Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[Spoilers] PBEM 62 - Ichabod's Thread, feat. Mardoc and retep

I think we can win Poly. It's still three turns with Peppermint settled and LS whipped to 2. I will make a more detailed report tomorrow morning, because I want some advice regarding placement of cities and when to whip.

I don't think Pindi is eyeing religion in his current predicament. Dazed just build Stonehenge, as far as I can tell (so "no point" in going for religion), THH seems to have discovered a tech last turn. And Commodore has Buddhism...

Anyway, I already went for a turn on Poly, so I guess we only change to masonry if someone gets Hindu. But I'm more confident now than I was last turn. We have pretty strong research and we have a turn of advantage on THH, due to turn order.

Speaking of masonry, I think there's a chance that THH will go there to get the stone and a shot at the Mids. That'd also free up Hindu.

Well, let's keep those fingers crossed. I just played turn 31. Just need to receive two more turns without someone researching Hinduism in a far away land.

Anyway, better report tomorrow...

Well, if you want to think about it, here's my main gripe: we can whip the settler on LS on turn 33, with 25/65. But we can't finish the 3 roads needed to settle the 4th city on turn 35 (t34 the settler would move 4 spaces), if we decide to settle 4W. If I had done a better work with my micro (i.e. the second cottage planted 1W), it'd be possible (in my defense, the plan changed after the barren E was revealed, but still...). Anyway, this means that whipping the settler at turn 34 doesn't make a difference, since the roads will speed up the settler and settle the city on t36 too.

If we want a city 3W, than whipping on turn 33, at 25/65 makes sense, because we can settle on turn 35.

Anyway, if we whip at t34 (so, we want the city 4W), we don't need LS to work the copper on turn 32 (next turn), so we can use it to finish the axe in EG. But we don't really need that axe and perhaps getting more overflow into the LS settler for a worker later might be a good idea.

So, my question is, why do you think 4W is better than 3W for the 4th city? Take into account that I plan to settle a city 2E of the marble, which would share corn (and pigs if 4th city is settled 4W). Another thing to notice is that we'll share that water with THH or Pindi, so a city 4W is more exposed.

And another thing to think about: do you think we can settle that little island on the body of water that the 4th city will be on? Or is that too risky? I think THH isn't the kind of player to get on a crusade over this... But he'll have a city near that island and, depending on where he settles it, it could boat us from the city itself...

My dream would be to see Pindi expand into that stone area and see some bloodshed with him and THH. I think THH is our main opponent now, that's why I'm focusing on expanding on his direction. That + our best land avaiable is over there too.

Thanks for all the help and nice idea about the third city, is definetely worth to grow it to 4 (which enables a 2-pop whip when we want too).

(September 23rd, 2014, 16:20)spacetyrantxenu Wrote: He isn't trolling.

Thanks, Xenu. I got worried when twitch was mentioned...

(September 23rd, 2014, 17:01)Mardoc Wrote: Then it's yet another example of Pindicator's swingy play. It seems like he's either awesome or terrible, depending on the game.

Well, for me, this seems more likely to be a case of bad luck, like losing a settler guarded by a warrior to a bear or something. Or being choked by a warrior... But this type of bad start can probably make him go into his "terrible" mode. It's certainly demotivating.

Sorry about my lsat post, by the way, which is extremely convoluted. A more organized and shinier report will come tomorrow.

(September 23rd, 2014, 22:50)Ichabod Wrote: Sorry about my lsat post, by the way, which is extremely convoluted. A more organized and shinier report will come tomorrow.

Any chance for a dotmap? It's a lot easier for me to picture cities on the actual map, than to have opinions with things like '2E of the marble'.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


(September 24th, 2014, 08:42)Mardoc Wrote:
(September 23rd, 2014, 22:50)Ichabod Wrote: Sorry about my lsat post, by the way, which is extremely convoluted. A more organized and shinier report will come tomorrow.

Any chance for a dotmap? It's a lot easier for me to picture cities on the actual map, than to have opinions with things like '2E of the marble'.

Most certainly!

Here's what I mean by 3W (red circle) and 4W (blue circle):

3W gets the banana, 4W gets the pig. 3W is more defensible from purely naval attacks (we need only a boat on that single water tile to make an attack far less desirable), 4W is more defensible in general, as it's on a hill. We can settle 3W on turn 35, we can only settle 4W on turn 36. Whicjever we settle, 2 workers will be ready to improve the corn on the turn the city is settled (I think).


