(February 28th, 2015, 22:40)Lord Parkin Wrote: Well, that was even more fun than I expected. I've never been much into sports, but it felt like a similar kind of atmosphere to when folks gather their mates around the TV to watch the big game. Nothing quite beats watching it unfold live, dissecting the blow-by-blow action and cheering on your favourite team.
To quickly recap for those who missed it:
The early game was a mess as Korea pointlessly marched its army halfway across the map to Russia, Boudica wasted her time fruitlessly attacking an Aztec city on a hill pre-Catapults, and both De Gaulle and Churchill failed to settle critical nearby resources such as Gems in any reasonable time. Monty had great land but failed to expand beyond 4-5 cities, while Stalin expanded into dangerous locations that would prove difficult to hold. Only Huayna played a semi-solid early game, but even he neglected to research his critical bottleneck tech of Calendar for a considerable time.
Korea continued to troll both Russia and the wider world as the game continued to the middle ages, sniping cities from Boudica and Churchill as both France and the Aztecs collapsed in quick succession following two consecutive AP votes for world war courtesy of Huayna. Wang Kon also stole at least half the wonders during the middle period of the game. Churchill did surprisingly well for himself considering his central position, making the most of Korea's trolling and other AI conflicts by picking up border cities here and there from Russia, France and the Aztecs. Boudica finally made some headway by capturing a lot of good Aztec and French land, including the French capital of Paris with the Mausoleum of Mausollus, and capitalized on her gains by a quick war with Churchill in which he went from having equivalent power rating to around 2/3 power rating in just a couple of turns. Meanwhile Huayna made some slow but steady progress in beating back Stalin.
As the age of Rifling dawned, Boudica made her push to capture the three troll Korean cities on her border after Wang Kon had moved his military out of position with yet another trollish war declaration on Russia. With those buffer cities between Churchill and Boudica gone, England didn't stand much more of a chance against the Celtic hordes - despite their crazy tech rate. Not to be outdone by Boudica, Huayna Capac finally polished off Russia with a new wave of more advanced Cavalry, and turned his eyes to Korea in the south. Huayna had been "pleased" with Wang for almost the whole game, but two foolish civic switches by Wang removed their shared religion bonus and Huayna's favourite civic bonus and brought him down to only "cautious". Inca wasted no time marching its advanced army into backwards Korean territory, chomping through land faster and faster as both Infantry and Tanks appeared on the battlefield.
It was a race between Huayna and Boudica to see who could eliminate their rival first. Huayna won the race with his superior technology, finally eliminating Korea by taking their last city of Pyongyang. Ironically this was the city with the Statue of Zeus, which had caused Huayna significant happiness issues during his war - he took every other Korean city before going for that one, go figure. Meanwhile Boudica made slow but steady progress against Churchill, not helped by a poor AI pathfinding decision which left her main 107-unit stack immobile for a dozen or so turns. England proved significantly tougher to chew on than Korea, having unlocked its Redcoats just prior to Boudica's declaration of war. Still, sheer numbers eventually won out, and Boudica finally eliminated Churchill from the game sometime in the early T300's.
From hereon in the game was a peacefest, with both Boudica and Huayna too happy with one another to declare war - helped by diplomatic boosts from several city liberations to one another following the demise of Korea and England. Both sides were too evenly matched in population and land for a diplomatic win, and domination was off the table, so at this point it was down to culture or space. As Huayna was pretty much a whole era ahead of Boudica and snapping up the Modern techs at an alarming rate, the game predictably ended in a space race victory for the Inca some 40 turns later.
All in all this proved to be quite an interesting game to watch almost the whole way through - with bizarre AI decisions leaving the playing field surprisingly even for a very long time, and Korea entertaining everyone with its constant trollish decisions. Churchill did remarkably well with his central position, and was a dark horse candidate to win in the midgame. If it hadn't been for Boudica he might have even pulled it off. As it is, he was eliminated so sadly we won't be seeing him in the wildcard match - nor will we be entertained again by the antics of Korea. (As Sullla says, survivors only!)
