Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Noble SG: No Improvements

Getting late, so saving and will finish & report tomorrow.
Have played 7 turns, but I want some input.
Finished Civil service with rather a lot of overflow.
What's our next tech?
* Construction - can finish in 3 turns with current gold reserves
* Machinery - takes 8 turns of 100% research. We can get it in 10 turns if we can sell just 1 tech to some backwards schmuck.
* HRB - with construction, opens war ellies (no reason to take this before Cnst in my view)
or stay on the libralism track?

I'm not really sure how axes + catapults fare vs. noble AI...babylon is #2 power after sitting bull so I'm thinking maces to rule the field will work. Upgraded axes will have shock, be expensive but I guess our econ is better than our production anyway.

My vote is on construction - build some cats while teching machinery - then trade away some techs to the backwards, upgrade our shock axe army and kill our western neighbour.

EDIT: Totally forgot, construction giving bridge building will help our movement too. (Well it will actually help our scout as he travels through AI lands)

there's no point in getting HBR before guilds. we don't have horses anway. (do camels require HBR??)

no reason to rush to liberalism, its noble ai. I'd say we need construction and machinery to conquer babylon. construction first?

then after machinery probably onto paper. we can probably lib something better than nationalism if we choose too. we'll see when the time comes though.
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

Um, camels do still require HBR.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

i thought so. but its still useless to us until we have guilds, which is a bit off.
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

Actually we have ivory, and construction + HBR + ivory....not quite useless. But maces are close enough.


Report, turns 210-220

Turn 0. Trade priesthood to caesar for 50 gold. Hit enter.
Turn 1. Founded city.
[Image: sgjustintime.jpg]

Seems Babylon were just about ready to settle themselves…
Sent both axes west, want that barb city.

Turn 2. It's a miracle we need - the miracle
The miracle we're all waiting for today

[Image: sgmiracle.jpg]

Paid 28 gold for maximum hindu power – but looks like we only ‘got’ 1 spanish city, in addition to our 2 cities. Pretty decent timing on this thing, I’d say.
Madrid completed an axeman, but veto the missionary build. Switch to forge for now. Will complete fast once we beauracracy and be useful rest of game.
Sold monarchy to spain for 70 gold, but they do not like us enough to convert to Hinduism. At least when I ask them, maybe they will do it voluntary.

-Hey Isabella, now that your cities are mainly hinduistic, perhaps you could switch to hinduism? Here, have monarchy and be a queen in more than the name now.
-No way, you creep, I don't like you enough.

[Image: sgisabella.jpg]


Turn 3.

[Image: sgbarbville.jpg]

Barbville is garrisoned by 2 archers on a hill, and is size 1. Odds 16-ish %. Kept watch but nothing happened so far.

In capital I changed a 2/0/2 coast into a priest, gets us 8 raw hammers, so 10 with Org.rel towards forge. Also to get GPP towards a great profit, hopefully. Ended up with about 50-50 odds on the profit.

Turn 4. Nothing much. Check on all cities. Offload a scout in Babylon lands, he will scout the continent. Will sail 2 more axemen westwards too. I’m a bit unsure about our attack – should we axe-rush or quickly rush to macemen, upgrade our axes and just rock babylon’s world? Will see how fast we can research.
Turn 5. Scouting. Another Charlemagne chariot next to barbville. I move axe back, so I’ll be ready to snipe the site if they attack and fail.

And a shot of our new city:

[Image: sgnewcityscreen.jpg]

Granary, to set up some whipping. Lighthouse after, maybe?

Turn 6. Nothing new. Axe finishes in Baghdad, start another. Send it westwards.
Turn 7. Civil service in, revolt to B. (pic). Dial down science to 0%. But need to choose a tech. After some deliberation, I go with construction, as catapults rock (get it?). Axe finishes in Medina, start another.
Turn 8. Scout. Trade/Give Aestethic to Pacal for 120 gold.
Turn 9. Whip the forge in capital for 2 pop, 1 pop grows right back. 60 hammers overflow.

[Image: sgcapitalafterwhip.jpg]

Moved a spear westwards along with axe, so left a city empty. Not sure if it matters. Can Sitting Bull attack at pleased?

Turn 10. Construction came in. Set research to machinery. Didn’t touch anything else.

Be sure to change capital’s build, missionary is just left in from before (it had hammers in it) Maybe not best build right now as we got ‘free’ religion spread to all our cities. Didn’t whip any, so ready for a bout of whippin’ up an army. Should be set to attack after we upgrade troops and have enough catapults. And coastal cities on that continent are pretty nice, +8 commerce just from trade from the get-go.

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yeah I didn't think about elephants. thats probably a good idea as guilds is still a fair bit off.

maybe overflow into market in mecca?

good turn Molach!
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

Hey guys, interesting read so far. I was wondering how do I sign up for one of these's? - Crediting the artist who made my profile pic.

well if commodore doesnt show up we might have to draft you to take over his turn <whistle>..

yes I know the irony in me saying that, considering my last two turns wink
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

HA, that would be awesome, I would love to try this out. Although u might not want me to mess stuff up, considering I've played like only 5 games. Still though it would awesome to try it out jive - Crediting the artist who made my profile pic.

By the way, I'm going to be out of town for a week starting Saturday, so if I come up skip me. If I come up though...

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