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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Suggestion: Something that noobs can win too lol

Jowy Wrote:First game playing Cho Gath XD

That looks like utter chaos.

The second Deathcap looks like an expensive way to collect 155 Ability Power. What would people suggest as an alternative? It doesn't look like there's a better AP/slot item available, but Rylai's, Hourglass, or maybe some defense (Banshee's Veil or Guardian Angel)?

Jow Wrote:Suggestion: Something that noobs can win too

Well, I can make sure that you are not at a disadvantage in terms of champion choice or runes, but there is probably no way that somebody with 20 games has the same skill level as someone with 400 games, so you will just need to keep playing to improve. I recommend Sullla's LoL night on Tuesdays where he plays games with Youtube viewers and less experienced players.

VoiceOfUnreason Wrote:That looks like utter chaos.

The second Deathcap looks like an expensive way to collect 155 Ability Power. What would people suggest as an alternative? It doesn't look like there's a better AP/slot item available, but Rylai's, Hourglass, or maybe some defense (Banshee's Veil or Guardian Angel)?

I would go for something like a GA, useful item since Cho keeps his health stacks if he survives. I am not a Cho player but I believe the boots of mobility on him are not the best choice. IMHO Sorcs or Mercs are probably better...


The other team is basically just magic damage so I would have gone probably force of nature, which would have been awesome with the synergy with cho's high hp.

Tyrmith Wrote:The other team is basically just magic damage so I would have gone probably force of nature, which would have been awesome with the synergy with cho's high hp.

Ah yes, that's right. Didn't think anyone would not go AD on Kog'Maw (Warmogs ? huh) lol


uberfish Wrote:Man this was a really fun puzzle to figure out. Thanks Gustaran for running the contest! Ok here's how I did it:

Fiddlesticks, 9/0/21 masteries. Smite and Flash (Teleport would also probably work)
MPEN reds and flat CDR blues (plus irrelevant armour and HP)
Elixir + 3 mana potions

(Blue side)

Drink the elixir.

Kill blue wolf with drain/autoattack drain, don't use smite here. Once it dies, ignore the small wolves. Drink a mana potion while running to blue golem.

Drain blue golem, Smite while draining, autoattack once and move east, drain, autoattack once and move east again to the tree wall, drain.

Ignore the blue golem's minions. Flash east over the wall and run to mid lane. Drink another mana potion. Take a level in Dark Wind.

If executed correctly (it's tricky) you should arrive at mid lane in time to get XP from 3 caster creeps in the first wave just as the next creep waves arrive.

Drain a melee creep not being attacked by allied creeps, burn down the wave with spells and autoattacks as fast as possible. As the last 1-2 creeps are dying disengage and run towards dragon to save another couple of seconds, make sure to be in XP range when allied creeps finish the enemy creeps off. This gives exactly enough XP for level 3.

Smite dragon and repeatedly drain until it dies casting 1 dark wind every 2 drains. (the 3rd mana potion is needed here)

The earlier 3:5x times happened when I had to wait for a creep or two from the 3rd wave in mid lane, the key to getting sub 3:40 was figuring out how to get all the required XP on the 2nd wave.

I tried to level 2 kill with Revive mastery (suicide and revive for +maxhp, kill purple side golem and minions, dragon) but couldn't get it to work.

OK, now I have to try something similar in a real game. Probably would get more like 5min Dragon, but that's still huge gold influx for your team.

Also, which Elixir did you use?

spellman Wrote:OK, now I have to try something similar in a real game. Probably would get more like 5min Dragon, but that's still huge gold influx for your team.

Also, which Elixir did you use?

If you try this in a real game, I suggest buying an amplifying tome instead of a blue elixir and running my jungle route instead. Amplifying tome is actually helpful later on and you don't want to take mid lane XP from the solo character there. The jungle is also safer even if it's a bit slower.

You also want to have flash up when you're doing the dragon so you can immediately flash over the wall if the enemy notices you doing this. They will kill you immediately otherwise.

However, this is not something you should be aiming for in almost all real games. Getting a 4:30 dragon is very nice, but you are taking a huge risk and sacrificing your development to try it. You will be behind if dragon kills you and WAY behind if the enemy team kills you, and you just gave them blue buff. And the minute you spend killing dragon is a minute not clearing your jungle and not ganking. In general, I say waiting until levels 5-7 and getting your teammates to help you is a much safer play.

Yeah my route is completely impractical in an actual match. The moral of this is that if there's a fiddlesticks jungling on the enemy team you should be alert for attempts to sneak an early dragon kill.

Flashing over the wall after golem and running blindly through mid lane to get a bit of XP before doing an "early dragon" doesn't exactly sound too viable in a real game...

I kid, I kid. lol

Sir Bruce Wrote:However, this is not something you should be aiming for in almost all real games. Getting a 4:30 dragon is very nice, but you are taking a huge risk and sacrificing your development to try it. You will be behind if dragon kills you and WAY behind if the enemy team kills you, and you just gave them blue buff. And the minute you spend killing dragon is a minute not clearing your jungle and not ganking. In general, I say waiting until levels 5-7 and getting your teammates to help you is a much safer play.

I think that depends, even on high elo streams sometimes dragon is not warded until ~6 minutes (though you would probably die if a roaming Alistair walks by) lol. It's probably completely safe in any kind of normal soloqueue game below 1500. And let's not forget: Getting your teammates to help very often (at low level) consists in two people bot running in the river without any kind of advantage, so even the most oblivious enemy understands that you are trying to do Dragon.
What would me prevent from doing the speed kill is that I don't think Fiddlesticks is a particularly strong champ. Simply picking him for the sake of maybe grabbing an early Dragon probably won't pay off.

Deceptus Wrote:Flashing over the wall after golem and running blindly through mid lane to get a bit of XP before doing an "early dragon" doesn't exactly sound too viable in a real game...

Like you haven't pulled off crazy stuff before :neenernee


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