As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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[SPOILERS] BRick goes for a diplo win with Genghis's Vikings

[Image: 20121120183246726.png]

Well well well, what do we have here?

Had a bad event that made us lose 20 gold. On the better side, the hut gave us sailing. Yay free tech!

[Image: pDI97.jpg]

That's just highlighted to show the odds, I'm not planning to make him move there next turn. Hopefully he'll survive to escort our settler up.

Well, good news is mining came in, and we now have the highest score in the game. Bad news is that our warrior DIED AT 3% ODDS.....

[Image: tumblr_mcvuyxFpv51rv81q0o2_500.jpg]

Well, our settler is done and moved onto spot to settle next turn. Unfortunately, I misclicked and the worker went SW-SW of the flood plains. :P I'll be able to direct him north safely next turn, but that just means that the wheat farm for the new city will be done a turn later than expected.

Also, we're top in score AND will get another increase with the city next turn, so maybe everyone will think we're fierce and will be all nice to us when they find us.

Echo echo echo echo

[Image: x2zBm.jpg]

Hi Brick, Just wanted to let you know that your posts are being read! Long-time lurker here appreciates your posts.

And I'm here too. I promise to help soon. Sorry for being absent.

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