As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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Nudist Progression

Quote:I think we're going to try to make the next variant one that doesn't require a character slot to be dedicated solely to the variant. I agree that given the limited number of character slots, that's a weakness of the current nudist variant design.

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This is more or less in line with what I was thinking for the future of the Nudist. As long as we are interested, the Nudist can go on through all the chapters to come.

There is much pride and joy to be had to have nurtured a Nudist to maturity from the start. That being said, We don't need to limit the team to born-as-a-Nudist characters only.

I was thinking that, after we are ascended, we can take in new Nudist to join our team - Not only to fill up the party window, but also to let more people participate, and to introduce more character and team variety. New characters (form the original team) and new players can join up for the adventure. The only requirement is that they have to meet the Nudist's rules when they are playing with the team, which is quite simple to achieve. The only thing that needs tweaking is their skills to match what the Nudist allows.

This works good for the flow of the story too. Ascension - new beginning, new people, new friends, some leaves and some stays....


Can't make it tonite untill too late frown

Keep me posted if I need to catch up. Have fun.


Arty, Ember Buffy, Sanskirt Nuddhist and FoxBat did the "Crush the Kurzicks" quest, and also the Bloodstone Fen mission (successfully, even!).

I am so happy that did away with the "attribute refund points" scheme - I was completely changing my skills and attribute allocation between each activity! I did learn, however, that Arty should really stick to his Elementalist skills - when he went completely Necro for the Bloodstone Fen, I felt like his contribution to Actually Killing Things ™ went waaaaaay down. I think I'll go back to Water Magic for slowing things down. nod The Necro curses just aren't satisfying. lol

You know, Shadow of Fear doesn't need an investment in curses to be effective at slowing stuff down. smile It's got a lengthy 20s duration even at Curses 0. If you have a few spare att points to bump curses up to 2 or 3, great, but you can concentrate on another attrbute line and still feel good about tossing that on your skill bar.

Vacation alert:

I'll be away this coming Tuesday and not able to participate due to lack of internet access. I should be back for the following Tuesday.

Hi guys, sorry I haven't been around in a while, but there are 2 key reasons that have been keeping me from the game. I'm not sure which is higher on the list, so I'll just put them alphabetically:
1. Current mouse = kaput. It works for about 3 minutes or so before quitting on me. I do have a new one ordered, but I used the cheap shipping (who wouldn't?) so it probably won't get here until the end of next week.

2. Suikoden V = awesome. I've been playing the series ever since the first game, and it's one of my favorites of all time. They've had some of the best writing and music that has ever been in a videogame (4 was a bit of a disappointment... it was still a good game... just a bit too short and undeveloped by Suikoden standards). The first game had one of the saddest main characters you could imagine. Not to mention II had the most evil villain ever to appear in a game with Luca Blight. Anyways... before this becomes an exposition on Suikoden, let me just say that V is an incredible and massive game. My first time through took about 70 hours and I had still missed about 15-20% of what the game had to offer. I'm now taking a slight break (aka scattered play time instead of non-stop) and going back through it, getting the stuff I missed last time (which is a lot easier due to the inclusion of a New Game + like feature similar to Chrono Trigger's, only characters start from scratch again (no starting from the beginning at level 99... kind of a bummer, but oh well)).

Anyways... once the mouse gets here I'll try to get back into the swing of things.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

Since Zed's gone, shall we try to get KoP past Bloodstone Fen? Assuming Her Pumpkinheadedness shows this week, of course... rolleye

The Bloodstone looks to be a nice place for a pumpkin patch, a place that will grow record breaking pumpkins.

Quote:The current world record belongs to Steve Daletas of Oregon. His pumpkin weighed 1,385 pounds (628 kilograms). In August the pumpkin grew an amazing 29 pounds (13 kilograms) per day!

That's amazing growth, almost suitable as a Chinese Bamboo Torture substitude.

Quote:Sometimes a sprout can shoot up over 124 centimeters [49.6 in] overnight.

The victim is tied down on the ground over a bamboo shoot or 2, and left there over night.

Just some titbits to heighten your enjoyment next time you have bamboo shoot or shish kebob. [Image: lol.gif]

Vex will be there, seeds and all.


Hawkmoon Wrote:Since Zed's gone, shall we try to get KoP past Bloodstone Fen? Assuming Her Pumpkinheadedness shows this week, of course... rolleye
I would have suggested that since Zedf will be AWOL and my nudist is out of commission (mostly by means of me being such) that this would be a good opportunity to give you a tour of the UW.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

It was an excellent run in the Tomb. We did way better than I expected *slap self*

And one lesson leraned for monking (and any soft targets) there - Those last L shape stairs are killers. Even tho I was just out of aggro range of the tanks, that would still leave me in aggro range of monsters. I need to follow the tanks up the stairs quickly, or better, have the monsters pulled down from the stairs.

Best of all is the chance to play with a full group of RBers smile

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