Medina completes an axe next turn.
Mecca completes an axe and starts another catapult. Workers chop into a catapult. Mecca moves toward stagnation, working the priest for the extra hammer and cash.
Stagnate Damascus.
Stagnate Baghdad for an axe next turn. It’s unhappy
6 axes. 9 on next turn.
Damascus is quite far away from the front. I’m going to use it to create … settlers for the backline? ERROR: no, I should use it to generate a scientist for Mecca/Najran. In the meantime, it can finish its lighthouse.
Mecca, Medina, Baghdad will give me 3 catapults via the chop and then 3 more via the whip. That’s enough — and then I can get 2 more out of Medina and Baghdad for 8.
I’m thinking I’m able to hit him in 5 turns. Time to start playing after him.
That gives me 9 axes and 8 catapults. That should work. It’s overkill for AI, but it’s good practice for MP games. I’ll also try to get my workers into the theatre at that time. I'll need 6. I have ... 10! Oh. That's not too bad (for me).
EDIT (I just realized I hadn’t whipped Medina yet. So, will whip out catapults. maybe accelerate my timeline?). I was wondering how it got to size 7…
Medina completes an axe next turn.
Mecca completes an axe and starts another catapult. Workers chop into a catapult. Mecca moves toward stagnation, working the priest for the extra hammer and cash.
Stagnate Damascus.
Stagnate Baghdad for an axe next turn. It’s unhappy
6 axes. 9 on next turn.
Damascus is quite far away from the front. I’m going to use it to create … settlers for the backline? ERROR: no, I should use it to generate a scientist for Mecca/Najran. In the meantime, it can finish its lighthouse.
Mecca, Medina, Baghdad will give me 3 catapults via the chop and then 3 more via the whip. That’s enough — and then I can get 2 more out of Medina and Baghdad for 8.
I’m thinking I’m able to hit him in 5 turns. Time to start playing after him.
That gives me 9 axes and 8 catapults. That should work. It’s overkill for AI, but it’s good practice for MP games. I’ll also try to get my workers into the theatre at that time. I'll need 6. I have ... 10! Oh. That's not too bad (for me).
EDIT (I just realized I hadn’t whipped Medina yet. So, will whip out catapults. maybe accelerate my timeline?). I was wondering how it got to size 7…