Final standings:
1. Huayna Capac (spaceship T348)
2. Boudica
3. Churchill (eliminated)
4. Wang Kon (eliminated)
5. Stalin (eliminated)
6. Montezuma (eliminated)
7. De Gaulle (eliminated)
Some things you missed I believe:
1) Troll Kon/Wang Troll/WATKon had AP I believe which made the magnitude of trolling much more spectacular because he used it to kill Monty and De Gaulle in a futile bid to snipe territory from the Boudica Elephant Steam Roller
2) Boudica Beelined deep in the tree for military techs, leaving her economic development completely backwards
3) In a masterstroke, Huanya gifted Churchill WangKon's Zeus city for some reason causing a massive 27+ War Weariness penalty post jails in most of Boudica's cities causing all her cities to starve below size 10 until she was able to eliminate Churchill.... At which point, Boudica gifted this city back to Huanya.
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!
"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”
(February 28th, 2015, 22:40)Lord Parkin Wrote: Well, that was even more fun than I expected. I've never been much into sports, but it felt like a similar kind of atmosphere to when folks gather their mates around the TV to watch the big game. Nothing quite beats watching it unfold live, dissecting the blow-by-blow action and cheering on your favourite team.
To quickly recap for those who missed it:
The early game was a mess as Korea pointlessly marched its army halfway across the map to Russia, Boudica wasted her time fruitlessly attacking an Aztec city on a hill pre-Catapults, and both De Gaulle and Churchill failed to settle critical nearby resources such as Gems in any reasonable time. Monty had great land but failed to expand beyond 4-5 cities, while Stalin expanded into dangerous locations that would prove difficult to hold. Only Huayna played a semi-solid early game, but even he neglected to research his critical bottleneck tech of Calendar for a considerable time.
Korea continued to troll both Russia and the wider world as the game continued to the middle ages, sniping cities from Boudica and Churchill as both France and the Aztecs collapsed in quick succession following two consecutive AP votes for world war courtesy of Huayna. Wang Kon also stole at least half the wonders during the middle period of the game. Churchill did surprisingly well for himself considering his central position, making the most of Korea's trolling and other AI conflicts by picking up border cities here and there from Russia, France and the Aztecs. Boudica finally made some headway by capturing a lot of good Aztec and French land, including the French capital of Paris with the Mausoleum of Mausollus, and capitalized on her gains by a quick war with Churchill in which he went from having equivalent power rating to around 2/3 power rating in just a couple of turns. Meanwhile Huayna made some slow but steady progress in beating back Stalin.
As the age of Rifling dawned, Boudica made her push to capture the three troll Korean cities on her border after Wang Kon had moved his military out of position with yet another trollish war declaration on Russia. With those buffer cities between Churchill and Boudica gone, England didn't stand much more of a chance against the Celtic hordes - despite their crazy tech rate. Not to be outdone by Boudica, Huayna Capac finally polished off Russia with a new wave of more advanced Cavalry, and turned his eyes to Korea in the south. Huayna had been "pleased" with Wang for almost the whole game, but two foolish civic switches by Wang removed their shared religion bonus and Huayna's favourite civic bonus and brought him down to only "cautious". Inca wasted no time marching its advanced army into backwards Korean territory, chomping through land faster and faster as both Infantry and Tanks appeared on the battlefield.
It was a race between Huayna and Boudica to see who could eliminate their rival first. Huayna won the race with his superior technology, finally eliminating Korea by taking their last city of Pyongyang. Ironically this was the city with the Statue of Zeus, which had caused Huayna significant happiness issues during his war - he took every other Korean city before going for that one, go figure. Meanwhile Boudica made slow but steady progress against Churchill, not helped by a poor AI pathfinding decision which left her main 107-unit stack immobile for a dozen or so turns. England proved significantly tougher to chew on than Korea, having unlocked its Redcoats just prior to Boudica's declaration of war. Still, sheer numbers eventually won out, and Boudica finally eliminated Churchill from the game sometime in the early T300's.
From hereon in the game was a peacefest, with both Boudica and Huayna too happy with one another to declare war - helped by diplomatic boosts from several city liberations to one another following the demise of Korea and England. Both sides were too evenly matched in population and land for a diplomatic win, and domination was off the table, so at this point it was down to culture or space. As Huayna was pretty much a whole era ahead of Boudica and snapping up the Modern techs at an alarming rate, the game predictably ended in a space race victory for the Inca some 40 turns later.
