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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

You probably can work with just generic runepages like Mpen/Armor/Mresperlevel/HP and Arpen/Armor/Mresperlevel/HP and still do decent. I still use the first runepage on my tanks.

If you mostly play junglers, having Arpen marks and quints will make you happy - and you can also use them on AD carries, but also on Nidalee if you adopt the "harass with autoattacks, do heavy physical damage in cougar form once level 6, dominate lane" playstyle. You can also invest in Attack speed marks, glyphs, or quints, but you don't have to, Arpen runes are very flexible. For example, TheOddOne posted his WW guide a while ago, and his WW runepage is actually almost identical to mine, except he has three attack speed marks and 6 Arpen marks instead of a full Arpen set. (My "DPS jungler" page is Arpen/Armor/Aspeed/Arpen, and I assume that it can work for most AD carries pretty well too. You can use whatever glyphs you like, I just like to have a faster jungle.)

Your mages, from the looks of it, could enjoy a more generic runepage. See, Sion and Ryze are great mage characters, but Sion enjoys his AP per level glyphs and flat AP quints (letting him dominate the lane) and Ryze does not. Since Nidalee is covered by the Arpen marks and quints, Sion and Ryze could use something along the lines of magic penetration marks, mana regen per level seals, flat cooldown reduction blues, and movespeed or HP quints. (FYI, I used to play Sion with a runepage like this, but since then I rejected it in favor of Mpen/Mana regen per level/AP per level/AP runeset, which helped my preferrable Sion playstyle a lot. However, it's still a decent runepage, particularly since it makes you less blue buff dependant.)

Also, when it comes to "generic" Quintessences which work well on every champion, flat health quints don't seem to count as the go-to runes anymore. They will still work on every character, but you might want to buy Movespeed quints simply because every champion enjoys them and for some champions they might even put your game miles ahead, particularly with champions who require correct positioning (Alistar) or don't like losing a chase (Singed).

Then, as I write this post, I realize you weren't asking for a full runeset, and you only wanted quintessences. (Sound of me hitting myself in my dumb head) I'd say that pretty much every player wants flat HP or movement speed (they're nice equalizers who work on everyone), Armor penetration (set of marks and quints of armor penetration makes a huge difference for AD carries and other characters who deliver physical punishment, and can be used for jungle), and since you play supports, you MIGHT want to buy gold accumulation quints. They're really cheap, and provide your support characters with cash - something useful since they don't tend to have a lot of farm they need to buy aura items and wards. Of course, Sona and Zilean are more farm dependent than other supports, so since these are your preferences you might want to skip gold quints. Cho'Gath will assure his lane dominance if HP quints and a generic tank runepage, but if you want to spam Ruptures (which is not recommended) then get more Mana regen per level seals.

I used to utilize Attack Speed quintessences but in favor of practicality I stopped using them on my jungle page. Sure, Nunu might be a frowny yeti because of that, but as long as Arpen bolsters his jungle clear time, he can't complain.

Arpen quints are amazing. If you use them once, you never go back to HP quints on your AD carries. Simply put, unless the enemy solo has armor yellows, you deal true dmg the whole beginning laning phrase, which is huge.

I would get arpen, mpen. If you have 3 rune pages(not sure if you started playing before or after they gave out a free rune page for something, some award IIRC), you can use one for a super generic jungle rune page like Seyruun was talking about, or for a specific rune page for a character. I prefer mrpen>flat ap quints, but both are very strong to chose from. AP is for win lane champs, mrpen is for l0l I burst you late game.

Disregard all my jungling advice if you haven't already BTW

Thanks for the long breakdown. I was asking about quints but I'm interested in hearing about the others as well.

So far I have Armour pen marks as well as some attack speed ones, mana regen and armour seals and magic resist glyphs. Next targets are probably cooldown reduction glyphs but I was going for the cheaper ip runes first.

I tend not to play the mages too much and when I do it is mainly Nidalee. As was pointed out most of her harass comes from her autoattack rather than her spells so armour pen works great for her. I hadn't thought of Armour Penetration Quints but they do sound tempting, they would probably help jungling the most and that is the role that seems the most rune dependent.

I am going to have to have to look at the numbers on the gold quints. Although I tend to pick up at least one gold item in most games so I am not sure if they will be as helpful. Also I don't always trust my lane mate to last hit properly so I'm often reasonably farmed anyway smile

The main reason I was looking at the Health regen quints was I love having lane sustainability. However I am considering building a philosophers stone pretty much every game now so maybe it is not needed.

I don't get it. I'm approaching level 30, playing with mostly lvl30's, but the skill level has gone drastically down. You'd think that those lvl30's with hundreds of wins under their belt would have atleast learned the basics, you know, stuff that was normal for the last twenty levels. Compared to most of you guys I might still be rubbish, but to these people I am god amongst summoners. I call it the forever noob -zone, the journey through lvl28 to lvl30, where you meet all the summoners who could play for years, but never quite figure out the difference between attack damage and ability power.

Jowy Wrote:I don't get it. I'm approaching level 30, playing with mostly lvl30's, but the skill level has gone drastically down. You'd think that those lvl30's with hundreds of wins under their belt would have atleast learned the basics, you know, stuff that was normal for the last twenty levels. Compared to most of you guys I might still be rubbish, but to these people I am god amongst summoners. I call it the forever noob -zone, the journey through lvl28 to lvl30, where you meet all the summoners who could play for years, but never quite figure out the difference between attack damage and ability power.

Welcome to ELO hell. alright

Also, yes, there are lots of lv30s who are still complete morons. The only thing is that the matchmaker pairs you strongly based on levels when it can. However, lv30 is the cap, so you get a wider variety of skill since there's more in the bin to pick from. You'd think that'd also mean they could match more evenly, but team matchmaking is a funky weird thing of failzors and impossible to get perfect unless you're willing to have people play hundreds of games against the pool.

On the topic of Quints, I get Armor ones for my tanks and Arpen for everything else. Granted, I only have 2 pages, one for tank (all armor and mres) and one for everyone else....

I do agree MoveSpeed is amazingly versatile for everyone. Still, I like my ArPen runes.

I also heard HP regen quints are nice if you want a long-term laner who can just eat harass and stay alive. Haven't tried it personally.

Reminder: Contest ends tomorrow smile

Ranking updated:

1. VarisNox 15:25 (12:25 including bonus / 3 towers lost)
2. Dantski 19:27 (14:27 including bonus / 5 towers lost / needs SR screenshot)
3. Enoch 21:10 (16:10 including bonus / 5 towers lost)
4. Gustaran: 31:42 (24:42 including bonus / 7 towers lost)


To win at League of Legends, always play Janna.

[Image: trollingr.jpg]


holy crap AP janna ftw.

Also, lol healsquad team of doom. Seriously. Taric, Soraka, Nid, Janna, ww has lifesteal. No one should EVER DIE except to massive burst.

Dude, I won my lane (solo top) against Kayle and never let her touch my turret. I harassed her to the point where when their WW came for a gank, I killed her for first blood before almost escaping. It was glorious, even if we kept screwing everything up. lol

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