Iskender: i accidentally sent an unfinished msg
sareln is giving bob meta and body mana
Tredje: Ouch
Iskender: :/
Tredje: That's bad news
Iskender: that makes me regret my fencesitting in the conflict
Tredje: Yes, having Haste will make Bob's army much more dangerous
I was hoping I would be able to stay out of range while summoning Elementals
Iskender: floating eyes reveal hidden units
Tredje: Yeah
Iskender: so no Into the mist
still, I'm up for it
i'll have 6 priests
Tredje: That's good to hear.
Iskender: do you have a minute?
Tredje: I think it's either now or never
I got time
Iskender: there are a couple of things i'd like to discuss if we're to hit bals
Tredje: Ok
Iskender: i don't have time to do detailed C&D but i'm pretty sure that bob has
recently discovered KotE, Way of the Wicked and Writing
he's aiming either at AV (Ritualists) or deception (gibbon)
both tough nuts to crack, but he's not quite there yet
got writing 2 or 3 turns ago, if that wasn't someone elese
Tredje: Hmm, I see. Both of those would be annoying, but I am not sure how many
ritualists he could train/when Gibbon would be finished.
Hopefully he would not have gotten to where he is really dangerous by T120.
Iskender: i doubt he will - he needs temples for ritualists and turns to get exp on
by T120 he probably will have just researched the techs
Tredje: That should give us a decent advantage
Me having Sons and all
I also have some highly upgraded troops now, and will get Bronze Weapons soon.
Iskender: yes, the sons make it a whole lot easier. i had no idea of them when i first
made the offer
Tredje: Hehe, I know
Without them the task would have been much more difficult.
Not saying it's gonna be easy, but we have a good chance I think.
I was trying to keep them a secret for as long as I could.
Iskender: well, there's been some speculation that you might have gotten sons from FtH
i think Square Leg was the first one to get the idea
everybody's been wondering what's the rest of your power graph spike
anyway, going back to bals, i have a few proposals for your consideration (not necessarily on the chat)
here they go
Tredje: Go ahead
Iskender: if we attack, bob will probably try to negotiate with one of us, offering
boons for leaving the other in the field. it happened in some previous dogpiles. i'd be best if we agreed not
to negotiate with bals separately
Tredje: I agree completely
Any diplomacy will have to be done with both of us present, sound ok?
Iskender: ok, sounds perfect
next thing - spoils of war. you'd be getting all the land and cities, so i've been thinking what i'd gain
other than weakening bals, but that benefits everybody
Tredje: Yes, that question has crossed my mind
Iskender: here's my proposal
i'd like to grab orthus axe
capture gold from cities (i'd capture them and gift to you or raze)
Tredje: Do you mean capture gold from every captured city?
Iskender: and experience from already won battles - ie. if there are leftovers i'd do
the slaughtering feeding my priests with exp
Tredje: Just calrifying
Iskender: yes, every city we manage to capture
i'm not sure how much is that. the formula was 10*pop or something
Tredje: I'm not sure that is correct.
Iskender: and that's pretty much all for me
Tredje: I got 100+ from udenarat, which was size 5
Iskender: no need to answer now
so maybe 50+10*pop
Tredje: Could be something like that.
I think your proposal is reasonable, but i'd like to think about it.
Also consider that the turn order is Me -> Bob -> You
Iskender: yes, that's unfortunate
Tredje: So it may happen that I need to capture a city or kill a unit before Bob can
But if we agree that I will pay you the capture gold, I will do that.
But it would be easier if I could soften the city up with Elementals before you captured it.
Iskender: it all depends how well the attack will proceed. if we manage to get a city
down to a couple of warriors i'd gladly finish it off
Tredje: That's true. I think the beginning will be the most difficult part.
After that it should be manageable
Iskender: if it's obiovus that you'll have to conquer the city in your turn before bob
sends in reinforcements, no biggie
and one more thing
my priests are slow, due to me being bloody industrious/defender
Tredje: Hehe, those great traits =)
Iskender: well...
i could really use haste
take time to contemplate what would you want in exchange for body mana
Tredje: I will.
Iskender: i could offer my palace mana, luxury resources, fol temples etc
Tredje: Yes, I'll consider it.
By the way, can I ask you what your relationship is with SL/Serdoa?
I'm thinking Bob might try to recruit them to his cause
Iskender: NAP to T130 with SL and blooming some of his tiles in exchange for milking
exp on Ultigar. no relations with Serdoa
Tredje: I see
I have a NAP until T140 with SL, and no relations with Serdoa
So only Serdoa is a possible threat
Iskender: i think i'll ask SL to extend our NAP
fortunately summons are a good counter to PZ
and we should have plenty of those
Tredje: Hehe, yes that will be our trademark
Iskender: i'll keep training priests and even if i don't send them into battle they'll
rise the tiger summon cap
Tredje: Good idea. The more expendable units the better.
Iskender: do you mind if i hawked bals next turn?
Tredje: Not at all.
Go ahead
Iskender: F8 says coombe view expanded to 4rd ring
Tredje: That is correct.
A couple of turns ago
I can still hit Coombe View on the first turn of war.
with Elementals
Iskender: i'm curious what constitutes Bals quite high power rating, maybe hawking
would tell
Tredje: I am thinking it is mostly Swordsmen and Warriors, but it would be nice to see
for certain.
If Bob has an army, I'm not sure he would keep it in Coombe View though
Probably hiding it further east
Iskender: i'll try to train a hunter ASAP
and get it close to CV
the one I have is busy hunting bears
but once I build another I'll be able to get him near Bals borders in no time courtesy of Sever Soul
Tredje: That's good. Now that Bob might have Haste I think scouting will be even more
Iskender: try to sever all sareln's trade connections, maybe Bob will have to promote
one adept with both body and meta
the tile NE of Sareln's copper is probably the culprit
or they have coast connection
Tredje: Unless Sareln settles another city next turn, he will be dead.
Iskender: i'm lost when it comes to trade routes
Tredje: He only has 2 Warriors left in his capital
That I can see, that is.
Iskender: ooh, that's fast
Tredje: But if I don't capture it I will try to sever the connection.
Yes, after the big battle all that was left was cleanup.
and Hasted Sons with Elementals can strike far away.
Iskender: so it seems you could strike bob right away and i'm a bit late for the party
Tredje: I can't actually
We have a NAP that runs out on T120
That was agreed upon 60 turns ago or so
When I started choking Sareln
Iskender: aah. did he offer extending it already?
Tredje: I said I couldn't agree to anything since he might become a possible runaway
So he will be alert when the time comes, but he can't be sure anything will happen.
Iskender: he might expect sons at his door at T120, but hopefully doesn't have a clue
about my priests
Tredje: Aye, hopefully that will be an unwelcome surprise for him =)