T9: start sheep, finish wheat farm, chop forest (into worker) near Lhamas, road gems, farm flood plains
T10: farm chopped forest, 1 worker to the gold, another roads, farm 2/3 between Chicken and Lhamas
T11: hurry library, start road gold, road to deers, 1/3 deers, finish farm, 1 worker goes to the cows,
T12: Taj in Chickens, put 2 scientist in Goats, finish deers, finish gold, start farm, worker from sheep goes into the forest to chop for cap
T13: road wheat (we need it for health), 2 more workers to the forests around Goats,
T14: chopped 1 forest near Goats, start chopping 2 others, wealth in production, still just 1 scientist, 4 workers to the forests around Chickens
T15: put 2nd scientist in Goats, put artist in Chickens, start chopping forests, adopt slavery (but not slaving yet),
T16: forest chopped into settler (both Goats and Chickens), put 2nd artists into Chickens, start teching SM on 100%
T17-19: buy settler in Chickens, whip settler in Goats (keep 2 scientists), I stop describing what workers doing, because they follow settlers wherever we decide to plant, Lhamas grow to 11 in by T20
T20: is the most interesting, we adopt Caste and Representation, 6 scientists in Goats(GS in 1), 10 artists in Lhamas, 5 artists in Chickens, science to 0% again (T16 is too early to start teching)
T21: GS discovers SM, 11 artists in Lhamas (GA in 2), 7 artist in Chickens (GA in 2), research in all cities , we still need ~300 science into Communism to take it with GAs (in real game I hope we wont need to produce much because of new cities)
T22: finish line, 12 artists in Lhamas, 9 artist in Chickens, so only 1 citizen in Lhamas dies