Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[Spoilers!]---Superdeath hopes for a better Pitboss.

(June 25th, 2018, 11:50)Hollybombay Wrote: Im going to guess something wacky, like attacking pro-skirm's.

Im not that suicidal yet.
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. [Image: noidea.gif] In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.

Turn 105- Hanging gardens 2/5th way done. 2.5 chops coming in the next 2-3 turns. 5 cities to settle turn b4 i ( hopefully ) land it.

General overview of every city below. Project-Growth is in session atm. Got silver being hooked up, ill have furs online about the same time i could land Hanging Gardens, and iron working finishing roughly the same time for gems a little bit after. Tech set to Archery-HBR after iron-working. Although i might switch to something more economic, like calendar before going the HBR route. Depends on how anyone reacts to the HG play.

As promised, Cities and other fun stuff!

First, Demos-

[img][Image: 3fYkS6m.png][/img]

Sneaky border with WLP-

[img][Image: RT0DtSC.png][/img]

My 5 city plants, are marked with PlantCity-

[img][Image: VpQlWtX.png][/img]

Cities, Spoilered because no one wants to see them-

Bernie Mac
 [img][Image: G5wu955.png][/img]

Steve Carell
 [img][Image: VGG2Roi.png][/img]  

Chris Rock
 [img][Image: KrUllYj.png][/img]

Ron White
[img][Image: swTKc7s.png][/img] 

Greg Giraldo
[img][Image: nllXWTP.png][/img] 

Colin Mochrie
 [img][Image: BzFRO7d.png][/img]

Louis CK
 [img][Image: z4MsHiG.png][/img]

Robin Williams
 [img][Image: iCcW0bz.png][/img]

Bill Burr
 [img][Image: JzbHvmu.png][/img]

Doug Stanhope
 [img][Image: B15zqJx.png][/img]

George Carlin
 [img][Image: PMgfutV.png][/img]

Drew Carey - ( new city )
 [img][Image: JeYPMwj.png][/img]

Any questions?
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. [Image: noidea.gif] In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.

Fear not! for i will be updating soon. +1 for post count war.
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. [Image: noidea.gif] In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.

Turn 106- 6-8 turns left on Hanging Gardens.

Its been a long road, but with careful planning, hard work, and lots of worker turns, i hope for it to pay off. Building TGWall for fail-gold, i really dont want to complete, but it wouldnt be the worst thing in the world to have some extra culture to push that border.. Speaking of border, WLP when you do eventually read this, why are you antagonizing me with building what seems to be useless roads?? The only thing i can think of when i see these roads is I AM PLANNING TO ATTACK YOU.

[img][Image: y9o3utg.png][/img]

Current city count is


I feel for you Charriu. i really do. Just fight like hell so they dont get EZ cities please. .. PLEASE WHIP MORE. Be prickly!


[img][Image: PrBI8Ls.png][/img]

[img][Image: k0MmZqW.png][/img]

[img][Image: za80Zvf.png][/img]

Just a little bit longer on the farmers gambit... Please. Then you lurkers can have your blood. alright
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. [Image: noidea.gif] In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.

turn 107- Go big, OR GO HOME!

7 turns or less due to a 15hammer chop coming in in 1-2 turns. i decided to whip another settler out. so 6 cities settled the turn before HG completes. Might not be worth it, to wait, instead of just planting as you go, but /shrug. i have iron working end of next turn, i have whales for happy next turn along with silver, and furs not long after. With gems hooked up after that.. SOOO ill be set to either grow tall or whip out an army. It all depends on what my research looks like after planting 6 more cities + a pop growth everywhere.

I would firmly put myself not in the JR4/ipecac/WLP pack, but i think im firmly in the Dark Savant/WetBandit pack. With Yuri-Charriu on the low-end of the scale. Could i have done better? Hell yes. I could have landed the Oracle for currency 7 turns before i teched it, had i not screwed up on worker micro. I could have spammed war chariots by now, and likely have ran over Yuri. But we shall see if we cant do something like that anyway here soonish.

[img][Image: RY26Ij3.png][/img]

[img][Image: IcR6aNe.png][/img]

[img][Image: jphNGEv.png][/img]

[img][Image: xFHP1VI.png][/img]
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. [Image: noidea.gif] In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.

Turn 108- If my math isnt complete garbage.. 4 turns till THGardens is complete.

Wonder how people might react to 6 city plants.. will they think i was being stupid for holding off on planting? Will they try and punish me for it? Will i realize THGardens isnt as strong a wonder as i would like it to be? Find out next time on PB39!

Not much change other than moving workers around.. 4 settlers are already in place to settle, 2 are still on the way. IF i were to lose the ...race? for Hanging gardens, i will spend the fail gold on burning thru to HBR and stomp someone in anger.

[img][Image: 4NQAcdm.png][/img]

[img][Image: bbMh412.png][/img]

[img][Image: 84afeKq.png][/img]


[img][Image: XIWes71.png][/img] [img][Image: pYi4LjZ.png][/img] [img][Image: 0KsWuVF.png][/img] [img][Image: bEbgse3.png][/img] 

Questions? Concerns? Do we still have lurkers lurking?
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. [Image: noidea.gif] In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.

read Lurkin'. But we follow a code of silence, you know.

But I and am sure all of the silent majority are very grateful for your reporting. smile
There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.

(June 29th, 2018, 15:48)naufragar Wrote: read Lurkin'. But we follow a code of silence, you know.

But I and am sure all of the silent majority are very grateful for your reporting. smile

See, i was wondering if all my thread views were just from spam bots.. tongue
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. [Image: noidea.gif] In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.

Turn 109- Missed it by THAT MUCH.

Well... after the chop came thru, i missed the calculations by 2 hammers. so still another 4 turns away. GDI.

After looking up what JR4's north island city could see, i realized he's prolly seen my settler sitting there for awhile, so to keep up appearences.. i settled after the chop went thru. Also settled my 2nd city on the southern island to speed up culture there for my pre-made workboats to get to work. ipecac is at 16 cities, and judging from the whipping on civstats. im going to assume Charriu is either going to die shortly. OR its a massive coldwar buildup?

I will come back and name the new cities soonish.

[img][Image: SrhRI59.png][/img]

[img][Image: jNNOQIu.png][/img]

[img][Image: hHGjOPL.png][/img]
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. [Image: noidea.gif] In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.

Turn 111-

Logged in to find that i could whip the hanging gardens out a turn earlier :D! As such i couldnt hide 2 city plants each turn, so i had to do all 4 this turn.. that ought to raise some eyebrows.. i also completed archery last turn, so i ran every city 1 turn of an archer for ez defense. ( i plan on whipping a good 5-6 cities for border defense. ) My eco is currently -2 gold at 0% science, but with furs completing next turn and a pop point increase.. i should be set to grow and get back to 30-40% soonish. .. Just in time to hit someone with some horse archers. Someone that may be lagging, or busy in a war. We shall find out tongue

[img][Image: nvRgpUe.png][/img]

[img][Image: g06h0ld.png][/img]


[img][Image: IUnuMZE.png][/img] [img][Image: 0NKM9Zy.png][/img] [img][Image: owQm2m8.png][/img] [img][Image: 03ZSSLD.png][/img] 

whip whip whip whip
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. [Image: noidea.gif] In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.

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