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Mapmaker looking for players - Indie picks

Ha, is seemed like some of the turns were taking that long yesterday in the SG. Note to self: Either have an unassailable lead or be dead by the time the modern age wars roll around!lol

spacetyrantxenu Wrote:I've never played a PBEM before (or a MP game with anyone than friends via VPN/LAN for that matter), but I'd like to give it a try. If I get rolled I can blame it on the protective trait, right? Right!
Very much so nod
Quote:I've found that playing 10 turns in a set is time consuming in the BTS 5 SG I'm playing in but I think 1 turn a day would be a lot more manageable. You guys OK with me joining?
You're most welcome thumbsup. Seems we have a full roster now, with the cat team ready to rumble.

slowwalk - Suleiman of Korea
Kuro - Justinian of Persia
Sian - FDR of Sumeria
sparetyrantxenu - Meow of Babylon

spacetyrantxenu, try to see if you can recruit a dedicated lurker. It's invaluable to have someone else to toss a ball at.

Need more votes on settings! Nvm about the diplo idea Sian, was just a thought. I don't mind backing down on it for this game. To me, seems that long NAPs often make games more boring. One can argue that they then shouldn't be made in the first place, but people often realize that too late.

Catwalk Wrote:Need more votes on settings! Nvm about the diplo idea Sian, was just a thought. I don't mind backing down on it for this game. To me, seems that long NAPs often make games more boring. One can argue that they then shouldn't be made in the first place, but people often realize that too late.

thats just a question about not making them longer than needed ... make short NAPs then

Ban Votes:
[x] War Elephants
[x] Nukes
[x] Corporations
[x] Spy units
[x] Great Spy scouting
[x] Great Spy infiltration
[ ] Blockade action

Other votes:
[x] Barbarians (if a tied vote I'm OK switching to no barbs as a tiebreaker)
[ ] Raging Barbarians
[ ] No Barbarians
[ ] Normal speed (instead of quick)

I assume typical cheese is banned, like AP religious victory? I see no reason to ban building any particular wonder (example: AP) but using that as a victory thanks. UN diplo win is OK with me if you can provide a real case for winning or are able to generate enough votes to vote yourself the winner as an alternate domination win. I don't think most human players would actually vote for someone else to win the game, I guess most would just abstain anyway. It may be an encouragement to building good diplomatic relations with other players. With that said, though, if anyone more experienced and more savvy than I am thinks this is a bad idea, Diplomatic Victory can be disabled.

Mapmaker, what about the other setup options? No random events, goody huts, and vassal states, or permanent alliances I assume?

spacetyrantxenu Wrote:Mapmaker, what about the other setup options? No random events, goody huts, and vassal states, or permanent alliances I assume?

Yeah, that's kind of the RB package, right along with NTT.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

Ban Votes:
[x] War Elephants
[x] Nukes
[ ] Corporations (if banned everyone is 'forced' to go State Property)
[ ] Spy units
. . . [x] No Civic/Religion Change
[x] Great Spy scouting
[x] Great Spy infiltration
[x] Blockade action

Other votes:
[ ] Barbarians
[ ] Raging Barbarians
[x] No Barbarians
[ ] Normal speed (instead of quick)

Ban Votes:
[x] War Elephants
[x] Nukes
[x] Corporations
[x] Spy units
[x] Great Spy scouting
[ ] Great Spy infiltration
[x] Blockade action

Other votes:
[ ] Barbarians
[ ] Raging Barbarians
[x] No Barbarians (Though if you guys want, I'd be up for a game with barbies sometime)
[ ] Normal speed (instead of quick)

Tallying up:
Ban Votes:
[4/4] War Elephants
[4/4] Nukes
[2/4] Corporations
[2.5/4] Spy units
[3.5/4] Great Spy scouting
[ 3/4] Great Spy infiltration
[2/4] Blockade action

Other votes:
[ 1/4] Barbarians
[0/4 ] Raging Barbarians
[3/4] No Barbarians (Though if you guys want, I'd be up for a game with barbies sometime)
[ 0/4] Normal speed (instead of quick)

I counted mine and catwalks votes as half each, I'd suggest that in the case of blockades and corps (2/4votes) we go ahead and ban anyway.

slowcheetah Wrote:I'd suggest that in the case of blockades and corps (2/4votes) we go ahead and ban anyway.

OK by me.

spacetyrantxenu Wrote:OK by me.

Same here.

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