All in all this proved to be quite an interesting game to watch almost the whole way through - with bizarre AI decisions leaving the playing field surprisingly even for a very long time, and Korea entertaining everyone with its constant trollish decisions. Churchill did remarkably well with his central position, and was a dark horse candidate to win in the midgame. If it hadn't been for Boudica he might have even pulled it off. As it is, he was eliminated so sadly we won't be seeing him in the wildcard match - nor will we be entertained again by the antics of Korea. (As Sullla says, survivors only!)
Final standings:
1. Huayna Capac (spaceship T348)
2. Boudica
3. Churchill (eliminated)
4. Wang Kon (eliminated)
5. Stalin (eliminated)
6. Montezuma (eliminated)
7. De Gaulle (eliminated)
A very big from me for that. I really enjoyed the recap.
(February 28th, 2015, 23:20)antisocialmunky Wrote: 3) In a masterstroke, Huanya gifted Churchill WangKon's Zeus city for some reason causing a massive 27+ War Weariness penalty post jails in most of Boudica's cities causing all her cities to starve below size 10 until she was able to eliminate Churchill.... At which point, Boudica gifted this city back to Huanya.
is the only possible reaction to that. I was laughing for a good thirty seconds.
Anyone got a link to the standings after this game?
Random.org's prediction:
Winner: Civ 5
Second: Civ 2
First to die: Civ 6
No of wars: 23
Win type: Domination
Win turn: 115 ()
Now that I've done the random prediction I look at the line-up, and, yeah none of this is going to happen. I'll look at starts during the week and make my own picks.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.
Thanks again for everyone who could make it yesterday. I had a lot of fun, and we were up to about 125 people watching for the last hour. I hope that future games can be as interesting as the first two. OK, updated information for the next game:
(February 28th, 2015, 23:07)Jabah Wrote: On the online sheet, the formulas (for the second game) for winner and runner-up points seems to be wrong for lots of people (including me) who have 0 while they had one of the 2 scoring leaders. (While it was good on the live show, so no idea what triggered it).
Good point, I wanted to address this. The scoring formula was incorrectly entered into my spreadsheet for the first two games, and I corrected it after streaming last night. We created a special scoring case last year of 3 points for anyone who had the top two leaders correct, but in the wrong order, with first and second reversed. That's to recognize a good pick that simply had the order incorrect. We did not award points simply for picking one of the two leaders, and having them in the wrong order as well:
Here's the scoring from Game Two for last year. Just picking Mansa Musa for second place isn't worth 3 points - I mean, it's not correct after all! It was worth 3 points only in the special case of also having Justinian as the winner, with the two reversed. I went through and applied this to the first two games from this year as well. I'll link to the actual spreadsheet so anyone can feel free to take a look at the formulas. http://www.garath.net/Sullla/Civ4/Surviv...vivor2.xls
Thanks to Parkin for doing the recap. LogicalTautology, feel free to post whatever you have as well, if you've already written it. I will see if I can add them to the website to preserve for future's sake. I appreciated all the suggestions in the chat yesterday, it made the game a lot more fun to watch.
I'm pretty sure Darius wins this due to his god start in this. As much as I want to see Gilgamesh as the hawk in a hawk/dove iterative prisoner's dilemma struggle, I've never really been impressed by him. Sumeria feel like a civ that's better piloted by a Monty or a Alexander
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!
"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”
(March 1st, 2015, 11:02)Sullla Wrote: The scoring formula was incorrectly entered into my spreadsheet for the first two games, and I corrected it after streaming last night. We created a special scoring case last year of 3 points for anyone who had the top two leaders correct, but in the wrong order, with first and second reversed. That's to recognize a good pick that simply had the order incorrect. We did not award points simply for picking one of the two leaders, and having them in the wrong order as well:
Here's the scoring from Game Two for last year. Just picking Mansa Musa for second place isn't worth 3 points - I mean, it's not correct after all! It was worth 3 points only in the special case of also having Justinian as the winner, with the two reversed. I went through and applied this to the first two games from this year as well. I'll link to the actual spreadsheet so anyone can feel free to take a look at the formulas. http://www.garath.net/Sullla/Civ4/Surviv...vivor2.xls
Small nitpick, but based on that picture (and the scoring of Yell0w, where it is most clear), it appears that having the first/second leaders reversed was in fact worth 5 points (total), not 3..
