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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Joking around with some people made me think about a joke RB tier list (who in our group is best, etc.) which in turn made me realize how every single win in this game seems to be given to the winner team on a silver plate.

Can you imagine how many of my Shaco - or any other champion, really - ganks would succeed if people weren't so stupid and just warded? I can't even tell if they warded, but if they did, then by time I appear in their lane it's too late and if they did ward I have no counter to that. Getting no ganks or XP from lanes would slow me down and screw me over. Honestly, I'm not that good as to work my way around this.

I'm not a good jungler, I just seem to mostly rely on that the other team is dumber than I am. Or so it seems. rolleye

[SIZE="1"]BTW, Terror's AD carries are obviously a God tier on their own.[/SIZE]

Jowy Wrote:Tanking for the first time, as Amumu.. Picking defensive items at random..

I still like HoG if only for some passive gold on most of the tanks. But yeah, definitely not as awesome as it used to be.

Banshees is pure awesome.

Force of Nature if they have magic damage.

Sunfire for people who are in the middle of the enemy team, but I don't get it as my first item since the components are so expensive.

Spirit Visage is actually pretty solid on people who have self-heals or if you have a powerful healer on your team like Taric. The Magic resist isn't remiss either.

If their entire team is auto-attack dmg people, Thornmail. Or as like your 3rd tank item. Really you need the HP and Armor earlier just to survive long enough for Thornmail to be worth it, or for the enemy team to be so stupid as to not have enough HP as melee heroes or something equally silly.

Definitely jungle as Amumu though. Such a bad laner unless partnered for early ganks with Yi or another stunner.

I just checked the US server and I was able to start a 1 player custom game again thumbsup So anybody interested in the contest can get going jive

Let's hope it stays that way bow


Very brief Amumu thoughts since I still suck at all champs:

*I'd jungle since Amumu sucks in the lane. Note though that he also sucks in the jungle wink Usually the trade off is worth it since especially in solo-queue people don't pick strong junglers too often, but if a strong player wanted to play jungle Nocture for instance I'd feel OK putting Amumu in the lane.

*I start cloth armor+red pots. Build, especially in the post-HoG era is situational, but it's roughly Merc Treads, Aegis, Banshees, Sunfire, Force of Nature/Abyssal Scepter/Randuins. If someone else wants to buy an Aegis I'd let them, and if the enemy team is doing all AD and has limited CC I'd go Sunfire before Banshees (maybe 1/5 games for me, usually Banshees is still better). I agree with Uberfish that Randuins is a very low-priority post-nerfs.

*I now run cooldown blues, armor yellows, health quints, and magic pen reds. A small number of tests make that seem stronger than magic resist blues and health yellows. I run 1/19/10 masteries most games, though I also like 1/21/8 or 0/21/9 ok. I always take smite/flash in jungle, and always take flash over ghost even in lane. Ghost helps with chasing down to cry on or get another bandage toss on, but flash is, IMHO better for ganks and much better for teamfights when getting off your ult is all important. I'd probably flash+ult about 1/3 of ults when I miss the toss or I can just improve the positioning.

sunrise089 Wrote:Very brief Amumu thoughts since I still suck at all champs:

*I'd jungle since Amumu sucks in the lane. Note though that he also sucks in the jungle wink Usually the trade off is worth it since especially in solo-queue people don't pick strong junglers too often, but if a strong player wanted to play jungle Nocture for instance I'd feel OK putting Amumu in the lane.

No, why? Amumu clears creeps rather fast and his ganks are awesome at level 6, it's just that you can drop low and die to counterjungling but that never happens to me and I run suboptimal runes (Arpen instead of Mpen) on Amumu. If you want to be supercautious, just go back to base a little earlier. Also Despair is good for killing dragon and baron. You also aren't item dependent and you don't have to rely on ganks to succeed (unlike, say, Rammus), so you can spend money on wards without hesitation.

I don't play jungle Amumu too often, but I feel Amumu is, like most tanky junglers, very slow in the jungle past level 4. Sunrise do you ever build Razor on him?

Bit surprised noones mentioned Quicksilver Sash for MR, if you're not going to use the active then sure its not worth getting, otherwise it seems like a really good choice.
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

Dantski Wrote:Bit surprised noones mentioned Quicksilver Sash for MR, if you're not going to use the active then sure its not worth getting, otherwise it seems like a really good choice.

I only get it when that's the only major MR buff I need. Otherwise Banshee's is superior, and if you're the heavy tank FoN is superior too for soaking in the magic dmg. As a Tank you don't mind being CC-ed.

However, for supports I sometimes pick it up after Banshees for the cleanse and if I'm getting focused by magic. But usually Banshees is sufficient and I should be buying more AP or CD reduction.

While I haven't bought it on Amumu yet, often I find myself stunned or silenced right when I want to ult their entire team. I know banshees helps towards that (if not more!) I was just throwing it out there for discussion.
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

First results are in:


1. Gustaran: 35:37 (Heimer 12:48 / Caitlyn 12:12 / Morde 10:37)
2. Dantski: -:- (Caitlyn 9:30 / Ashe 10:06 / -:-)


Dantski Wrote:While I haven't bought it on Amumu yet, often I find myself stunned or silenced right when I want to ult their entire team. I know banshees helps towards that (if not more!) I was just throwing it out there for discussion.

Hm, good point. I just like using Flash/Bandage Toss, though, and thus no chance for silence. I guess it's a preference thing.

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