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We just want our throne back Wesnoth SG 2

Well, when it's just a question of racing to the villages, the turnset went pretty fast smile.

Turn 1:
Recruited mostly fast units, with a pair of experienced shamans. It turns out that recalling horsemen is actually cheaper than recruiting them, so try not to let them die. Then I claimed the closest villages.
[Image: Wesnoth%203-1.jpg]

Turn 2:
We find our loyal mage hiding in a village, but now that we're here, he wants to fight. Our troops scatter to the four winds, always on the lookout for more gold.
[Image: Wesnoth%203-2.jpg]

Turn 3:
And, we have contact already. We should pull the scouts back to the pair of orcish villages to the northeast next turn, meet up with the shamans and at least delay the wolves. We finally have enough income to start recruiting, as well. What you see is most of the enemy army; fortunately he spent a lot of gold on wolves, which should die fast to any non-scouts. Our scouts can take a little harassment, but should rely on their ability to run faster than they can be chased until we get some reinforcements this way.
[Image: Wesnoth%203-3.jpg]

To the northwest, crossing the river was a real delay, but a treasure trove of villages awaits.
[Image: Wesnoth%203-3c.jpg]

I would aim to grab most or all of these in the next couple turns, then establish a battle line heading down the coast. Fortunately, most of the orcs are chasing the elvish scouts, only a couple coming this way, so gaining most of the villages to the west should be quite doable. And, well, with Delfador, our new mage, and 4 horsemen, you ought to be able to handle 1 grunt, 2 orcish archers, and a troll quite handily, especially since they're strung out.

And, here's the income situation:
[Image: Wesnoth%203-3b.jpg]

We've clearly got a lot more village claiming to do! 6 more villages should put us at parity, and anything extra you can claim will start pushing us ahead.

I think we can hold in the east for now, which will get a lot easier once we start recruiting, and push aggressively in the west.

Antisocialmunky, I guess you're up!

The Save
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


looks good just 3 points I wanted to say.

Why is our nearly leveled horse guy running north away from the combat

The two shamans and two scouts is a very weak force. When the wolves were recruited you should have either held back longer so they would go into the teeth of our army or increased the units on that side.

Konrad should also get involved (for xp) so many recruit this turn and send him to the shamans to help?

Feal free to ignore its not like I am perfect just wanted to give some suggestions

Looks like a pretty decent village grab, Mardoc! thumbsup

If possible, get our most experienced units into the fight rather than claiming villages. But we do want those villages as quickly as we can get them to tilt the income balance in our favor, so use whatever we have in the right places to grab the villages. There will be plenty of time to fight later.

On Konrad, I am a little mixed. We do want him to gain some experience, but really his main role is to sit in the keep and recruit. Keeping him safe and in position to recruit is much more important than XP, at least in my view. And I would be reluctant to send him out against wolves where he might get swarmed -- Konrad is not very fast, and right now has no ranged attack so he can not get risk-free combat XP. It might be better to wait a while and then move him out with a group of units, and try to steal a kill or two.

We do need to watch out in the east, or those wolves may run all the way up to our keep. There is a nice line of forest south of the keep, though, and we can make a stand there with some fresh recruits.

In the east, the wolves will take at least two turns to make it to the forest south of the keep; we ought to be able to reinforce with at least three decent fighting units before the battle really begins; I suggest archers. The scouts were there just to gain a bit of extra income and slow the wolves down. This is why I wouldn't fight with Konrad yet, we're just now getting enough income to recruit, and we'll need to keep recruiting. The scouts literally can run faster than they can be chased, so they're in no danger.

In the west - I think you underestimate the size of this map. Nothing will get into combat for at least 2 turns, even if we pushed south as fast as we can go. I figured income was more important, both gaining it for us and subtracting it from the orcs.

But really, I'm not afraid of the orcish army as it is now. I'm afraid of what it can be if we don't keep grabbing villages.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker



Are you available for the next turnset? Or should we skip you this time around?

Skip, I'll play Sunday.
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

antisocialmunky Wrote:Skip, I'll play Sunday.

I can't play till monday so somone one can take the turn before me

Well, I'm not playing two in a row - it's you, Haphazard, or nobody smile. If you get a turnset in today, I could possibly get another done after that to set ASM up for Sunday play.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


I just played the one before this, so I did not expect it to get around to me so soon. lol But OK, I can play a turnset and send it along to Mardoc.

OK, need to:

- Grab more villages
- Get some actual force on the east side, and pull back the scouts
- Form a front on the west side and start pushing south, preferably with our highest XP units involved to get them promoted

Any suggestions for the mix of units to recruit? Mostly more elves, I guess, although maybe a mage or two to start building some XP for them. We would like a white mage or two (maybe our new loyal mage can be one) and then some red mages for offensive power.

Played three turns, made some progress.

Turn 4

- Recruit elf archer for the east. Ranged attack seemed best as we are facing wolves here, plus it diversifies our forces a bit.
- In the east move shamans and scouts to claim the two eastern-most villages and use the patch of forest for defense.
- In the west claim 4 more villages.
- IBT we get the first attacks by wolves and grunts. No serious damage done. Wolves reclaim one village from us.

Turn 5

- In the west 3 horsemen charge the grunt, finally killing it. But the poor luck means the kill went to the no-XP horseman. frown
- In the east minor skirmishing, no significant damage done. Shaman are not powerful offensive units.
- Grab one more village in west.
- Recruit another archer.
- IBT a horseman in the west is badly wounded. frown One of our scouts in the east takes serious damage as well. Another village gets retaken. frown

Turn 6

- Our top horseman attacks for the last XP and promotes to knight. smile I chose this over lancer as he will have 8 more HP and the option of a sword attack, avoiding charges doubling enemy damage.
- Additional attacks in the west kill an orc archer and a troll whelp.
- Retreat the badly wounded horseman and claim a village with him for healing. Other units claim 2 more villages, and we now control everything north of the battle front.
- Kill 2 wolves in the east, with a shaman getting one of the kills. smile The other shaman is now 1 XP away from promotion. smile
- Recruit another archer and an elf fighter.
- IBT nothing major happens, minor fighting.

Here is the current situation in the west:

[Image: T07west.jpg]

We need some more units over here, as the orcs are sending all their new recruits to this side. The mage and a horseman who have been claiming villages will arrive to help in a turn or two, but you may want to send our new recruits this way as well. And maybe recruit another shaman and send it here for some mobile healing. Although there are plenty of villages to use, that is not always possible due to enemy ZOC.

And in the east:

[Image: T07east.jpg]

Note the wounded wolf that pulled back to the village -- make sure to kill him before he can heal. Also, the top shaman only needs 1 XP to promote -- use him to attack a wolf and get us our first druid. smile Otherwise there are no enemy units nearby, and we can start claiming more villages and advancing south.

We have more units than the orc leader, and now more income. So really we are in a very strong position to push ahead and finish off this scenario. There is an early finish bonus, or we can try to control all the villages and pile up the income as 40% will carry over. I am not sure which would turn out the best.

Keep working our high-XP units to get them promotions, we should be able to get at least a couple more units to the next level. smile Just keep pushing south and grabbing villages.

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