(March 1st, 2015, 11:02)Sullla Wrote: Thanks to Parkin for doing the recap. LogicalTautology, feel free to post whatever you have as well, if you've already written it. I will see if I can add them to the website to preserve for future's sake. I appreciated all the suggestions in the chat yesterday, it made the game a lot more fun to watch.
I deleted the longer full-bodied recap I was working on when I saw the much more concise one that Parkin put together, but I can post my notes from watching the game live if anyone is interested in them. (Warning: They are quite long and extensive)
T6 - Churchill pops Bronze Working!
T8 - Boudica founds Islam (Meditation)
T9 - Wang Kong founds Confusionism (Polytheism)
T21 - Boudica first to three cities
T23 - Churchill gets to three cities, settling towards Monty. Wang Kong also plants his third and Huayna.
T26 - Monty's third citie overlaps BFC of Churchill's 3rd. De Gaulle and Stalin still without a Settler for third city.
T28 - Monty founds Judaism (Monotheism).
T35 - Stalin lands Stonehenge
T36 - Stalin sends his 3rd Settler 9 tiles South of his Capital to found right outside Churchill's Capital. De Gaulle founds his third city in the tundra.
T41 - Huayna plants his fourth city towards Wang Kon.
T43 - Churchill plants a city three tiles away from Stalin's 'Pink Dot' city.
T44 - Wang Kon gets Great Wall
T47 - De Gaulle founds a fourth city in the jungle, significantly South from his core cities, Boudica also out to four cities.
T50 - State of the Union: Monty the GNP leader through his double-Gold, Churchill early leader on food. Wang Kon surging ahead in power while neighbour Huayna bringing up the rear. Moscow and Seol listed as 'top cities'. Huayna plants city 5 in the jungle, expaning out nicely in a compact circle.
T52 - Stalin plants a city in the arctic tundra that accomplishes nothing but does grab horses. Monty getting harassed by Barbs in his territory, delaying settler.
T53 - Monty settles ON a gold resource with his fourth city, but does claim more of the contested land with Boudica.
T53 - Churchill converts to Confusionism.
T54 - Boudica plants her fifth city, grabbing land towards Monty and De Gaulle. De Gaulle plants another city as well.
T55 - Wang Kon founds a city in the southern ice to grab horses.
T57 - Churchill founds another city, grabbing lots of Jungle Gems.
T59 - Stalin founds another city in the northeast corner.
T60 - De Gaulle converts to Judaism. Wang Kon delcares War on Stalin! (1st Declaration), marching on Pink Dot.
T61 - Wang Kon turns away and walks further north, passing up an easy target.
T63 - Huayna Capac plants another city (7th!)
T64 - Boudica declares war on Monty! (2nd Declaration). Marches on Monty's fourth city with 2 Axes and Gaellic Warriors and Spears (defended by Jags).
T65 - Boudica attacks the city and gets cleaned up! Stalin completes the Great Lighthouse.
T66 - Wang Kon completes the Pyramids
T67 - Boudica suicides the few remaining units into Monty's city. Stalin joins the Jewish block.
T68 - Wang Kon marching on St. Petersberg (core city), passing up multiple weaker cities on the way. Stalin plants another city, far to the West from his other cities!
T69 - Great Scientist born (somewhere). Wang Kon prepares to attack.
T70 - Wang Kon bypasses St Petersberg and doesn't attack, now moving on Moscow. WK and Monty still on four cities, and Boudica plants her 6th.
T71 - Wang Kon moves back and forms a megastack outside St Petersberg. Maybe he will finally attack?
T72 - Failed attack on St. Pete. Huayna Capac converts to Confusionism. Great General born in Russia.
T74 - Monte plants his fifth city in a useless ice/tundra location, settling on copper. churchill plants a city that overlaps with BFC of De Gaulle *and* Stalin.
T75 - Great Merchant born to Stalin. Wang Kon gets a Great Spy. Most of the map is settled by now, without much more room for peaceful expansion as Huayna grabs his 8th city!
T78 - Huayna plants his 9th city!
T79 - Churchill crams in another filler city and Monty grabs his 6th city in the ice, now basically out of room.
T80 - Monte attacks a city and loses his stack, but gets a Great General for his efforts.
T81 - Huayna lands the Orcale and gets Metal Casting.
T82 - Monty founds Christianity (Code of Laws?)
