I think we can win Poly. It's still three turns with Peppermint settled and LS whipped to 2. I will make a more detailed report tomorrow morning, because I want some advice regarding placement of cities and when to whip.
I don't think Pindi is eyeing religion in his current predicament. Dazed just build Stonehenge, as far as I can tell (so "no point" in going for religion), THH seems to have discovered a tech last turn. And Commodore has Buddhism...
Anyway, I already went for a turn on Poly, so I guess we only change to masonry if someone gets Hindu. But I'm more confident now than I was last turn. We have pretty strong research and we have a turn of advantage on THH, due to turn order.
Speaking of masonry, I think there's a chance that THH will go there to get the stone and a shot at the Mids. That'd also free up Hindu.
Well, let's keep those fingers crossed. I just played turn 31. Just need to receive two more turns without someone researching Hinduism in a far away land.
Anyway, better report tomorrow...
Well, if you want to think about it, here's my main gripe: we can whip the settler on LS on turn 33, with 25/65. But we can't finish the 3 roads needed to settle the 4th city on turn 35 (t34 the settler would move 4 spaces), if we decide to settle 4W. If I had done a better work with my micro (i.e. the second cottage planted 1W), it'd be possible (in my defense, the plan changed after the barren E was revealed, but still...). Anyway, this means that whipping the settler at turn 34 doesn't make a difference, since the roads will speed up the settler and settle the city on t36 too.
If we want a city 3W, than whipping on turn 33, at 25/65 makes sense, because we can settle on turn 35.
Anyway, if we whip at t34 (so, we want the city 4W), we don't need LS to work the copper on turn 32 (next turn), so we can use it to finish the axe in EG. But we don't really need that axe and perhaps getting more overflow into the LS settler for a worker later might be a good idea.
So, my question is, why do you think 4W is better than 3W for the 4th city? Take into account that I plan to settle a city 2E of the marble, which would share corn (and pigs if 4th city is settled 4W). Another thing to notice is that we'll share that water with THH or Pindi, so a city 4W is more exposed.
And another thing to think about: do you think we can settle that little island on the body of water that the 4th city will be on? Or is that too risky? I think THH isn't the kind of player to get on a crusade over this... But he'll have a city near that island and, depending on where he settles it, it could boat us from the city itself...
My dream would be to see Pindi expand into that stone area and see some bloodshed with him and THH. I think THH is our main opponent now, that's why I'm focusing on expanding on his direction. That + our best land avaiable is over there too.
Thanks for all the help and nice idea about the third city, is definetely worth to grow it to 4 (which enables a 2-pop whip when we want too).
I don't think Pindi is eyeing religion in his current predicament. Dazed just build Stonehenge, as far as I can tell (so "no point" in going for religion), THH seems to have discovered a tech last turn. And Commodore has Buddhism...
Anyway, I already went for a turn on Poly, so I guess we only change to masonry if someone gets Hindu. But I'm more confident now than I was last turn. We have pretty strong research and we have a turn of advantage on THH, due to turn order.
Speaking of masonry, I think there's a chance that THH will go there to get the stone and a shot at the Mids. That'd also free up Hindu.
Well, let's keep those fingers crossed. I just played turn 31. Just need to receive two more turns without someone researching Hinduism in a far away land.
Anyway, better report tomorrow...
Well, if you want to think about it, here's my main gripe: we can whip the settler on LS on turn 33, with 25/65. But we can't finish the 3 roads needed to settle the 4th city on turn 35 (t34 the settler would move 4 spaces), if we decide to settle 4W. If I had done a better work with my micro (i.e. the second cottage planted 1W), it'd be possible (in my defense, the plan changed after the barren E was revealed, but still...). Anyway, this means that whipping the settler at turn 34 doesn't make a difference, since the roads will speed up the settler and settle the city on t36 too.
If we want a city 3W, than whipping on turn 33, at 25/65 makes sense, because we can settle on turn 35.
Anyway, if we whip at t34 (so, we want the city 4W), we don't need LS to work the copper on turn 32 (next turn), so we can use it to finish the axe in EG. But we don't really need that axe and perhaps getting more overflow into the LS settler for a worker later might be a good idea.
So, my question is, why do you think 4W is better than 3W for the 4th city? Take into account that I plan to settle a city 2E of the marble, which would share corn (and pigs if 4th city is settled 4W). Another thing to notice is that we'll share that water with THH or Pindi, so a city 4W is more exposed.
And another thing to think about: do you think we can settle that little island on the body of water that the 4th city will be on? Or is that too risky? I think THH isn't the kind of player to get on a crusade over this... But he'll have a city near that island and, depending on where he settles it, it could boat us from the city itself...
My dream would be to see Pindi expand into that stone area and see some bloodshed with him and THH. I think THH is our main opponent now, that's why I'm focusing on expanding on his direction. That + our best land avaiable is over there too.
Thanks for all the help and nice idea about the third city, is definetely worth to grow it to 4 (which enables a 2-pop whip when we want too).