thinking triangle diplomacy here... we're better off allying ourselves with the jews. hammurabi, jewish founder, hates us, but we're ok w/ rome and HRE. we have open borders with HRE, rome, and pacal here, but we have 4 trade routes with HRE, 1 with rome, and 0 with pacal. so I refused his "offer"
i returned the pointless WB to the city spot and the barb galley disappeared when he realized there was nothing for him to pillage
ignore the build order
we don't have trade routes with the maya, but at least we have open borders and might get it in the future. hammurabi won't even give us open borders, im not giving in to him.
if HRE or Rome ask us to close borders with the maya, it is probably worth it.
Final turn:
I'm not really sure why we chose theology over currency. but it was 2/3 researched when it got to me so I didn't want to abort it.
founded in a border city. too bad we can't afford to give up OR to switch to no religion.
ok, here's why I built the scout: the native americans have 6 cities, but we are only getting trade routes with the 4 we know of. situation is worse on the other continent, we have open borders with 3 civs but only 5 trade routes. the scout can scout out the natives cities for trade routes, then head back to the capital to be transported to the west to scout out those cities!
the galley is for that purpose, but also I think we should get a couple of cities over there while we still can. they will need military, of course, since we lost our hindu allies over there. the madrass can be whipped whenever, I left that for molach to decide. the galley isn't really needed until we have a ssettler ready.
im thinking we grow to size 6, 1 pop whip the madrass, then build the settler at size 5. ignore the missionary if we follow this plan, but we will need missionaries soon - at least in the city that founded christianity.
we can build 2 priests with the madrass - I wonder if its not a good idea to take advantage of that? on the off chance we get a priest instead of a merchant - for the shrine.
I stopped the growth at size 3 since we don't have a granary and that was enough for the OR bonus to kick in. we need 30 more turns of hammers before we'll have enough to chop, I think . should still have no problem building it - this is noble after all. I prechopped 2 more forests, didn't see the point of finishing the chop here when we still need a lot more natural hammers. I wouldnt mind saving the plains forests, so we can keep this city at size 3, working lake and 2 plains forests - so its not completely irrelevant once we have the pyramids.
it will be nice to have a 3f tile once the lighthouse is built .
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.