T85 - Boudica wins a skirmish and gets a Great General.
T86 - Huana declares war on Stalin! (3rd Declaration), moves giant stack on Stalin's Pink Dot.
T87 - Stalin holds and Huayna's stack suicides.
T88 - Boudica moves a stack towards Monty, but the city has Walls on a hill. Still no Catapults yet.
T89 - De Gaulle declares War on Churchill! (4th Declaration). Hinduism founded by Wang Kon (Theology). All civs are now at War with someone, but no city captures yet.
T90 - Wang Kong finishes the Hanging Gardens, Collosus built by Huayna. Boudica and Monty make peace.
T91 - Stalin gets another Great General as a Korean sta ck suicides into his city.
T92 - Great Prophet born to Monty.
T93 - De Gaulle captures the first city of the game, Churchill's border city. Monty finishes the Jewish Shrine.
T94 - Temple of Artemis built by Wang Kon. Churchill has a size 15 city! :O
T96 - Boudica builds the Islamic shrine.
T98 - Great Engineer born to Churchill. HC captures a Barb city, his 11th!
T99 - Monty declares war on Churchill! (5th War Declaration)
T100 - Monty captures the city of Oxford from Churchill. HC and Stalin make peace.
T101 - Wang Kon builds the Apostolic Palace for Confusionism. Tech update: most people in Late Classical - Early Medieival. HC behind in tech through early expansion, Monty surprisingly ahead in tech.
T103 - Wang Kon makes peace with Stalin. Aztec-English and French-English are the remaining wars.
T105 - Boudica declares War on De Gaulle (6th Declaration) and moves a giant stack towards Rheims.
T106 - Celtic stack moving past French frontlines.
T108 - Boudica moves stack back to Rheims.
T109 - Boudica attacks Rheims, goes well. Ge Daulle lands Mauseleum.
T110 - Churchill makes peace with De Gaulle, gets Newcastle back in peace treaty.
T111 - Wang Kon completes Chichen Izta.
T112 - Boudica takes Rheims, De Gaulle down to four cities.
T114 - Taosim founded in England (Philosophy?)
T115 - Oxford captured by Churchill. Huayna declares war on Monty! (7th Declaration).
T118 - Stalin declares war on Huayna Capac! (8th War).
T119 - HC captures the Axtec city of Thlateloco.
T121 - Stalin captures the Incan border city of Ica.
T122 - Ica recatured by HC, only to be re-recaptured by Stalin! Boudica marches on Paris.
T123 - Tlateloco recaptured by the Aztecs. Churchill sending ivory to Stalin for fish!
T125 - Ica traded back to Huayna Capac.
T126 - Wang Kon builds Statue of Zeus and the Confusion shrine. Paris has been bombarded and looks like it might be attacked shortly.
T127 - Paris gets smoked on the attack, still holding on.
T128 - Boudica captures Paris, and gets the Mausoleum as a free prize.
T129 - Monty makes peace with Churchill as Wang Kon declares war on De Gaulle (9th Declaration). AI dogpile in progress!
T130 - Great Library built in Korea. Boudica and Wang Kon seiging Orleans.
T132 - Churchill and Huayna Capac declare war on De Gaulle through the AP! (Declarations 10 and 11).
T133 - Orleans captured by Boudica, recaptured by De Gaulle, and then taken *again* by Wang Kon!
T134 - Huayna Capac bombs down all defenses at Novgorod.
T135 - Novgorod falls to the Incans. Power graphs reveal Inca, Celts and English all surging ahead of the pack.
T136 - Kashi Vithwani built. Huayna Capac starts a Golden Age!
T137 - Wang Kon finishes the Hagia Sophia.
T138 - Churchill moves on Tours.
T141 - Tours falls to Churchill as the French land gets divided. St Petersberg falls to Huayna Capac.
T142 - Montezuma complestes the Parthenon. AP declares on Montezuma (Wang Kon, Churchill, Boudica; 12-14th Declarations). Monte currently at war with everyone other than Stalin and De Gaulle.
T143 - Multiple nations march on Lyons.
T144 - Boudica conquers Lyons; De Gaulle down to a single norther iceball city.
T147 - Churchill captures Marseilles as De Gaulle is first to die. Rest in peace, French brothers. Huayna marches on Moscow. Novgorod flips to Churchill.