Here's the marble city I keep referring to (yellow circle). Like I've said, the main think about this city is that it's a very powerful cottage city, production city... Well, it's a very powerful city overall. Marble is just a bonus. Green circle is a safer plant, which likely concedes the marble to THH, if we don't plan to settle somewhere around the red square (which is not very safe). Green circle "demands" that 4th city goes on the 4W plant, since it doesn't get the pig.


Here's the northern part of that land. Yellow square is the likely location of our 5th city, but we need to explore to decide exactly where it'll go. Red circle is my dream for a frontier city on that region with THH. It's powerful and it's on a hill. i'm betting THH will settle one of those blue circles for the silver + fish. Hopefully he goes for the northernmost one, not the easternmost one. The one to the E could be cause of a dent in our relations, if we settle red circle.


And here's the island city I was referring to. We can expect THH to settle the yellow square (Go, Pindi! Go! Steal it from him). I don't think it's likely that a city in the yellow square area goes for the clams, but it's possible. My suggested city (the one I wonder about being possible to settle) is the red circle. Blue square is where our 4th city will go.


More to come later.

(September 23rd, 2014, 15:48)Ichabod Wrote: Thinking about Pindi's opening some more, I see three things:

1. Current QotM

2. The post and view numbers of his thread

3. The title of his thread, which refers to "Twitch plays...", a series of games being played by "random" inputs

I really hope Pindi is not trolling the game. I don't think this sort of behaviour suits him, but it'd be annoying to play a game where someone is trolling. My best guess is still that he lost his first settler somehow (perhaps doing some C&D could have revealed that he lost a city, but that's too much work), or perhaps I'm not seeing how delaying a second city this long could be a valid strategy.

Again, I hope he's not just messing around...

Lol great lateral thinking on the quote of the month. In context it is rather amusing, and was posted on his birthday. But I will reiterate that he is playing his best and genuinely spending time to think about his moves.

Have you check the last save yet? rant

You need to post an eot picture!

Yes I only enter to post this mischief

Actually I said 3W, yellow circle another one on top of the south sugar.


(September 24th, 2014, 14:29)retep Wrote: Have you check the last save yet? rant

You need to post an eot picture!

Yes I only enter to post this mischief

Actually I said 3W, yellow circle another one on top of the south sugar.

No, I'm at work, couldn't check the save yet. Don't tell my boss... mischief

Did we lose Hindu?! cry

So you prefer 3W for the 4th city? The red circle? I prefer that spot too.

So, yeah, we lost Hindu. I think it was Pindicator that got it, I'm really hoping. Culture graph will show me if it was THH soon. Anyway, our realistic goal was Judaism.

So, I moved the scouting units before coming here to rage at the lost Hindu... And...

So... Do we make an atempt for the Mids? I wonder if we have big competition over it... Can we do it without Mathematics? Is it worth it? Do we delay it until we have Maths?

Lapsang has 5 forest inside borders to chop. It also can work 4 mines at size 5 (counting gem Happiness), which is 15 hammers per turn (5 + 3 + 3 + 3 +1).

Where to settle that city? My guess is 1W of the stone. We can settle the crab with that red circle city from before or a more conservative one, 1E of that.

Do we settle it with our settler about to be whipped? Or do we wait for the 5th city before doing it?

Loads of questions... Pyramids are really nice for us, but we are not on a focused path to it, unfortunately. If I had revealed that one tile sooner, we could have gone straight for Pyramids, instead of losing Hinduism.

Perhaps the best to do is don't focus too much. Let's go for Judaism, which gives OR and Masonry. We settle the stone with the 5th city, like my previous plan. And we plan to 1t the Pyramids with chops + OR + stone (probably after we get maths), if the wonder is still avaiable. Is not like representation will make/break our game, even though having it would be really good. And with that stone so close to THH/Pindi, they are probably thinking about it too. We can't beat them if they go for a dedicated push, so I don't think forcing the issue is a good idea.

Pindicator's thread appears to be so interesting that all the lurker comments in my thread are about Pindicator's thread. lol

Sorry I was eating before. Yeah hindu felt alright

You should have more cottages, at least 1 more by now. I know food is important but cottages are going to paid off very fast.

Pindicator just planted a city, if he is at war he isn't going to chase any wonder for a while. And there isn't any prove that THH even knows that the stone is there. (The same way you don't know what is in the east, or how do you found the gems just now)

Settle for gems (gems are definitely more important than stone) with a 5 city is okay. 1W os the stone looks fine but you could also plant one city 2W of the stone, another where that barb warrior is (if there is seafod over there), and another in the red spot.

Edit: Where is my eot picture! I want to try some simming even if is only for my entertaiment!


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