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[SPOILERS] Lewger goes for the Bigwyn

did you PM krill for clarification?

As to the demos - kind of frustrating to find we are the only team enveloped in forests - although i guess a 3f-h tile is the same as any other 3f-h tile when building a worker. we'll also lose a worker turn reaching our grains.
Best dating advice on RB: When you can't hide your unit, go in fast and hard. -- Sullla

even if krill opened the hut for us it should be in the event log, no?

Or maybe Lewwyn popped a hut withour realizing it wink.

I'll check shortly
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

ok, the event log is empty, so Krill must have popped a hut for us. I'm not sure there is any other explanation.

(November 2nd, 2012, 06:36)waterbat Wrote: did you PM krill for clarification?

As to the demos - kind of frustrating to find we are the only team enveloped in forests - although i guess a 3f-h tile is the same as any other 3f-h tile when building a worker. we'll also lose a worker turn reaching our grains.

well... not really. Even if the tile directly east of our city was missing a forest, it would still take us 2 turns to get the worker working on a farm (he'd more strait to wheat, end turn, then start next turn - vs here, move to forest, end turn, then move to wheat and farm next turn). Only difference is he could put one turn into a farm if there wasn't a forest there, but since we are going to want that to be a cottage eventually and not a farm, that really wouldnt hurt us anyway.

Same thing when he eventually moves from the wheat to the rice.
So we really only gain from the forest smile
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

oh! i was thinking we had to cross the river on a seperate turn to get to them - i see we can move SW
Best dating advice on RB: When you can't hide your unit, go in fast and hard. -- Sullla

(October 31st, 2012, 23:02)Bigger Wrote: ok, I replayed the turn. When I logged in i was greeted to this:

[Image: KekFt.jpg]

The cash was there straight after the game was reinstated, before the scout even moved... Maybe we are God's Krill's chosen people bow

A few notes about how good our capital is:

1. both our grains our wet from the getgo, woohoo!
2. the seafood resources, while it sucks we can't lighthouse it - will be like a wet flood plains farm +1 commerce once we get a workboat there, not bad
3. we are surrounded by forests! there are only 4 tiles in our BFC that won't have river access. Since Fin civ's don't get a +1 commerce bonus on river tiles, a FIN civ would only have +4 commerce on us even with a capital big enough to work every tile (since it will be a long time before non-river tiles get worked, though, we'll pretty much be equal to a FIN civ for quite awhile).
4. We can mine the fur on the PH in our BFC for extra hammers if we wish, since we have 2 other sources of fur for happy.
5. forests every where, we can chop out another worker, a settler or two, and a wonder

I'm very happy with our capital.
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

haha. yes, good point Harry. Looks like the hut was added to our initial BFC.

70 gold is a pretty good result, nice smile.
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

ok, we're only waiting on merhoc and cfcjester/nakor, so turn should roll soon.

we have 2 options for scout:
1. S,S to plains hill.
2. E, SE for GFH.

#1 would reveal more area, but I think #2 is better. Most likely moving from there to #1 the following turn. #2 would reveal a lot of coast and hopefully a decent chunk of the eastern tundra area. I suspect that area is closed off and having the scout return from the south to scout it at a later date will be unproductive, and require a lot larger detour than the 1 turn detour it would cause now.
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

Either is fine by me, although instead of s,s I'd go se, check for huts, sw.

if we do the PH first, then the GFH, then there is a good chance we end up backtracking to the PH again.

We can always send our first warrior to scout the tundra area for clear bordders and huts down the road - afterwards it can back track to defend the capital.
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

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