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[SPOILERS] Louis of Aztecs - One of those industrious

Sigh - Commodore has grazy big empire and still lots of land to expand to. Might have some financial difficulties now, but in the long run. I'm not sure how I can beat that.

I probably had to go all in on something that involves early Astronomy and getting rid of Merohoc as fast as possible. Taj would be nice after investing so much on MoM, but I feel that investment won't be paid back fast enough especially when I don't have marble and closest one seems to be far away on Brick's land. Other alternative is to go for cultural victory. That is a very long shot though. Might not be worth it.

It was a pretty longshot in Pitboss 6 as well, but they pulled it off! Of course, that relied on other teams misunderstanding the mechanics...not likely to happen again.

What would you use astronomy for, settling free land, or launching an overseas invasion?

The team setting of pb6 gave a BIG advantage to the culture victory.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


After thinking I think I'll continue for now in my chosen path that means focusing on my economy now. large scale warring needs to come later.

So here it is city planted just for landing Circumnavigation.

[Image: civ4screenshot1655.jpg]

I offered Xenu trade between Horses and Gems. Regretted it immediately since I don't want to piss off Brick, but can't withdraw deals suggested.

Couple of Screenshots. Launched a golden age and adopted Caste. Bureacracy and possibly Hereditary Rule after 5T. With the aid of +2 gpt I managed to get trade between gems and sugar with Xenu.

[Image: civ4screenshot1656.jpg]
[Image: civ4screenshot1657.jpg]
[Image: civ4screenshot1658.jpg]

What are your GP and tech plans?
If you know what I mean.

No final desicions yet. I probably try to get Merchant and Scientist and launch another GA to give me decent shot at Taj. If possible I might try to get 2nd Scientist too for academy (haven't really simmed out or calculated anything wink). I probably need also some military tech either HBR, Construction or both to make sure Merohoc don't get any ideas. Construction seems better. Capturing the Iron city defended only by Archers would be very easy, if I just have few cats. So techs could be:
Civil Service - Monarchy - Construction - Philo - Nationalism

Other alternative is to to spare Scientist for Education bulb and try to win Liberalism. I don't have high hopes for that working so I'll probably go straight to Nationalism.

This is very tentative and I'm changing my mind every turn so this could end up changing to something else. I've also considered going towards Machinery. Maces+cats would be pretty hard to counter for Merohoc, if I get them early enough.

Borders popped and I won circumnavigation. Brick paid 40 gold for map trade that gave me this option lol.

[Image: civ4screenshot1666.jpg]
[Image: civ4screenshot1667.jpg]
[Image: civ4screenshot1668.jpg]
Next turn Bureacracy and Hereditary rule. Not totally sure how to proceed from there.

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