I am doing a turn-100 style report as it just turned into turn 101 now.
I played some turns without reporting, as I was travelling again. Diplomatically my situation is pretty good - I have 4 neighbours who have been at war. I'm the peaceful one...
However I have one glaring problem - happy cap. I've been waiting for a religion spread for a while now, no dice. I suppose I might have gone for monarchy rather than civil service. I can:
* Get calendar, improve spices + 1 happy.
* Get a religion spread, adopt religion and build temples, +2 happy.
* Get metal casting, build forges. +1 happy.
* Monarchy. +1 happy, +2 in border, +Lots in a capital.
Definately monarchy here, I could stuff my army in capital and work a gazillion cottages with bureaucracy + academy. Good enough. So after Civil service I'll probably go myst-poly-priest-monarchy, probably also grab masonry and monotheism so I can double-revolt into org.rel and hereditary rule. I'm bound to get a religion spread by then. Right?!?
We take a city! This was later named "Trappenjagd".
Chariot went through WillP lands.
![[Image: xits.jpg]](http://imageshack.us/a/img838/5573/xits.jpg)
Boldly going nowhere's borders can be seen to the east of the water here..yellow. I met him, but did not send him any EP's. I'm putting it all on wetbandit.
The west - Azza's city on the island is defended by a warrior - since Azza is about out of the game, this island should belong to me at some point. Galley build can help this. But no rush, I want Azza to have metals to better fight wetbandit for a while longer.
My cities: (If anyone wants to take a peek at my civ for better overview, password is 'rohan')
![[Image: wh8x.jpg]](http://imageshack.us/a/img542/2986/wh8x.jpg)
Mutter happy cap. I can build a worker I guess, or grow into unhappy and whip something useless. Like a praet.
![[Image: v1ec.jpg]](http://imageshack.us/a/img837/9163/v1ec.jpg)
Same as capital, really. Whipping this means 10 turns of one tile less worked.
![[Image: w0bv.jpg]](http://imageshack.us/a/img825/217/w0bv.jpg)
Serving as my GP city for now. Worked 3 specs to get 9 GPP so forum's +25% adds 2 more. Next turn I can work the grain again, to stay food neutral. And 11 turns from now I can work 4 specs, 15 GPP. GP here will launch a golden age in 20 turns' time. Hopefully for a switch into monarchy, monotheism and some state religion. And a boost at a time when it really might be needed. Just need to survive in peace that long.
![[Image: f5mh.jpg]](http://imageshack.us/a/img547/9108/f5mh.jpg)
Well it was solely to grab iron. Courthouse is being chopped as we speak, then it will build nothing but praets for a while.
![[Image: ge7a.jpg]](http://imageshack.us/a/img401/1663/ge7a.jpg)
Camp is up. I've been whipping stuff and overflowing into moai - courthouse will take a while, I fear. But after that moai.
![[Image: mgrq.jpg]](http://imageshack.us/a/img801/566/mgrq.jpg)
I really should defend this better - important frontier city with just a warrior hanging out. Triple-whipped forum with max overflow - but not sure how useful it will be. Can't whip wealth, otherwise that would have been better. Suppose I can overflow into a spearman for a little security here.
![[Image: to7u.jpg]](http://imageshack.us/a/img18/5270/to7u.jpg)
Grow on clam, work cottages. Library's just as much for culture towards Oxy as extra beakers/scientists. Mine finishes in 2 turns, then it has a bit of everything - decent food, hammers and commerce.
![[Image: zuvh.jpg]](http://imageshack.us/a/img90/6541/zuvh.jpg)
New city. Gets a second cow in range when culture pops, along with some mountains for better visibility. Good frontier city.
Need a good name for this...thought 'fortitude north', but that is pretty unimaginative. However it is 'norwegian' operation...
Annnd Numididan, later Trappenjagd:
![[Image: g4s5.jpg]](http://imageshack.us/a/img829/196/g4s5.jpg)
Came with 2 citizens, improved sheep and a worker. Thanks, I guess. Granary and some heavy whipping here is in order. Could have built moai here as well, but Chariot is just as well.
I'll try to translate this:
Lots of land, good GNP, but small cities. If I can go vertical soon I can profit and turn this into a winning position. However I need HAPPY FACES for that. My going for max GNP via currency and civil service is to blame here - however it will enable me to get monarchy pretty fast later on. Pray I won't need the hammers/food until then. So no attacking mr. Praet, please. I'll promise to go medieval on whoever who does.