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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

LoL Contest #4 - Outnumbered !

Welcome to LoL challenge #4 ! This time it’s about the power of human skill against Riot's incredible bots ! wink

Starts: Now!

Ends: Tuesday, June 7th, 12:00 (noon) CEST (which is usually around the time for patch maintenance)

Conditions: Start a solo custom game on Summoner's Rift.
Add Sivir, Soraka, Malphite, Master Yi and Shen to the enemy team (so you play a 1 vs 5 bot game). You can choose the order.

Goals: Win the game.

Winning condition: The fastest time wins. Penalty: Add 1 minute to your time for every tower you lose.

a) Champions: Pantheon, Shen, Twisted Fate, Lee Sin (is bugged atm)
b) Items: Sword of the Occult, Mejai's Soulstealer and Leviathan are banned.

How to participate:
As soon as you win the game, take two screenshots. One that show the nexus right before destruction and one of the final stats screen for finishing time. Report your times either in this thread or via PM to me. Upload your screenshots somewhere on the net (i.e. ) and send me the link via PM. You may improve your time as often as you like and switch champions as you see fit.

You may deduct 2 seconds from your finishing time for every day before Tuesday you report your result (i.e. if you report Saturday, you may deduct 6 seconds). This is so we get some results flowing in and not have everybody turn in 30 minutes before the contest ends.

What can you win:
As usual, you can win a 10$ Riot Point Code. This time, the code will not go to the winner, but will be drawn again from all participants who submitted a valid result. Hopefully this will encourage even more players smile
If you are the winner, please make a replay available after the contest ends. This way everybody can learn from you smile

Good luck to everyone !


Sounds like quite a challenge indeed, but do we really need the penalty for losing towers here, seems kind of inevitable lol

It is worth noting that as soon as you kill the nexus and victory comes up the timer on screen disappears. So makes sure you take a screenshot very promptly or you might be frustrated.

I will give this a go. Nothing like a good old fashioned base race smile

Just thought of one other thing. Lee Sin's E skill is bugged at the minute so you can double cast it. I haven't tried it but apparently you can pretty much vaporise minion waves with it. Might be worth a ban?

uberfish Wrote:but do we really need the penalty for losing towers here, seems kind of inevitable lol

Yes, maybe someone wants to include a quick tower save...

Enoch Wrote:It is worth noting that as soon as you kill the nexus and victory comes up the timer on screen disappears. So makes sure you take a screenshot very promptly or you might be frustrated.

Since the game ends, you should get a stats screen which shows the game time, so no need to hurry. Does the stats screen show towers destroyed by bots as well ? Then this would maybe be the more comfortable alternative.

Quote:Just thought of one other thing. Lee Sin's E skill is bugged at the minute so you can double cast it. I haven't tried it but apparently you can pretty much vaporise minion waves with it. Might be worth a ban?

I haven't heard about this bug and I somehow doubt anyone here is a frequent Lee Sin player, but better safe then sorry smile I will add him to the ban list.


Ok, I just gave it a try, the final stats screen doesn't show the bot's stats, so I do need a Summoner's Rift screenshot.

Ranking updated:

1. Gustaran: 31:42 (24:42 including bonus / 7 towers lost)


sounds like a real interesting challenge will give it a go soon

Quote: I haven't heard about this bug and I somehow doubt anyone here is a frequent Lee Sin player, but better safe then sorry smile I will add him to the ban list.

Yeah I only mentioned it because he is free this week. Also the glitch is apparently why he got picked in the tournament over the weekend...

Additional note: I edited the contest rules to state that I need 2 screenshots from you. One right before the nexus explodes so I can see the number of towers left, and one of the final stats screen for the exact finishing time smile

Meanwhile Enoch has pulverised my time: lol

Ranking updated:

1. Enoch 21:10 (16:10 including bonus / 5 towers lost)
2. Gustaran: 31:42 (24:42 including bonus / 7 towers lost)


gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Stupid towers dying.

Dantski takes the lead ! thumbsup

Ranking updated:

1. Dantski 19:27 (14:27 including bonus / 5 towers lost / needs SR screenshot)
2. Enoch 21:10 (16:10 including bonus / 5 towers lost)
3. Gustaran: 31:42 (24:42 including bonus / 7 towers lost)


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