Oh, I stopped a step early. 38*0.8 = 30; 30-6 = 24; 24/2 = 12. Therefore 13 minimum damage, not 24 per attack.
13 doubled is 26. Bleh. Ok, so it's better than bezerkers, more than double what my suggestion gives them. But yes my original number of 36-46 is way off.
(September 9th, 2017, 13:10)zitro1987 Wrote: I'd rather remove the minimum damage concept over an arbitrary, non-intuitive mathematical set of rules that apply for some units but not others. Too confusing and seemingly impossible to resolve without rules and non-intuitive math.
If that makes more sense, we can turn it into a unit ability the listed units simply have "Ferocius - deals minimal damage equal to..."
Yes please, any hidden rule is detrimental to the game I find. This puts this rule out in the open.
I'd add wraiths (so that death have one at rare). I'd add minotuars, golems; maybe warlocks, war mammoths, doom drakes. (Top unit from each myrror race, as myrror is the magical realm; definitely golem and minotaur, as it matches their purpose) I'd also consider elven lords, as the most magical arcanus race (and their racial is to hit more often)
Edit: nightmare would be better than warlock (I just think warlocks are still weak compared to magicians, but that could be addressed with doombolts going up to 12 damage)
This is a game mechanic to ensure stacks of 9 very rare fantastic creatures stand a chance against 6 heroes instead of getting helplessly slaughtered!
...Why did I even include crap like Fire Giant, thanks for making me rethink why I added it to the game. I'll remove it from anything weaker than Gorgons right now.
Because if a human gets 25+ armor heroes when the AI only has uncommons (something that is easily possible) there needs to be something that can hurt them.
EXP13 (Sorcery realm rebalancing)
-AI players will not use Spell Blast as a curse (randomly targeted) unless the human player has 200 or higher overland casting skill.
-Final Wave now costs 1000
-Further reduced the AI's priority to cast global enchantments.
-The AI pays 40% more for casting certain spells, to make sure they are slow enough to give time to the player to notice through Detect Magic and react, instead of the spells being instant-cast by the AI. The following spells are affected :
db 1Ch ; Survival Instinct
db 22h ; Clairvoyance
db 26h ; Herb Mastery
db 28h ; Nature's Wrath
db 4Ch ; Spell Binding
db 4Bh ; Great Unsummoning
db 4Fh ; Suppress Magic
db 50h ; Time Stop
db 71h ; Meteor Storm
db 72h ; Doomsday
db 78h ; Armageddon
db 74h ; Chaos Surge
db 9Eh ; Crusade
db 0A0h ; Charm of Life
db 0C5h ; Eternal Night
db 0C6h ; Evil Omens
db 0C7h ; Final Wave
db 0BCh ; Zombie Mastery
Note that this is an increase on top of the reduction by difficulty level, so the AI still gets an overall discount on Advanced and above, just less than on other spells.
-Spell Ward now has a -2 To Hit penalty instead of -3.
-Time Stop now has a maintenance of (100*turns elapsed since the spell was cast)
-The AI will now cancel Time Stop if (mana<maintenance+2000) or it was going for 15 turns.
-Maintenance cost of Amplifying Tower is now correctly displayed
-Reverted maximal wizard name lenght as it caused display issues on some screens.
-Dispelling Wave now has 1 effectiveness per 2 mana both in combat and overland instead of only in combat. This is now rounded up instead of down.
-Dispelling Wave no longer removes combat global enchantments.
-AI no longer includes combat global enchantments in Dispelling Wave priority calculations as they are no longer removed by the spell.
-Adjusted priority calculations of picking targets for an overland Dispelling Wave spells.
-AI will not use Dispelling Wave on targets with priority 7 or less instead of 4 or less now. Priority to cast the spell is calculated priority of (target tile-6)*2 instead of (target tile-4)*2.
-Revised the list of unit buffs the AI considers for calculation priority for combat Dispelling Wave.
-Fixed bug : Dispelling Wraith Form does not remove Non-Corporeal.
-Orc Spearmen removed from the game.
-Orc Swordsmen costs 10 less to produce.
-Nagas are now worth 170 treasure points.
-Storm Giants are now worth 600 treasure points.
-New unit : Water Elemental. Worth 240 treasure point.
-New spell : Water Elemental - Sorcery overland summoning. 14 melee and ranged, +2 to hit, 4 ammo, 7 defense and resistance, 15 hp, fire, weapon, poison immunity, water movement.
-Removed spell : Conjure Roads.
-Nagas cost 10 less to cast, have +1 melee attack, +1 movement.
-Storm Giants have +3 melee and ranged attack and +1 ammo.
-Flight now costs 22/110 to cast.
-The “Minimal Damage” mechanic now only applies to attacks dealt by specific, high end fantastic creatures : these have the mechnic listed as an actual ability named “Supernatural”.
-Creature Binding now works on units Immune to Illusions.
-Blur is now a common spell.
-Counter Magic is now an uncommon spell. Counter Magic no longer has a slider, instead the cost is 50, but it creates a “counter pool” of 80.
-AI starting spell picks : Position 9 in Sorcery is now Blur instead of AEther Sparks.
-Updated the AI research priorities for the changed Sorcery spells.
-Uranus' Blessing now grants a strength 70 Counter Magic pool.
-AI starting spell picks : Nonlawful, Nonpeaceful AI will now pick Aura of Majesty instead of Spell Blast as their first Sorcery uncommon guaranteed pick.
-Fixed bug : When receiving items after battle as a defender, item location is unset.
-Fixed bug : When the windwalker died in battle, the stack had 0.5 movement left.
-Default 2nd human common pick in Sorcery is AEther Sparks instead of the no longer common Counter Magic
Unsurprisingly, I'd mostly want to know how it feels to play against Sorcery with these changes, and to a lesser extent, how it feels playing Sorcery.
Also, I haven't had the chance to play a game since we raised the maintenance of Amplifying Towers, so do tell how that worked out as well.
I'd also like to know how picking Aura of Majesty instead of Spell Blast as guaranteed spell affects games (does the AI get allies too often due to it? Does the lack of spell blast allows other AI to use their big spells more?)