As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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[SPOILERS] Louis of Aztecs - One of those industrious

Pillaged pigs. I would have done better trying to isolate the pig city, but this will have to do. There starts to be significant stack of Archers soon so I need to consider carefully, if I want to land on flat land or not.

Off-shore city planted also. Awesome city that was highly profitable to plant because of giving +2 trade routes to all of my cities.

I'm not only one having significant army. Based on civstats Lewwyn has razed 2 cities from Azza.

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Took peace for world map. This will probably bite me later, but whatever

Merohoc was royally screwed. Their capital and regions around are very good, but no metal and they share luxury problems with me. Only Iron of this continent seems to be far north.

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I'll probably settle the same spot as Merohoc next turn. At least I've a settler ready for that purpose. Without horses or metal they're not gonna capture that city. Of course they might find someone to trade it, but blocking their way to east is still good idea and later capturing/razing that city won't really matter much. Other cities will culturally dominate the area and the city itself is pretty useless.

Dispanded couple of warriors to save few coins. I still have very high power compared to most. There has been big fights elsewhere top rival has been changing all the time.

My happy cap is terrible. I've plenty of map revelaed and see 0 pre-calendar happiness resources frown. I probably should have gone for Monarchy before Calendar, but too late to change it now.

Popped a hut in the island it gave 30 gold.

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Settled the city.

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This probably menas Merohoc hates me for the rest of the game (assuming they didn't already wink). However unless they get metal/horses somewhere they can't do much.

I seem to have plenty of land everywhere. New islands found south from the bigger island. The question is how to settle it fast and without going bankrupt. First mission is to build large army of workers. Currency is also high in priority order.
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All looking real good Plako! Boy am I glad you got eliminated early in PB5 goodjob

New contact - Slowcheetah. Lot less scary Sury. They stole my hut rant. Well I should have brought scout with the galley as they wisely did.

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Vermins ate my food. I didn't want to pay money for it.

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That sucks. I love events in single player... Not against humans.

Keep up the great reporting!

Thank you Ceiliazul. I'm just taking the screenshots and this time you aren't gonna get even them.

I've continued to move Galley towards south and this turn I found SlowCheetach's borders there. His galley didn't continue towards north and is now following me.

In the north I'm chopping forests bordering Merohoc and then farm/cottage riverside tiles. General idea is to just to slow build settlers and workers as long as I can't grow my cities past size 4. I'm also considering if building a stack of Axes+Jaguars and making Merohoc's life miserable would make sense.

Few shots from the ongoing turn. Enforced peace with Merohoc is now over.

Broken record on. Can't really whip with this happy cap so main focus will be on workers and settlers for now.

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