T150 - Huayna Capac builds Notre Dame.
T154 - Wang Kon captures Tlateloko
T156 - Aztec lands being invaded by almost a hundred units from the various AP leaders.
T157 - Huayna Capac fails a few large attacks and falls off in Power; Stalin looking like he might strike back!
T161 - Boudica captures an Aztec city (heck if I can keep track of the various names, let alone spell them!)
T163 - Stalin proves the world is round.
T164 - Boudica caputres another Aztec city (Texcoco).
T165 - Aztec capital (again with the names!) falls to Churchill. Buddhism (Divine Right) founded by Huayna Capac.
T167 - Stalin is now at complete peace as the war with Huayna Capac comes to and end. Meanwhile, Churchill is teching like a fiend and one turn away from Education in 1080 AD!
T170 - Boudica grabs the second-last Aztec city as multiple nations march on the last standing iceball city.
T171 - Wang Kon knocks out Montezuma as the world returns to peace for the first time in centuries! Five civs remain.
T172 - Stalin builds the Taj Mahal and triggers a Golden Age.
T173 - Churchill wins race to Liberalism and grabs Printing Press.
T175 - Boudica pops a Golden Age and declares war on Churchill! (15th Declaration). Both are dead even in power and far ahead of the pack.
T176 - Boudica marches on the former Aztec capital, getting the jump on Churchill.
T177 - Boudica takes the former Aztec capital.
T178 - Churchill counterattacks and grabs Teotihucan.
T179 - The Spiral Minaret built by Huayna Capac.
T180 - Teotihucan recaptured by Boudica, as she researches Gunpowder, beeling to Rifling!
T182 - Churchill gets peace (likely through AP) after being crushed on the power graph by Boudica.
T184 - Churchill goes to Free Religion.
T190 - Stalin declares war on Wang Kon! (16th Declaration)
T193 - Huayna Capac declares war on Stalin! (17th Declaration)
T197 - Wang Kon captures a Russian city, but English culture quickly swarms around it.
T198 - Yaroslavl captured by Huayna Capac, as the Incans march towards Moscow.
T200 - Boudica surging ahead of everyone in power as she completes a round of rifles everywhere. Score update: Boudica, (gap), Churchill, (small gap), Huayna, Wang Kon, (huge gap), Stalin.
T202 - India (Sulla) discovers Bronze Working! RIP Leonard Nemoy.
T203 - Boudica declares war on Wang Kon! (18th declaration)
T204 - Orleans falls to Boudica's rifles. Stalin captures the Confucian Holy City from Korea somehow. Whoops!
T206 - Huayna Capac almost done bombing down Moscow's defenses. Boudica doomstack marches on the second-last Korean city in the West.
T207 - Moscow falls to the Incan army.
T209 - Boudica captures a Korean border city
T210 - Boudica captures another former Aztec city.
T211 - Wang Kon recaptures his holy city, finally!
T213 - Boudica grabs the last Korean city in the west, and now controls virtually everything west of London.
T217 - Stalin's northern horse-city falls to Huayna Capac; Russians down to one tundra iceball and not looking long for this world.
T219 - Churchill builds the Statue of Liberty! After marching her units all around Churchill, the first Celtic stacks reach the Korean core (through Incan lands).
T220 - The Russian civilization has been destroyed by Huayna Capac. Boudica one turn away from Military Tradition. Score rough update: Boudica (3000), Huayna Capac (2600), Churchill (2400), Wang Kon (1900).
T222 - Boudica makes peace with Wang Kon, and we reach another phase of World Peace.
T223 - Boudica is annoyed towards both Churchill and Wang Kon, so peace may not last long! Huayna is liked by everyone.
T225 - Wang Kon completes the Kremlin. Boudica at both 33% in land area and population.
T226 - Churchill pops a Golden Age.
T230 - Wang Kon pops a Golden Age. Boudica still way ahead of the field in power.
T235 - Boudica declares war on Churchill! (19th Declaration).
T236 - Boudica marches on Oxford, but only has Trebuchets for bombardment. Churchill captures Orleans on the counterattack!
T237 - Oxford falls to Boudica.
T242 - Huayna Capac doing a massive military build.
T243 - Churchill builds Broadway. UN still looming. Boudica's uberstack seems to have gotten stuck, hasn't moved for several turns.
