I take that back - turns out its this NN ctd everyones talking about.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore |
EitB Bug Thread
I take that back - turns out its this NN ctd everyones talking about.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
How do you make dropbox files public?
Trying to upload save. EDIT: And once again I've spammed the forum
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
(November 20th, 2012, 20:38)axlunq Wrote: Save with Nox crash. Eitb v9. I built Nox w/ the great prophet and the world continued to spin for at least the next 5 turns. What is the exact set of moves for you that crashes the game? But only on that turn... Hmm. UPDATE: So if I advance the turn before building Nox, it doesn't crash, but if I build Nox as is, it breaks. Rebuilding my debug.dll now...
So I'm an idiot, but I think I've got it fixed.
Technical Explanation: Arrays of units are maintained by the game for each player. Each slot in the array may or may not contain a unit which is currently alive. Dead units return NULL if you ask it, but if you try to access any other attribute of a NULL unit, you will crash the game. CIV cleans up the array from time to time, but it is a delayed action. Therefore you need to shield yourself against accidentally asking for details on a NULL unit or else the game will crash. I wasn't doing that. Now I am. EDIT: This came up whenever the player built Nox Noctis b/c Nox invisibility is controlled by a promotion, so I was having the game stride through a player's array of units (without protection) and check to see if each had a promotion. When it reached a NULL unit in the player's array, the game would crash. The same function was called when a player either gained or lost control of Nox Noctis as well to either add the promo or cleanup the obsolete ones, hence why people were seeing the crash on conquest of Nox sometimes as well. The crash wouldn't happen if your unit list was clean of all NULL slots, which I think (but am not sure) the game does at the end of every full turn and most importantly: when you enter and exit worldbuilder. /EDIT A new .dll is building as I write this, so I'll post a link when it becomes available. Please let me know if this crash continues, and please continue to post save games if it does so. I think this is the only place where I was unshielded. Also let me know whether the new Nox functionality is any good.
I don't understand...
So its NOT Nox?
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
Apologies if I posted this already (can't remember).
Some things which I assume are bugs: warriors being able to upgrade to centaur chargers (ouch), and phalanxes getting a boost from nightmares.
@HidingKneel. Good spots. I'll close those. The Warrior -> Centaur upgrade is b/c of the Warrior -> Horseman upgrade for non-Kuriotate CIVs, so yes, it's a hole, but should it be closed?
Phalanx boosting from Nightmares was that on v8 or v9? I know when I did v8 I accidentally left some melee units as being able to use nightmares... |