Choose Your Own Adventure: Space and Beyond Alternate Endings Part 1
Trying to use the repulsion shield against the CHOICE #3 black hole doesn't work, but the results are more pleasant than the 1 sentence CANONICAL ENDING.
"Don't give up! Try everything we can. Quick! Put up the energy repulsion shields.' It's Mermah talking. He is two years older and has traveled widely in space. 'What do you think will happen to us, Mermah?' 'One never knows', he replies.
With a shudder, the pod is suddenly grasped by the gravitational field, and you find yourself hurtling into a tunnel-like void. A black hole might seem black to the observer from outside because no light can possibly escape its gravitational field, but all the light and the energy is contained within this space. The tunnel is brilliantly lit, but, strangely, the intense light does not hurt your eyes.
Suddenly you are in a giant room. No, it is not a room; it's actually the interior of the black hole. It's a gigantic prism, thousands of miles across: a world unto itself. You are no longer frightened, and you and Mermah leave your space pod to begin a life in a new world.
The new world is peaceful, and the people are friendly and eager to welcome you and Mermah. No one is in a hurry, and work is pleasant. There is food and housing for all. It's a good world. The End".
Maybe the reason people never hear from black hole travelers is that they enjoy living there too much? No, that wouldn't explain the 1 sentence ending from before from the same black hole. At least say the player lands in a different black hole, author!
Also, is Mermah age 2 or 20? He's "two years older", but given the time warp my lifespan has been, I'm not so sure.
Results So Far
1 Good Endings
1 Deaths
0 Bad Non-Death Endings
0 Neutral Endings
0 Inconclusive Endings
0 Wait, This Isn't An Ending!
Trying to use the repulsion shield against the CHOICE #3 black hole doesn't work, but the results are more pleasant than the 1 sentence CANONICAL ENDING.
"Don't give up! Try everything we can. Quick! Put up the energy repulsion shields.' It's Mermah talking. He is two years older and has traveled widely in space. 'What do you think will happen to us, Mermah?' 'One never knows', he replies.
With a shudder, the pod is suddenly grasped by the gravitational field, and you find yourself hurtling into a tunnel-like void. A black hole might seem black to the observer from outside because no light can possibly escape its gravitational field, but all the light and the energy is contained within this space. The tunnel is brilliantly lit, but, strangely, the intense light does not hurt your eyes.
Suddenly you are in a giant room. No, it is not a room; it's actually the interior of the black hole. It's a gigantic prism, thousands of miles across: a world unto itself. You are no longer frightened, and you and Mermah leave your space pod to begin a life in a new world.
The new world is peaceful, and the people are friendly and eager to welcome you and Mermah. No one is in a hurry, and work is pleasant. There is food and housing for all. It's a good world. The End".
Maybe the reason people never hear from black hole travelers is that they enjoy living there too much? No, that wouldn't explain the 1 sentence ending from before from the same black hole. At least say the player lands in a different black hole, author!
Also, is Mermah age 2 or 20? He's "two years older", but given the time warp my lifespan has been, I'm not so sure.
Results So Far
1 Good Endings
1 Deaths
0 Bad Non-Death Endings
0 Neutral Endings
0 Inconclusive Endings
0 Wait, This Isn't An Ending!
"I wonder what that even looks like, a robot body with six or seven CatClaw daggers sticking out of it and nothing else, and zooming around at crazy agility speed."
T-Hawk, on my Final Fantasy Legend 2 All Robot Challenge.
T-Hawk, on my Final Fantasy Legend 2 All Robot Challenge.