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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

VoiceOfUnreason Wrote:That's seems reasonable -- I'm just puzzled as to why it reports "Live!" when you are dark.

There are other ways it doesn't look like the other streams I pay attention to, so I wonder if the configuration is wonked, or something.
It was black for me yesterday when it was in fact live. Same for someone else in TS. Dunno why, it started working when I refreshed later.

I'm really looking forward to dreamhack. Watching people use new strategies is always really interesting, for example this is a match where Clg go up against a double carry, double support and karthus European team a while back. Sulla if you want to see a great bit of teamwork watch the initiation at 29:40!

I'm hoping some of new odd things that happen in European games will get used in the tournament. My new favourite trend is Junglers like Warwick, Udyr and Trundle taking top lane to counter really strong laners like Rumble and Irelia.

The Dreamhack website with the full schedule is here

VoiceOfUnreason Wrote:That's seems reasonable -- I'm just puzzled as to why it reports "Live!" when you are dark.


(Darkness, Charlie! And a magical liopleurodon!)

Enoch Wrote:The Dreamhack website with the full schedule is here

I am rooting for FnaticMSI - go Europe ! smile


Submitting this replay for the community's viewing pleasure.

On paper things looked good for the hero team, with the Forces of Darkness (FoD) lacking a jungler and clearly having an e-peen argument over mid at the start.

However, as our Cait convincingly lost mid to their Jax, our bottom lane slowly followed suit and folded (with our Xin maxing out Q & E first over W huh as well as some interesting item purchases), our Jax played as though there was no dragon section on the map for the first 20 mins, and some terrible ults by our Amumu jungler (who had only bought the character the previous day and despite this was still out-csing Caitlynn), well...let's just say things were starting to look bad.

At 36 minutes we were totally aced outside Baron, the FoD had hit double our team kills (around 22-45) and it was quite clearly over.

Or was it?


At the end I was left wishing I'd had the Lolreplay recorder on.
Fortunately our Xin had, and he ended up sending a copy of it to several of us.
As always, the health bars are problematic, but it's a fun watch.

Gustaran Wrote:I am rooting for FnaticMSI - go Europe ! smile

I have a soft spot for Epik gaming because two of the players were dropped by Tsm and Clg. I am always a fan of the underdog.

However I think a European team will win unless one of the Asian teams turns out to be really good. Europe represent! smile

Do you know much about the European teams Gustaran?

I keep forgetting all the teams I know from SC and SCII all have teams for non-main stage games... tongue
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

Predication on Finals:
aAa v TSM 2-1

2 aAa vs 1 CLG & 0 Fnatic vs 2 TSM (#1 formatting hue hue hue)

On teams: Fnatic's bot lane needed to practice on bot lane in the time between the qualifiers and this weekened. In early game, that is their weakest link. is very strong bottom lane. Candy is a very good ad carry player. However, the rest of the team is ok in their positions, nothing too OMG special. I don't think they will do very well v someone like TheOddOne counterjungle, or people like jiji/regi in a lane. aAa is godlike. aAa is the TSM of EU, except their CLG or EG(SK) isn't even going to Dreamhack. aAa is all very strong, make little mistakes, and are very consistent. Ban Irelia from soAz, and top lane may be able to carry out victory. Otherwise, the other teams will have to outplay them a TON, or they have to make mistakes, both that are unlikely/hard. In NA, all 3 teams are pretty even. Asian teams are wildcard, but I imagine we will see some pant man jumps. ^_^ IMO, it will come down to bans more than skill, as all players are super good, in many of the games. Will they ban Candy's Cait? soAz's Irelia? TheOddOne's Nunu? Westrice's Akali?

I"m rooting for CLG. The big dogs who are underdogs who might be big dogs. smile

Would anyone be interested in a cheat sheet on the american teams? I used the qualifiers as background for a while so I picked up quite a lot of info about them.

It'd be interesting to see. smile

Sullla are you planning on casting any games? I always really enjoy the tournament games.

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