T246 - Orleans recaptured by the Celts.
T248 - Huayna Capac declares War on Wang Kon! (20th Declaration)
T250 - Power graph update: Boudica, Huayna Capac, Churchill and Wang Kon; all with fairly large gaps in between. Boudica's stack of 100+ units finally on the march again. Huayna Capac takes over the score lead from Boudica.
T251 - Boudica's stack reaches Coventry.
T253 - Huayna takes a Korean border city.
T255 - Coventry falls to Boudica.
T259 - Boudica marches on Warick. Huayna Capac getting destroyed by ramping WW due to Statue of Zeus.
T260 - Boudica captures Warwick.
T261 - Boudica grabs one of Churchill's northern tundra cities, moving on the second one. Starting to overrun England in full. Huayna Capac captures the southern Korean city of Ulsan.
T264 - Korean city of Cheju falls to Huayna Capac, Wang Kon down to five cities. Statue of Zeus WW up to -7 in the Incan capital as his cities starve, though.
T266 - Newcastle falls to Boudica!
T268 - Boudica's megastack marches towards Tours, and Huayna Capac going after Seoul and Wonsan at the same time.
T269 - Tours falls to Boudica's army. Churchill is now reduced to a handful of core cities, and the former French tundra city of Marceilles.
T271 - Tanks hit the field for Huayna Capac.
T275 - Marseilles falls to the Celts as the Incans take Pusan. Boudica now has a small score lead over Huayna Capac, though that seems unlikely to matter as Churchill and Wang Kon don't look long for this world.
T276 - Boudica at 41% and 43% on land/pop towards Domination.
T277 - Core Incan cities still starving down in sizes as the Statue of Zeus gives him crippling unhappiness. Celtic stacks are slowly on their way down from the north towards London.
T281 - Huayna Capac captures Seoul.
T282 - The Incan army captures a southern tundra city from Korea, regaining first place in score.
T287 - Wang Kon loses another city to Huayna, down to his last city (containing Statue of Zeus!)
T288 - Hastings falls to Boudica as London is under seige.
T289 - Boudica's stack of doom captures London, as Churchill continues to collapse.
T292 - Huayna Capac eliminates Wang Kon from the game!
T297 - Boudica at 46% land/pop, so still a fair ways from Domination.
T295 - Huayna Capac completes the Apollo Program.
T299 - Huayna gifts the Statue of Zeus city to Churchill! Boudica up to -27 WW in her core cities!
T300 - Canterbury falls to Boudica.
T303 - Huayna Capac about a whole age ahead of Boudica now.
T305 - York falls to Boudica, as does Nottingham. Churchill down to her last city, the Statue of Zeus city where Wang Kon made his last stand!
T306 - The English civilization has been destroyed. Boudica's WW disappears, but it might be too late.
T310 - The Statue of Zeus city gifted back to Incans. Those poor citizens! York is gifted over as well.
T317 - Huayna about 20 techs ahead, and relations are high enough to prevent wars. Seems like the Incans have this on lockdown.
T326 - Boudica and Huayna sign a defensive pact to guard against those evil Indians who are almost halfway to Iron Working!
T329 - Huayna Capac is racing through the spaceship and is researching Genetics (the last space tech) as Boudica researches Industrialism.
T332 - Huayna Capac finishes the relevant techs and now has to finish the Stasis Chamber; ETA on victory is 348.
T338 - Huayna Capac finishes the Stasis Chamber, building his last Casing.
T339 - Huayna lanches the spaceship!
T348 - Huayna has won a Space Race victory!
Edit: Also, I had to step away after the end of the game yesterday and caught the Game3 draw on VOD, so I missed anything in between. I see you announced Game 3 for Saturday; does that mean that you're moving away from the rotation of Friday and Saturday based on your days off?
(March 1st, 2015, 11:02)Sullla Wrote: Good point, I wanted to address this. The scoring formula was incorrectly entered into my spreadsheet for the first two games, and I corrected it after streaming last night. We created a special scoring case last year of 3 points for anyone who had the top two leaders correct, but in the wrong order, with first and second reversed. That's to recognize a good pick that simply had the order incorrect. We did not award points simply for picking one of the two leaders, and having them in the wrong order as well:
No problem, after seeing the formula for the 1st 2 games, I though that was part of the new scoring, not an incorrect formula