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Submod "Caster of Magic for Windows: Warlord"

Warlord mod version 1.4.9 is released with these new features

Change log version 1.4.9:
- Now all engineers build twice faster, requires additional university, cost increase to 60, upkeep increase to 2
- Pioneers cost increase to 50 and require additional fighter guild to train.
- Antlions lose first strike but gain +1 defense
- Maiden Queens cost increases to 200 production and upkeep increase to 5
- Guardian Spirit loses purify
- Unicorns lose first strike but gain purify

- "Nature's Witness" loses unit stat effect (move to new spell) but cost reduce to 35 and upkeep reduce to 0
- "Survival Instinct" loses power to resistance stat effect (move to new spell)
- "Fairy Dust" now become creature-casting only
- Add new common nature spell "Survival the Fittest" which contain normal unit effect moving from "Nature's Witness" and resistance from power part from "Survival Instinct"
- Nature Common spells has some research cost readjustment
- New combat info icon for "Dance of Death"
- Sprankle from Drain power animation change to red color to match color of power icon

- Chaos node now give 10% production bonus
- All spells now have additional artwork in help scrolls

Warlord mod version 1.4.10 is released with these new features

Change log version 1.4.10:
Compatibility update:
- Compatibility update to CoM for windows version 1.4.4.
- Integrates new difficulty level, "Easy" from CoM for windows version 1.4.4.
- Integrates incompatibility of Doom damage item power and +% to-hit item power from CoM for windows version 1.4.4.
- Fractions of each production and gold in city now included in terrain and trade bonus from CoM for windows version 1.4.4.
- Include 4 new score modifiers (Corrupt Leaders, Minor Paranoia, Major Hostility, Final War) from CoM for windows version 1.4.4.

Units and hero changes:
- Any difficulty less than Advance would nolonger perform Benny Hill/Stalling fight.
- Engineers and combat engineers' roadbuilding speed are increase.
- Engineers ability "Disrupt" and Combat Engineers' "Flame Blade" charge ability could not be countered.
- Hydra, Earth Elemental, Sacred Ancient nolonger appear on rampaging monster stack.
- Lesser and Great Chaos Lord gain 5 heads with HP split between each heads but lose 2/3 melee and fire breath, and 3/4 range attack strength per figure.
- Sacred Ancient gains "Natural Force" (generates 7 powers) and could be utilized by wizard if he could pet it.
- Great Chaos/Gaia/Aether Lords gain primal force.
- All spells casted by Great Aether Lord could not be countered.
- Master Engineer hero gains long range, spell charge change from flame bladex3 to Construct Catapultx1 and ability could not be countered.
- Centurion hero "Discipline" charges ability could not be countered.
- Warmaster hero's "Bloodlust" charges ability could not be countered.
- Sagittarius hero's "Heroism" charges ability could not be countered.
- Fix Steelbreaker hero's portrait to be more clear

Spell and Ability change:
- Dispeling Wave's research cost change from 1920 to 1800 RP.
- Phantom Beast's research cost change from 2140 to 1920 RP.
- Magocracy's research cost change from 1600 to 2140 RP.
- Construct Catapult coming back as arcane hero ability (wizard and caster creature could not cast unless it is arcane creature which currently has no caster) for Master Engineer hero.

Other balance change:
- Roadbuilding time increase across the board so now it need a lot of time for pioneers to build proper road compare to engineers and combat engineers.

Enjoying it quite a bit, although there's a couple of quality of life features that I would like to request and I think would be possible under the current remake.

1 - Allow to switch to City or Army selection when casting a buff. As I current have to do, I gotta pan around the map or mini map until I find the suitable target, and trying any hotkey I know risks bringing up one of said screens, AFTER cancelling the casting.

2 - Put a outline around the Surveyor cursor showing the radius in which you wouldn't be able to build another city from the spot you are hovering. That would make city placement planning SO much easier. In the same line, although probably more complex to implement, the surveyor is not showing how sharing a city's resource modify the final stats of a spot (it shows the values as if there was no city sharing any squares at all).

On specifically Warlord content, I noticed that the AI is a bit less prone to spamming Corruption, which is nice, makes cleaners not necessarily urgent but unlike Everything Nice doesn't overwhelmingly support races without cleaners.

Finally, coming from a mostly inexperienced player with questionable strategic choices, I am feeling like the early summons might have become a bit too wimpy. I currently can't fathom taking but the wimpiest node possible without a retinue of pre buffed normal units, with Heroism having an overwhelming value over other buffs (sure, it is less important if your units have Barracks and all, but if you are going life you are probably planning for an Altar of War anyway, so the economic value just increases, PLUS making your economic heroes more useful). Stat by stat, the early summons are still stronger or with more versatility over comparable low tier normal units (Hell Hounds are comparable to cavalry, but can attack fliers, Bears got the best defensive value and hit hard, Nagas are a cavalry with lower mobility but better defensive and offensive stats and a much harder hitting first strike, etc), however, higher tier normal units properly buffed will outmatch them (specially with heroism), and will come much more sooner and reliably (lest you picked a guaranteed Uncommon summon) than the fantastics that stand good odds at taking a node.

