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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

"he kicked my brother in the ass"

so good.

Dantski Wrote:Are the replays being uploaded somewhere?

If you click on the individual matches you can watch the video of the match I think, even though not all of them are yet available.


That was a fun first day.

American teams dominating more than I thought they would as well.

Enoch Wrote:That was a fun first day.

American teams dominating more than I thought they would as well.

Yes, sometimes Riot screws up, but I think the stream was pretty good.

I predict a rise of Singed appearances after what we have seen today... lol


No NA team lost to any EU. Crazy strong performance.

If you only have time for one good game, watch aAa v EG. If you have some more time, the next best is Xan v TSM.

The way the groups shook out, I'm not surprised. aAa was the only EU team I thought had a good chance of beating one of the NA teams, and they were matched up against EG, the strongest of the NA teams, in their group. If aAa ends up playing TSM or CLG tomorrow (I haven't looked at the brackets), I wouldn't be surprised to see an EU victory over NA. NA still might take the top three places, but if another team fights their way in, I'd bet on aAa.

Fnatic has xPeke tomorrow though. If EU just had a better teamfight(yo guys lets blow everything on Dyrus singed. Huh we got aced? No idea how..) stage, many of the games that NA won would have been easy EU wins. Remember that at the time that NA was all about the big 5v5 teamfights, EU was operating under a heal/poke iirc. NA(sup kobe mumu) simply have had more practice, and just know teamfights much better than EU does.

Yeah I'm a Fnatic fanboy. How can you not when they have such amazing ap player? huehue

ninjaedit: Fnatic has to win a best of 3 versus CLG.


I'll be back in the TinyChat room ( at 5:00am EST on Sunday.

Question if anyone caught this: We found a tourney bracket yesterday ( as Riot still hasn't posted theirs. Did someone hear what they said about advancement in certain tourney rounds though? It was something to the effect that some lower seeds have to win not only 2/3 games, but 2 games in a row (in other words 1 defeat knocks them out). I'm not sure though if that's every lower seed or just some. Did someone catch what they said?

Finally had a chance to watch the whole Xan vs TSM game. Xan pulled off the upset because:

- Brand beat Vlad in mid, and beat him hard. That was the difference in the game. Brand player (sorry, can't remember his name off the top of my head) got an early kill on Reginald, then managed to kill TheOddOne's Amumu in the jungle shortly thereafter. That put him way ahead in lane, and set back TSM jungle by a huge amount. The other key difference was:

- Xan stole TSM's blue buff twice, the second and third time the golem spawned. As you guys know, Amumu is crippled in the jungle without the blue buff, so on top of dying, he also had to jungle without blue for most of the game. That put TSM further behind.

- Then finally, Xan's Mordekaiser player played a pure pushing strat in top lane. He just pushed the lane endlessly. Normally, that gets countered by jungle ganks (which is why Morde is not considered good, no escapability and rather poor scaling into lategame). However, with TSM's jungler set back so far, and mid losing badly, they couldn't ever get the players in place to gank Mordekaiser and stop him from farming. That meant the push worked perfectly, and Morde got super-farmed.

Honestly, it was a pretty freaky game. I think TSM wins that matchup about 75-80% of the time. Xan didn't play nearly so well in their other matches... Also, we all were joking about how "Morde is #1", but the game was honestly about Brand crushing Vlad and Amumu getting totally shut down in jungle. No one in high tier is playing Mordekaiser, not because everyone has overlooked some hidden Brasil/Singapore strat... but because he's only good for pushing and nothing else. It worked for Xan in one game. That doesn't make Mordekaiser a good champion.

Will be back here very early in five hours for the next set of games. :zzz:
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Axion (15 years old) played Brand in that game and totally destroyed Regi. He also decisively beat jiji's Rumble with Brand in the Xan vs. CLG game. Really impressive performance.

I generally agree with the analysis about Morde in that game but one counterargument is that both Gamed and CLG took Morde seriously - both teams banned him, not Brand, when they played Xan. So they were clearly worried about giving up #1 champ, never die.

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