, because another expedition was trying to poach them with guns and traps. My readers who are inclined to do so may take a drink in honor of the CYOA cliche. Whenever you need generic human villains for your gamebook, throw in some poachers!
Runal offers CHOICE #22: continue the Yeti expedition even though they may be angry at humans, or go to the Terai jungle and take pictures of tigers instead for some reason.
Listening to Runal is a terrible idea, as you'll see shortly. We leave a note for Carlos and go into the Terai riding on the back of an elephant. The narration says the heat is "almost unbearable". Near a stream, we see footprints and spent cartridges, which can mean only one thing: poachers. To stop them, Runal thinks we should split up, but the other CHOICE #23 option is to stick together.
Splitting up is generally a bad idea in fiction, so let's work as a team.
"You and your guide head downstream. You find the poachers. Killing tigers and elephants for their skins and tusks is a serious crime in Nepal. They don't believe in leaving evidence for their activities. You try running away into the forest, but the poachers are quick. They don't leave any witnesses. The End".
These poachers are much more competent than their You Say Which Way ilk. They can actually kill the player character!
Results So Far
13 Good Endings
3 Deaths
2 Bad Non-Death Endings
2 Neutral Endings
1 Inconclusive Endings
Ignoring Carlos and meeting with Runal in CHOICE #1 opens new possibilities, some of which do not involve Yeti. Along the way, I see pine trees with what seem to be a kind of dark fruit. But these are really bats! No harm comes of this, just an illustration.
Runal tries to warn me away from visiting the Yeti in this timeline, because another expedition was trying to poach them with guns and traps. My readers who are inclined to do so may take a drink in honor of the CYOA cliche. Whenever you need generic human villains for your gamebook, throw in some poachers!
Runal offers CHOICE #22: continue the Yeti expedition even though they may be angry at humans, or go to the Terai jungle and take pictures of tigers instead for some reason.
Listening to Runal is a terrible idea, as you'll see shortly. We leave a note for Carlos and go into the Terai riding on the back of an elephant. The narration says the heat is "almost unbearable". Near a stream, we see footprints and spent cartridges, which can mean only one thing: poachers. To stop them, Runal thinks we should split up, but the other CHOICE #23 option is to stick together.
Splitting up is generally a bad idea in fiction, so let's work as a team.
"You and your guide head downstream. You find the poachers. Killing tigers and elephants for their skins and tusks is a serious crime in Nepal. They don't believe in leaving evidence for their activities. You try running away into the forest, but the poachers are quick. They don't leave any witnesses. The End".
These poachers are much more competent than their You Say Which Way ilk. They can actually kill the player character!
Results So Far
13 Good Endings
3 Deaths
2 Bad Non-Death Endings
2 Neutral Endings
1 Inconclusive Endings
"I wonder what that even looks like, a robot body with six or seven CatClaw daggers sticking out of it and nothing else, and zooming around at crazy agility speed."
T-Hawk, on my Final Fantasy Legend 2 All Robot Challenge.
T-Hawk, on my Final Fantasy Legend 2 All Robot Challenge.