Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

When Reginald is being informative he is probably one of the best players to listen to in the game. His recent Vlad guide has a video which is really good at explaining how you control the creep line in your lane for instance. I just can see how he can easily rub people up the wrong way. Anyway number two.

[SIZE="4"]Team Epik Gaming - EG

The team acquired its current roster only about a month before the Dreamhack qualifiers but have already shown themselves to be a very solid team.

Dan Dinh - Captain and jungler. Also brother of Reginald. Jungling was not his speciality but since becoming the designated jungler for EG he has played junglers almost exclusively. A solid jungler that fouses on ganking. He has a signature ganking manoeuvre where he sneaks into the bushes when the lane is pushed so don't be surprised if enemy teams ward the bushes in their own lane.
Main Tournament Heroes: Nunu, Nocturne, Warwick

Salce - Ap carry. I don't know a lot about Salce apart from the fact that his mages are scary as hell. Has a 45-1 record in high level ranked with Vladimir. yikes
Main Tournament Heroes: Vladimir, Annie, Malzahar

Westrice - Ad Carry (unless they don't ban Akali). Worked his way up the rankings to be a top ten player through the use of Akali and Shen. One team in the qualifiers didn't bother banning Akali and it ended badly for them! Used to be on TSM playing the tank role. Has shown to be vulnerable in the early laning phase but gets better the longer the match goes on.
Main Tournament Heroes: Corki, Vayne, Akali

Doublelift - Bottom Lane. Doublelift and Dyrus duo the bottom lane but play specific characters based on competency. A champion of niche characters he is best known for playing Blitzcrank to a very high level. Probably the most enjoyable player to watch in the Dream hack qualifiers. Highlights include: Zoning an Ashe out of her own fountain as Poppy and killing a Malzahar as Garen whilst 5v1 and getting away safe. Used to be on CLG but was not guaranteed a first team place so left.
Main Tournament Characters: Janna, Poppy, Blitzcrank, Garen

Dyrus - Bottom Lane. A self confessed troll but when playing seriously he is very dangerous. If he is playing Singed he will normally dominate a game and is very solid with most characters. In tournament games will generally either be playing an ad carry or support. Has my favourite quote about dealing with Solo queue "everyone is retarded, so just farm because your farm will never betray you"!
Main Tournament Characters: Taric, Vayne, Caitlyn

EG became contenders out of nowhere when they picked up Westrice and Doublelift shortly before the qualifiers. They proved to be arguably the best team in the qualifying tournament beating CLG, TSM and Rock solid before losing to TSM in the final. Individually they are all good players and they have been practising extensively including scrimming against TSM a lot. They have a similar team set up to TSM and the team coordination that this brings is again a major strength of theirs.

Probable bans against them: Akali, Singed, Blitzcrank, Nunu, Vladimir

Most Important Player: Doublelift is mercurial and his plays will probably either win or lose them the game.

Website: Dan Dinh is involved with the running of solomid so this is EG's de facto home base as well.

Video: Including why you don't let Poppy farm at 28.30

Also as I said EG are the team I will be supporting mainly because they are fun to watch play and Dyrus's stream is pretty entertaining smile

Dan Dinh, along with Rambo, popularized taking exchaust on junglers.

4:15 lol

Poor N1M...

(We should rename this section to REALms Beyond and have Sullla put emphasis on REAL in his commentaries.)

Deceptus Wrote:4:15 lol

Poor N1M...

(We should rename this section to REALms Beyond and have Sullla put emphasis on REAL in his commentaries.)

atleast we learned swain can jungle lol

Enoch Wrote:Dyrus - Has my favourite quote about dealing with Solo queue "everyone is retarded, so just farm because your farm will never betray you"!

Who should I play? "Any champion that's OP."

Enoch Wrote:Video: Including why you don't let Poppy farm at 28.30

Also as I said EG are the team I will be supporting mainly because they are fun to watch play and Dyrus's stream is pretty entertaining smile

yikes I am off, learning to play Poppy lol

Seriously, I just noticed if I don't buy 3 gold/5 items, I am not up to date huh

I would support Dyrus, but unfortunately, he uses the green Taric skin. And as everybody knows, only the pink 5th-Age-Taric-skin is a valid choice for pro-Taric-players lol


Gustaran Wrote:yikes I am off, learning to play Poppy lol

Seriously, I just noticed if I don't buy 3 gold/5 items, I am not up to date huh

I would support Dyrus, but unfortunately, he uses the green Taric skin. And as everybody knows, only the pink 5th-Age-Taric-skin is a valid choice for pro-Taric-players lol

My favourite bit of that video is that the Ashe that gets one shot has an AD poppy guide with the following in the intro "AP route: nothing, if you build ap on poppy you are terrible at this game and no amount of guides will help you." lol

Pink Taric is one of the skins I would seriously consider getting, it is the greatest.

Wish I had LOL Replay on. We were 0-15 at the beginning, but came back to a clear win! Basically, I stacked Gold per 5 items on Master Yi and splitpushed while the others defended our towers. I got very fed and just kept splitpushing, and eventually got to their base and even got an inhibitor down by myself. At that point the game finally started moving from our side of the map to theirs and soon enough we won (I did a mad cooldown burning dash on their Nexus at the end, killed Ashe and Orianna on the way, then got Nexus down to 25% health before I died). It was still a team effort though, we didn't do as horribly in kills and deaths as in the beginning and the others defended well (except for a couple of 3v5 fights outside our tower range but w/e).

I didn't have time to do a CLG write up but I don't know as much about them anyway so you guys are probably not missing much!

The Riot stream is here and coverage starts in ten minutes. Starting with a bang as two of the strongest teams aAa and EG face off, should be fun.

I have the stream up. My first ever LoL competitive stream viewing...

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