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Serdoa showed up with a scout, so I moved one warrior to prevent him from blocking any capital tiles, and one warrior to defog the ill-advised, overreaching city site. I hope that's not Serdoa we're settling up on, I'd rather our neighbour didn't know quite yet.
As I mentioned Seven killed our scout and I think he earned a promotion as well, so I need to prepare for annoying visitors from the east as well. Using warriors.
I have to run.
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Only definite thing this turn is that Serdoa built a Warrior like I said in chat earlier.
GNPs this turn are 28 / 26 or 25 or 24 / 25 or 24 / 21. Guessing that Seven is the 28 (it pretty much has to be a Fin guy doing a tech w/ a pre-req) and that Serdoa is one of the other two high ones (pre-req tech again).
I believe both Serdoa & Seven have 2 Warriors, btw ... which means Seven must've left his capital undefended for several turns coz his second one only showed up on his T20.
Don't think we can tell where Serdoa is relative to us - he's met Seven, he's (almost certainly) met Nicolae, so where his scout appears from isn't necessarily related to where he is. I find toroidal hard to wrap my head round, but that scout placement could be from having met Seven last & going east-ish to find us. I think he has yet to complete the set, so we can possibly tell by which way he goes from us which direction he's in (the other one from the way he goes). I think.
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Demographics shows a total rival population of 250000. That's 2 times 90000 (size 5) + 21000 (min pop, size 3) + 49000 (size 4 + size 1).
In other words, Serdoa founded a city on his turn 23.
I have to run.
October 13th, 2012, 14:31
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It turned out that Seven actually finished a tech on T24, and no religion was founded. So apparently he got the wheel. That was a pleasant surprise, but didn't really affect my plans - I turned on max science this turn anyway. It should improve my chances of grabbing a religion though, although Pling suspects that Nico picked up Mysticism on T24, so it's definitely a horse race.
Screenshots from the turn (played yesterday):
Upon settling Beach Ball we made contact with Nico, who is probably the one we've settled up on, since his warrior can't have wandered far. Because of this I moved my second warrior south as well, which means I'll have one turn of unhappiness in my capital due to whip unhappiness coupled with lack of military police. I'll still grow to size 5 by eot27 though.
Here's Pling's report:
Quote:Serdoa's capital's borders popped - 12 new land tiles. When our borders pop I think we'll get 14 land tiles, so Serdoa's new city already claimed 2 of those tiles (it had 8 tiles of land). There are 4 possible places he could've settled that new city, 778, 774, 998 and 336 of his capital. 774 and 336 are on resources so seem unlikely (although you liked the look of that Sugar one so perhaps that's my poor judgement). Unless 998 claims horses I think 778 is the most plausible as it will claim the Copper second ring.
If Seven had met everyone while he was researching The Wheel then he would have a GNP of 28, but it's 28 before you meet him, so I have something wrong somewhere - some assumption off or something. Have you got a sandbox for the start of the game? I think I need to play through as Seven looking at GNPs etc see if I can make it work out.
I think we can assume he's done Wheel anyway, it's definitely not a religion.
I've sorted out the soldiers and techs now, and there's a new panic alarm sounding.
SevenSpirits got Wheel (for 4k soldiers).
Mackoti got Bronze Working (for 8k soldiers).
No change in Serdoa's power.
Nicolae got a tech and 2k power, this might be Hunting but that seems implausible to me. So I think it was *Mysticism* hence the panic alarms, and he built a Warrior.
As the forums are down and all the previous info was there, here's a summary of the world as I think we know it on T25. Starting techs are in brackets in the tech list. List of who has met who is only the ones I'm sure about.
Cities: 1 @ size 3
1 @ size 1
Army: 2 Warriors
Techs: (Agriculture, The Wheel), Animal Husbandry, Mining, Bronze Working, Mysticism.
Met: Nicolae, Seven, novice
Cities: 1 @ size 5
Army: 2 Warriors (one probably with a promo, last seen to our East)
Techs: (Mining, Mysticism), Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Bronze Working, Wheel
Met: Serdoa, novice
Cities: 1 @ size 3
Army: 2 Warriors
Techs: (Agriculture, Wheel), Animal Husbandry, Mining, Bronze Working, Mysticism
Met: Serdoa, novice
Cities: 1 @ size 5
Army: 3 Quechua
Techs: (Agriculture, Mysticism), Animal Husbandry, Wheel, Bronze Working
Met: ?
I have to run.
October 13th, 2012, 15:00
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October 13th, 2012, 15:01
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Here are the four possible locations for Serdoa's second city:
On the sugar seems most likely to me, unless those two fogged tiles in the northeast are really juicy.
I have to run.
October 13th, 2012, 15:08
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Serdoa founded Buddhism, so I put my overflow beakers into Polytheism.
After ending turn horses were revealed to the northeast - I was not surprised as I couldn't see where else they would be.
Now taking suggestions for where to put my next city.
I have to run.
October 13th, 2012, 15:09
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Commodore Wrote:Naturally, settle horses, charriot rush.
I have to run.
October 13th, 2012, 15:09
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BRickAstley Wrote:Wait, did you just type in the [ SPOILER ][ /SPOILER ] dealio and it worked?
I have to run.
October 13th, 2012, 15:10
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BRickAstley Wrote:Wait, did you just type in the [ SPOILER ][ /SPOILER ] dealio and it worked?
I have to run.