Trying to condense this thought into something useful... strategies relying your entirely military on magic (by summons and combat spells) while leaving your cities only to boost your economy seem to have taken a bit of a too strong blow. But, I am unexperienced, so I recommend discussing this with a seasoned player for more accurate feedback.

So I have been trying, fairly hard, to make a C6S4 Sage Master Tactician Orc mage work. The goal is to have the vital Sorcery spells (Floating Island, Magic Resistance, and Guardian Wind) for utility, on Chaos rely mostly on Hell Hounds (for minium early lair work and support garrisons) and Flame Blade (hopefully on bowmen) until I can get some Uncommon summon (in this case, I pick Fire Giants, for strong ranged damage chassis).

Of my most promising attempts, in one of them, I tried to go tall military. I built a mandala around my capital (5 towns I believe, so 3 more settlers) and went hard for production to get some decent garrisons out (I am having some REAL trouble surviving Node raiders) and then a Crossbowmen stack. They weren't as effective as I hoped as they would be fresh, some experience is pretty important for them. Hillariously enough though, they managed to do me more harm than good, as it triggers Miilitarist mages to go for my head. Regardless, this game didn't go way too far, and I don't exactly remember why.

Latest one, I decided to go as wide as humanly possible. As soon as I got enough buildings in my capital (10 pop 50+% prod) to get reliably 30 production and over, I did nothing else other than pumping out settlers and Hellhounds to garrison and defend the settlements. My plan was to just expand as much as I possibly could on my continent (Continental Lord, to avoid absurdly frustrating starts, even with Floating Islands), and defend the outposts, even ignoring about all lairs (although I scouted most of them on the continent, just one or two looked trivial enough). My hope was to eventually get enough low-cost-high-return buildings (Marketplace, Magic Market, Library, Monument) out of the settlements and hopefully that would be enough to boost my magic to keep the Hellhound garrisons functional, my offensive magic to help defense, and my research going so I would finally get an Uncommon Summon to spearhead my active operations. So when I finished amassing a total of 12 settlements by 05, luck struck: an uncommon summon. Coatls. Not great, not terrible, it will do, and so it did.

They showed promise until my stack of all 3 of them raided a tower with werewolves that I thought would be trivial. The Nightstalkers disagreed. The loss, plus the fact one of the wizards was already encroaching on the continent (with Nagas, sure, but encroaching nonetheless) broke my will.

Regardless, I think I should attempt something between the last two strategies: a tall magic capital after 3 or 4 settlers out, emphasis on magic. I spent a lot of production, turns, and magic (on garrison Hellhounds) on the 12 settlements for not quite impressive returns, so I think focusing on a more compact realm would do me better. If nothing else, it would be sparing my capital of at least 3 years worth of production into settlers and casting hellhounds for them too. 

I'd like to point out I saw the first Tree of Mastery being cast by 07. Considering I got my coatls out by 06, I think I had a decent pace, although I can do better.

Version 1.4.11 is released with 15th rare spells introduced and could be downloaded from link below....

Change logs 1.4.11:
- add proper units' AI flags
- Lizardman Marines and Nagas get "Mariner" perk allow unit to move faster and fire immunity at sea at cost of could not fly even if enchanted by fly-given enchantment
- Kraken get "Echo of the Deep" perk allow Kraken to move faster, gain fire immunity, +10% to-defend, and invisbility, at sea at cost of could not fly even if enchanted by fly-given enchantment, and stealth in water tile on overland map
- Demon upkeeps increase from 3 to 4
- Barbarian Longship cost increase from 120 to 150
- Sacred Ancient's resistance for all reduces from +2 to +1

