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WW16: The Outlaws and The Olives

novice Wrote:Maybe you could just script it to generate one static html for each player and link us to those?

duh! that's a good idea - since I am having to go in and update it manually anyway. plus gives me a reason to play with awk. Anyone use awk ? i miss it so.


I've changed the index page to now link to static pages for all posts <= 1190

At each phase's end, I will update these static pages to include new posts and remove the dead people from further updates.

so feel free to click spam the thread.

Oh -- also .... I will fix the "ALL" page to actually show the poster - instead of "all". that's quite annoying.
Best dating advice on RB: When you can't hide your unit, go in fast and hard. -- Sullla

novice, what led you to believe Sareln was a villager? I thought he was scum until the very end.
Merovech's Mapmaking Guidelines:
0. Player Requests: The player's requests take precedence, even if they contradict the following guidelines.

1. Balance: The map must be balanced, both in regards to land quality and availability and in regards to special civilization features. A map may be wonderfully unique and surprising, but, if it is unbalanced, the game will suffer and the player's enjoyment will not be as high as it could be.

2. Identity and Enjoyment: The map should be interesting to play at all levels, from city placement and management to the border-created interactions between civilizations, and should include varied terrain. Flavor should enhance the inherent pleasure resulting from the underlying tile arrangements. The map should not be exceedingly lush, but it is better to err on the lush side than on the poor side when placing terrain.

3. Feel (Avoiding Gimmicks): The map should not be overwhelmed or dominated by the mapmaker's flavor. Embellishment of the map through the use of special improvements, barbarian units, and abnormal terrain can enhance the identity and enjoyment of the map, but should take a backseat to the more normal aspects of the map. The game should usually not revolve around the flavor, but merely be accented by it.

4. Realism: Where possible, the terrain of the map should be realistic. Jungles on desert tiles, or even next to desert tiles, should therefore have a very specific reason for existing. Rivers should run downhill or across level ground into bodies of water. Irrigated terrain should have a higher grassland to plains ratio than dry terrain. Mountain chains should cast rain shadows. Islands, mountains, and peninsulas should follow logical plate tectonics.

Just woke up. Couple quick thoughts...
  • For the love of god, let go the novice faked a restriction bit. If he's lying, it'll be evident later. Let's go Occam's and assume he didn't until then, k? Especially since he's overwhelmingly likely to be dead tonight, this is an incredible waste of virtual ink.
  • NBD = No Big Deal. I was mainly referring to Bigger's blase approach to the mislynch, though IIRC Tasunke a bit as well.
  • I agree it'd be nice if we could all stay civil, but this game gets heated, just the nature of the beast. I think I've behaved well for me so far, though! I've not insulted Catwalk even once! heart

I'm off to play with waterbat's toy.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

BRickTheTRick Wrote:I have constructed the setup to try and ensure that that the primary driving force of the game will be discussion and deduction in the main thread,

Great job so far! The main source of outside the thread content is based on previous play - and we have enough newish players where even that isn't overwhelming.

We are reaching perfection - only need to make it anonymous.... hmmm... maybe i can put my severely lacking php skills to that task - an anonymous gateway to RB for the purposes of playing WW. I'll call it AAGTRBFTPOPWW.

Of course, we'll know who the first person to start posting only quotes and votes is.

Now for the criticism, Brick....

update the first post! we've got 3 dead
also put in links to the end of each phase.
Thank you!
Best dating advice on RB: When you can't hide your unit, go in fast and hard. -- Sullla

Waterbat, you are a sexy beast. So I had 3 hunches that I decided to take a look at with his tool since I actually have some solid free time today. First up, Arromir.

Arromir Wrote:The reason I've avoided posting, and voting, up to this post is because: it's day one, it's my first game, and I do not really know the people involved.

There is a lot of speculation and noise going on, a large portion of which is likely caused by villagers jumping at shadows. Catching up with the tread though, the most suspicious individual for me is thestick and his relative apathy to his lynch count. All I have to go on is how I'd act in such a situation, and I'd certainly be a bit more proactive if a was a villager. Sothestickit is, and hopefully it pays off.

On our mayoral candidates, I supposezakalwe is a lock at this point regardless, but might as well vote.

Arromir Wrote:Again my Newspaper Editor is failing

When I say I avoided posting up to this post, I meant aside from the two (non) posts made previously. Just pointing that out before that slip sends a noose around my neck.smoke

Arromir Wrote:Guess it's a good thing I searched my name before logging.

I'm not sure what I can say in my defense of voting for thestick when I did other than my work doesn't really allow for any internet access. And as I've stated before, I did not want to get too involved in all of the speculation that was going on day one.

To this point, he's contributed absolutely nothing other than attempts at self-preservation. After this post, he's chastened about his level of contribution and he gives us his first hint of scumhunting:

Arromir Wrote:As for searching my name; since I stated my reason for voting thestick was his apathy toward his own defense, I did not want to follow suit in case I was getting heat for some reason. As scummy as it might sound, RL has been in the way of active participation here, but hopefully the next couple days off will give me more of a chance to post.

My top three suspects currently would be Sareln, Merovech, and uberfish, most of that based of the vote swings that happened between Mattimeo, thestick, and Bigger. That likely means that at least one, possibly two, were misguided villagers, as I doubt the whole pack would act in such an obvious manner.

