Jtm Wrote:Very interesting never noticed this before and it really does occur. Good finding! I investigated this for a while and noticed COMBAT.TMP is being created in Master of Magic folder when entering battle. The file at least contains full city data (20% of total file size). It is as if the game needs memory space for combat and decides to put city data (and something else) into temporary file. In file, city data starts at offset of 0x20 and contains all cities with size of 0x2C88. At first glance first 0x20 bytes and bytes after cities are unknown. Going to investigate it further.
Good call!
I totally missed that.
I've especially been wondering about swapping code and data in and out, because obviously it impedes the possibilities of changing numbers in memory.
Apparently most of the MoM code is overlay-code, meaning it is usually NOT in memory, but loaded from wizards.exe when needed....
--I like ILSe