- New item power "Healing Aura" now available for wizard with 5 Life books

- New Life rare global enchantment "Angelic Guardians", randomly give lucky perk to newly trained normal units and randomly given temporary lucky at the beginning of combat to units that not have lucky perk
- New Nature rare overland summon "Thunderbird", giant bird with missile immunity, lightning breath, and immunity to hurricane's effect
- New Sorcery rare unit enchantment "Teleport" grant teleporting movement for enchanted unit in combat
- New Chaos rare combat enchantment "Beat of Swiftness" give +3 movement to melee only unit and +2 movement to range unit but this cost 10% of units' armor for such reckless move
- New Death rare normal unit unresistable curse "Soul Flay" give cursed unit with penalties proportionate to their veterancy
- New Death rare global enchantment "State of Rot" cursed all non-death units not control by caster to could not heal and lose regeneration perk
- Death spell "Reaper Slash" now only castable by death creatures.
- Hurricane range and thrown to-hit penalty reduced from -25% to -20% and breath to-hit penalty increased from -25% to -30%
- Aether Sink nolonger include religious power as part of penalty effect
- Crack Call lose damage part but buried effect now reduced to-defend to compensate until Seravy fix this spell in future version
- Mystic Surge could now grant Teleport enchantment
- Mariner Mastery nolonger give permanent movement perk but give movement bonus +2 to sail units (as well as air ship) and +1 to waterwalking units directly while enchantment still in effect
- Vampiricism now make unit lose thrown and breath attack but half of their strength would transfer to melee and range attack and trade value of spell increased
- Zombie Mastery's trade value incrased and now cost more RP (3200 -> 4400) and upkeep get higher (25 -> 40) but now also buff all undeads and zombies with +1 attack, +1 resistance, and +1 movement point
- Blaze of Glory lose doom damage but gain attack bonus equal to defense it lose and all range attack convert into thrown
- Dance of Death now randomly grant temporary misfortune at the beginning of combat
- Shadow Strike casting cost increased from 15/75 to 18/90 and trade value increased
- Revenant casting cost reduced from 35 to 25
- Eternal Night nolonger curse caster's own unit
- Creature Binding's trade value and research priority increased
- Blazing March's research priority increased
- Doom Mastery's trade value increased
- Wraiths's research cost reduces from 4800 to 4000
- Wave of Despair's trade value decrease and research cost reduces from 5200 to 4000
- Demon's research priority increased
- Dissolution's trade value and research priority increased
- Spirit of Community's trade value and research priority increased
- Valkyries's trade value increased
- Magocracy's trade value increased and upkeep increased from 15 to 20
- Aether Binding's upkeep reduced from 40 to 35

- Counter Immunity now displayed properly
- AI production updated

Version 1.4.12 is released, focus on fixing bugs especially from newly added spells.

Change logs 1.4.12:
- Bug fix: effect of aether sink not deduct casting skill from linking tower properly
- Bug fix: healing immunity given by State of Rot not prevent healing.
- Double disjunction and spellbinding priority of State of Rot, upkeep of State of Rot increased to 60
- Additional effect for Angelic Guardians, normal units without Exorcise attack gain exorcise attack, normal unit that already have exorcise attack, exorcise become -1 instead. Its upkeep increases to 35
- Purity and Sanctify enchantment would give addtional -1 to exorcise for each of this enchantment when Angelic Guardians in effect
- Heart of Solidarity has new additional effect of city always have public order as if it is fully garrisioned. Casting cost of Heart of Solidarity increase to 500 and upkeep increase to 15
- Cloud of Shadow's research cost reduces from 5600 to 5280
- Soul Flay's research cost reduces from 5280 to 4800
- State of Rot's research cost increases from 4800 to 5600

- Bug fix: Dwarf wizard does not give +2 unrest to dark elf city
- High Man now give +1 unrest to Halfling instead of +2 previously

- Gladiators' cost reduces from 140 to 125, upkeep reduces from 4 to 3
- Barbarian Longship's cost reduces from 150 to 140

- AI's races and magic realms interaction update.

Version 1.4.13 is released, urgently released to fix serious bug

- Zombie Mastery research cost increased to 5600
- State of Rot reworked, costs 35 upkeep and 4400 research cost, no longer prevents overland healing due to bugs and modding limitations.
- Discipline no longer a researchable spell, but can still be cast by life units and its effect can also apply to heroes.
- NEW common: True Light (cost 20) – restored Master of Magic spell with the same name, but also contains a minor effect to reduce damage of illusion attacks.

- Reworked State of Rot to prevent units from becoming 'mystic' (fantastic) and overland healing prevention was inconsistent at best, not functional at worst.

Version 1.4.14 is released, urgently released to fix serious bug of dance of death spell

Change log version 1.4.14:
- Nagas now cost 1 upkeep (from 2)
- Heroic Heart research cost is now 240 (from 440)
- The 10 common-tier spell research costs sum up to exactly 2880 (prior to this version, sums were not uniform). Chaos was particularly adding up to a high number, benefiting most.
- The common-tier spell research cost rankings shifted around while adding to exactly 2880
- Based on above two points, the average common-tier research cost is down by roughly 10%
- Uncommon-tier, Rare-tier, and Very-rare tier spell research costs standardized so no realm benefits with avg research cost higher or lower than others. For tables visualizing this, go to the beginning of the 'spell changes with comments' section in document

-Monument now costs 75 (from 90)
-Linking Towers now cost 500 (from 550)
-Hell hound had incorrect cost in game text
- Nature wizards now start with war bear instead of killer wasps

- Common tier spell rewards have a lower difficulty requirement (technical detail: minimum monster budget allowing a common spell is 200, instead of 300)

- Hurricane's ranged to hit reduction was twice as much as intended due to an error in modding tools. This has now been adjusted.
- Dance of Death was accidentally impacting existing units with misfortune overland for some turns. This was unintentional and thus removed as the effect was only intended to take place during combat.

I've encountered a crash in 1.4.14.
When attacking with Nagas a lair with war bears, I get a crash.
I've attached the save (zipped due to size); the lair is located near the city

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character 10450 code :,0));

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Attached Files
.zip (Size: 30.79 KB / Downloads: 1)

Have you update base CoM for windows to version to 1.4.05 yet?

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