Okay, sorry for taking longer than I hoped! I fortunately got some good feedback from Q today, and I'll take the blame for any issues that are left - I'll post the starts and civ + leader choices shortly!
Some notes on the map:
1) It is bigger than the last map (as requested). There will consequently be more barbs present! Though the barb "animals" (including such well-known "animals" as Griffons and Hill Giants) won't enter your civ's borders, barbs spawned from lairs will even before regular orcs start showing up on the board. Last game, Q was dealing with a Skeleton before T10, and those are a picnic compared to Lizardmen: Two-movers that can snipe your Workers from the fog and attack your cities with very little warning! FfH barbs do not respect turn number limits or the number of cities in the world as BtS barbarians do, so be warned!
2) The map size and difficulty are the same as last game: Standard size, Emperor difficulty. I did consider this comment from last game...
...but in light of the fact that (nearly) everyone (including Mackoti) later said that map was small for a 5-player FfH game, and since a "standard" map is normally meant to fit 7 players and the map script I used to generate a base for my edits called this map size "Standard" too, I decided to stick with it. (Besides, if someone draws the Kurios and thinks they're too weak with "just" three super-cities, they can always pick a different civ, while if the Kurios would have been too strong with four super-cities on a map this size, it would be much more unbalancing - to say nothing of the other map-size effects on game mechanics.) I still appreciate the reminder to think about this stuff though, even a full game later!
Non-spoilery spoiler for details of procedure for those who didn't follow (or don't remember the start of) the last game:
Also note the map isn't actually finished yet; I'm hoping to get some more balancing work in and get some feedback from other lurkers - but I'm still hoping to have it ready by the time you've all made your picks, worked out preferred playing windows, and are ready to start the game! Emphasis on "hoping," but I'll try!
Right; I'll go roll some dice for who gets which start and which set of civs and leaders now; I hope you all have fun with the game!
Some notes on the map:
1) It is bigger than the last map (as requested). There will consequently be more barbs present! Though the barb "animals" (including such well-known "animals" as Griffons and Hill Giants) won't enter your civ's borders, barbs spawned from lairs will even before regular orcs start showing up on the board. Last game, Q was dealing with a Skeleton before T10, and those are a picnic compared to Lizardmen: Two-movers that can snipe your Workers from the fog and attack your cities with very little warning! FfH barbs do not respect turn number limits or the number of cities in the world as BtS barbarians do, so be warned!
2) The map size and difficulty are the same as last game: Standard size, Emperor difficulty. I did consider this comment from last game...
(November 11th, 2023, 11:29)mackoti Wrote: Considering map looks prety large, and there is Kurio in maybe chanching to large so there to be 4 megacities?
...but in light of the fact that (nearly) everyone (including Mackoti) later said that map was small for a 5-player FfH game, and since a "standard" map is normally meant to fit 7 players and the map script I used to generate a base for my edits called this map size "Standard" too, I decided to stick with it. (Besides, if someone draws the Kurios and thinks they're too weak with "just" three super-cities, they can always pick a different civ, while if the Kurios would have been too strong with four super-cities on a map this size, it would be much more unbalancing - to say nothing of the other map-size effects on game mechanics.) I still appreciate the reminder to think about this stuff though, even a full game later!
Non-spoilery spoiler for details of procedure for those who didn't follow (or don't remember the start of) the last game:
Also note the map isn't actually finished yet; I'm hoping to get some more balancing work in and get some feedback from other lurkers - but I'm still hoping to have it ready by the time you've all made your picks, worked out preferred playing windows, and are ready to start the game! Emphasis on "hoping," but I'll try!
Right; I'll go roll some dice for who gets which start and which set of civs and leaders now; I hope you all have fun with the game!