I have several sheets of notes I took catching up on the thread, but considering it's almost 4:30 AM here, I'm going to wait until tomorrow before trying to organize them into coherent thoughts, as well as seeing if there are any more developments before then.

Arromir Wrote:Well looks like there haven't been too many new developments since my last post.Sareln has shown up with a single post, but nothing to minimize my suspicions of him. It will be interesting to see if and where the votes swing, as currently he's in the lead.

Uberfish still strikes me as scummy as well, mostly due to his voting, and the tone of his posts has struck me as inconsistently odd. I also found it curious that he called me out, but ignored the fact I stated I suspected him in my response post. Since I know I'm town, but have admittedly played a rather scummy game so far, in terms of my awkward posts, it just seemed as potential groundwork for a mislynch, to see if anyone else would jump on.

So we basically have "suspicions" based on... well... as best I can tell in each case, the fact that many other people were voting for each candidate in each case. The part that really tweaks me is the fact that as a new player he's playing the "aw, shucks, gee, I guess I'm playing pretty scummy" card. When I think of that card, I think of Gustaran and pling's first wolf games.

There's two additional nothing posts after that. While I don't think he's the best suspect on the board, I think he reminds me a lot of the sort of classic newbie lurker wolves. Its always tough to draw scum in your first game and after thestick's collapse, I'd imagine any experience scum would be encouraging a newbie to speak very softly.

I think I'd like to see a summation of those notes, Arromir. I'd also like to see a thought put forth that didn't have to do with saving yourself.

More later...
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

I agree that the novice post-restriction stuff is noisy, but I disagree that it is entirely unhelpful.

We have no proof either way of if it is real or faked and as far as I am concerned, if someone has a post restriction tomorrow that doesn't change the situation much.

We have enough mafia left amongst us that another could easily fake a post-restriction if they wanted to, to give novice further cover and credibility. I don't see that as totally implausible.

My only issue with this trail of thought is the seemingly high passionate defence of novice. I don't see that mafia would want to gambit that much on the risk of novice being found out and then being high suspects for defending him so much.

But, I also ask myself this question. If it was someone other than novice, would there be as much of a readiness to believe that it is true? He helped us get thestick, but we've seen wolves bus their packmates as much as good villagers find them on day one so it doesn't guarantee anything.

And I'm not dropping this issue because I am not prepared to let myself or others follow or trust someone who has no real 'villager credentials' uncritically, like Catwalk did on the last day. We have to suspect everyone or we risk letting mafia get under cover.
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."

I definitely agree that we shouldn't unconditionally trust anyone, no matter how village they might initially seem. It is, after all, a game of lies and deception.

Second up, Meiz. Now I know Meiz caught a lot of heat last game for being alive despite always dying and then had anything but his best game, but the Meiz I know usually has really good insights, posts with lots of links I never click and nobody follows him if zakalwe isn't around to champion his cause. Actually, the part I found most odd was that he didn't get on thestick bandwagon with novice and zakalwe. I think we can find the number of times where he didn't agree with those two when they were so sure to be extraordinarily small. So what gives, there?

I recall thinking (and I really should learn to take notes when I read these threads - I'd be like 100x the WW player if I wasn't so lazy) when reading day one that Meiz was all over Jkaen. But as I reread right now, really, he's just defending or saying nothing. Check out his lone Meiz-ish post from day one, here. Its basically nothing but defense. That just seems very un-Meizish for a player who is normally not so defensive.

Day two is mostly some quick hit reads and lands on pindicator. I know he's busy (rearing its ugly head again) but I'd expect a bit more piss and vinegar from him. I guess I don't really have a smoking gun and quoting all of his blase scum-hunting isn't worth the trouble but I just don't like what we've seen so far... feels like a muted version of usual Meiz.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

Twinkletoes89 Wrote:I agree that the novice post-restriction stuff is noisy, but I disagree that it is entirely unhelpful.

We have no proof either way of if it is real or faked and as far as I am concerned, if someone has a post restriction tomorrow that doesn't change the situation much.

We have enough mafia left amongst us that another could easily fake a post-restriction if they wanted to, to give novice further cover and credibility. I don't see that as totally implausible.

My only issue with this trail of thought is the seemingly high passionate defence of novice. I don't see that mafia would want to gambit that much on the risk of novice being found out and then being high suspects for defending him so much.

But, I also ask myself this question. If it was someone other than novice, would there be as much of a readiness to believe that it is true? He helped us get thestick, but we've seen wolves bus their packmates as much as good villagers find them on day one so it doesn't guarantee anything.

And I'm not dropping this issue because I am not prepared to let myself or others follow or trust someone who has no real 'villager credentials' uncritically, like Catwalk did on the last day. We have to suspect everyone or we risk letting mafia get under cover.

The point isn't that novice is a lead-pipe lock villager. The point is we can't actually figure anything out about this right now, so let it lie until we have more information. If you want to call novice scummy based on something he's said or done, I'm willing to listen. But the PR is a non-issue and it is far, far more likely he was actually post restricted by wolves. If your biggest concerns are zakalwe and novice at the end of day one, makes a ton of sense to kill zakalwe and mute novice a bit. Time will tell if that read is correct, but we're not going to find the answer in his post restriction.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

That's fair enough Gaspar, and the best response I have gotten on the issue.

I am just hoping for a bit more independent thought and it really annoys me when people piggyback because they are not helping the village at all
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."

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