Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Also if you are able to get his pool while the other team is stunned by ammu or something you can pull quite a bit of crazy crazy damage- if you aren't able to get out of malz's pool he will crush your health very fast- it's a large part of the reason his ult is so good.

Additionally for solo queue his ult allows you to punish mistakes by the enemy team very easily. Just one person on the other team being out of position or just a little too aggressive and you can immeaditely stun them under tower, chain another stun, etc etc, and that is something that can turn the game around if done at the right time.

His passive was buffed when they added better AI to it. Nerfs to some other casters like Anivia and Karthus indirectly buffed Malzahar. But mostly, like some other characters who shot up the tier list, he got more play in high elo, and people saw how strong he is/has been. It is insanely easy to farm with his E and Q skills, he is super strong for level 1 fighting because of his voidling, he does a ton of AOE damage in team fights with his W and Q, has good CC between his Q and ult (like was mentioned by Tyrmith, his ult is amazing for catching someone out of position and locking them down instantly). He even fits in well in the age of tanky dps, since his W does %-based damage, so he kills beefies very fast.

And probably Malzahar's strongest aspect: he is a ridiculously strong laner after level 6, since he can 100 to 0 anyone who doesn't have a lot of magic resists, or at least send them back to heal with their tail between their legs. Their only answer is to sit way back, away from him...which lets him free farm.

Reginald and Hotshot have been playing him for quite a while in solo queue and 5s games. If it took Elementz this long to realize how strong Malzahar is, then perhaps his tier list is a bit out of touch.

"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."

Interesting experience in premade ranked - we lost and I only lost 3elo. This was puzzling until I checked the elo of their jungler - 1818 in premade 5x5, so ~51 overall. Apparently the people on their solomid stream got to watch us get owned wink

Out of interest who was it?

Enoch Wrote:Out of interest who was it?


We playin tonight? Same time as last night?
EDIT: In before QOTM innuendo

As requested in game, here's that Urgot game of mine we played on Wednesday.

My 'recent matches':
1hr+ game
20min game (RB)
20min game (RB)
20min game (RB)
1hr+ game
20min game (RB)
20min game (RB)
20min game (RB)
20min game
20min game
1hr+ game

Looks like there is no golden middle road.

Jowy Wrote:My 'recent matches':
1hr+ game
20min game (RB)
20min game (RB)
20min game (RB)
1hr+ game
20min game (RB)
20min game (RB)
20min game (RB)
20min game
20min game
1hr+ game

Looks like there is no golden middle road.

Wasn't the motto here never give up never surrender.

I personaly will almost never surrender and find that even horendous odds can be turned around by bad plays or luck

VarisNox raises the bar smile :

Ranking updated:

1. VarisNox 15:25 (12:25 including bonus / 3 towers lost)
2. Dantski 19:27 (14:27 including bonus / 5 towers lost / needs SR screenshot)
3. Enoch 21:10 (16:10 including bonus / 5 towers lost)
4. Gustaran: 31:42 (24:42 including bonus / 7 towers lost)


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