(August 14th, 2014, 11:38)antisocialmunky Wrote: Auchenai + double zombie chow + circle of healing?
Sounds janky. The combo may work sometimes but it's not reliable. Three-card combos are never reliable enough if they don't win the game right there. Also, two of those three cards are basically junk outside the combo.
I don't see it making Priest decks much better.
Both Auchenai and Circle are essential Priest cards in any viable deck I've ever seen.
Agreed that Zombie Chow is underwhelming but if it belongs in any deck Priest seems like the best. Early board presence is a problem for priest and you don't really care about your opponent's health in the early game anyway. The possibility of late-game mind blast just adds a little extra value.
Zombie Chow is still pretty good in Zoo, but the thing is there are so many cards that fit comfortably in Zoo at this point does it really matter that much if you're playing Zombie Chow or Argent Squire or whatever? Focus on a low-curve, pick cards that work well together, establish board presence... you could fill a Zoo deck comfortably with 50 cards at this point, so I do think Zombie Chow's power was overestimated by people like me.
On an unrelated note, I think 8 of the last 10 ranked games I've played were against Hunter. Apparently, its April again. Sort of supports the contention that the rise of Miracle Rogue had a lot more to do with Hunter going away than the UtH nerf ever did.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?
I'm really looking forward to getting some free time to figure out a priest midrange deck with zombie chow, deathlord, and dark cultist in. I had just enough time to unlock the cards and play one game last night, but it was a win!
Zombie CHow seems like it'd be very good in midrange, but I still need to unlock and test it (I am bad at resisting my impulse to spend gold on Arena...).
It has the same problem as flame imp, that it is basically a minus for you in later game AOE turns. In addition, the last thing you want to give an opponent in such a taunt heavy meta is +5 health to survive another turn.
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!
"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”
Instead of doing all my homework I did some of my homework and played some games. I think Zombie Chow is kind of mixed. It can really do wonders in the early game, but after the early game you really need to team it up with an auchenai for it to be useful. I had a couple games where I was able to pull off the Auchenai+Zombie+Circle combo to get lethal, which was very satisfying. Especially against the Control Warrior who had just played Alexstraza against me and probably thought he had lethal the following turn.
You know what else is satisfying? Deathlord + Inner Fire. An 8/8 attacking on turn 4 (or better, coined out) almost always resulted in a win.
Here's the deck I'm fooling around with.
0 - Circle of Healing x2
1 - Undertaker x2, Zombie Chow x2, Northshire Cleric x2, Inner Fire x2, Power Word: Shield x2
2 - Loot Hoarder x2, Wild Pyromancer x2, Divine Spirit
3 - Deathlord x2, Dark Cultist x2, Injured Blademaster x2, Shadow Word: Death
4 - Auchenai Soulpriest x2
5 - Holy Nova x2
6 - Cabal Shadow Priest, Temple Enforcer
I'm resisting the temptation to change stuff out until I have at least 20 games played, but so far I'm winning 2 out of every 3. Considering gutting the whole deathrattle theme and making the curve a little later with some more 4-drops. Undertaker suffers the same way as zombie chow in this deck - if I don't get it early it just sucks. Inner fire isn't intended as a combo-wombo card; I figure if i can get +3 or better then it's worth using.
I tried something similar but with heavier minions (loatheb and F+S, two temple enforcers, Rag). I needed to play holy fire there though, if you miss early drops you can take lots of damage.
I think undertaker's often a 2/3 for 1 which is okay, you run 8 deathrattles at 3 or less, and if you run priest zoo (Proo?) it probably needs the loot hoarders to avoid running out of cards if its board gets cleared since it doesn't have Warlock draw anyway. Plus you want to cycle towards inner fire
Maybe if you're running 2 inner fires anyway it's worth just adding the 2nd divine spirit and using that as combo finisher instead of auchenai-zombie-CoH?
(August 15th, 2014, 04:49)uberfish Wrote: I tried something similar but with heavier minions (loatheb and F+S, two temple enforcers, Rag). I needed to play holy fire there though, if you miss early drops you can take lots of damage.
I think undertaker's often a 2/3 for 1 which is okay, you run 8 deathrattles at 3 or less, and if you run priest zoo (Proo?) it probably needs the loot hoarders to avoid running out of cards if its board gets cleared since it doesn't have Warlock draw anyway. Plus you want to cycle towards inner fire
Maybe if you're running 2 inner fires anyway it's worth just adding the 2nd divine spirit and using that as combo finisher instead of auchenai-zombie-CoH?
I'm actually thinking about ditching the divine spirit for a shadow word: pain, or possibly a holy fire. It's currently being used as a finisher, but considering how much I'm playing for board control I probably need to either use it earlier for a good trade or ditch it for something that helps with the board more. I think I've only had one game where i pulled out the IF/DS combo in a worthwhile manner (as in, that combo won a game that wasn't already won).
I have gotten the start of undertaker - coin - zombie chow on turn 1 a couple of times. Or where I can go undertaker - loot hoarder - deathlord/cultist on successive turns. That's what makes me want to get some more games in and see what the trend is before taking it out. I'll probably try to mulligan harder for my 1 drops in future games.