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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

After watching most of the games from this weekend, and then looking back at Elementz' tier list:

Quote:* Tier 1: Vayne, Nidalee, Twisted Fate, Corki, Ashe, Annie, Mal’zahar, Janna, Amumu, Nunu, Anivia, Sona,Swain,Vladimir, Alistar, Soraka

* Tier 2: Karthus, Orianna, Taric, Urgot, Jarvan IV, Miss Fortune, Nocturne, Irelia, Caitlyn, Cho’Gath, Lee Sin, Warwick, Xin Zhao, Olaf, Shen,Trundle, Zilean, Singed,Ryze

While I disagree with a few orderings within the tiers, overall, this is pretty much a list of all the characters who were picked this weekend. I would say the only character truly too low is Rumble, who is an absolute monster in lane, and has great synergy with other AOE comps, and is in Tier 3. I would probably swap Vayne and Ashe. Vayne just doesn't really provide enough utility for my tastes, and has to be pretty close to do damage. I would also say MF is too low. Really, I think Ashe is #1 ranged carry, and then you can pretty much flip a coin between Corki, MF, and Vayne. I'd put Nunu above Amumu as well. He has a omgwtfmuch safer jungle, better jungle invasion, more flexible play, and is a better ganker. Amumu has the ult. I think Anivia is a bit too high. I'd rate Annie, Malzahar, Swain, and Vladimir above her for APs, I think, but put her just above Karthus, probably at the top of Tier 2.

Orianna toward the top of Tier 2 is a joke right now. She may be strong, but nobody plays her, so it's pretty impossible to say how strong she really is. No way you can put her above characters who are taken in every game. That's just nonsense. Jarvan should be in Tier 1. Singed should be higher in Tier 2. Zilean as well. If the idea behind this Tier List is for high elo play, Shen needs to drop precipitously, perhaps to the "hard to place on a team" level. His early game is shit. His ult is shit. His late game is shit. He has one good skill now, and the rest of his character is shit. No, I'm not bitter or anything. Not at all. smoke

And lastly, I think Alistar is the top champion in the game right now. He is useful as a roamer with minimal farm; he's amazing as an AP burster in the solo lane (Shushei is God); he has multiple methods of CC, tanks a ton, has a gap closer, has a heal. He really has it all right now, and is sure to be nerfed soon.

In my opinion:
#1 Character: Alistar
#1 AD: Ashe
#1 AP: Annie
#1 Jungler: Nunu

"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."

Agree, but IMO Sona should be higher up, to #1 support spot, or at least janna little lower? Not sure, but pretty sure Sona was picked or banned every game, at least almost every game many times over janna.

Cull Wrote:Agree, but IMO Sona should be higher up, to #1 support spot, or at least janna little lower? Not sure, but pretty sure Sona was picked or banned every game, at least almost every game many times over janna.
I think Janna is definitely better. She just has way more ways to defend the person she is babysitting. Sona does more damage, which doesn't matter as much. Their ults are both awesome. Mellisan's Janna was a thing to watch. Really really amazing.

"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."

Speaker Wrote:After watching most of the games from this weekend, and then looking back at Elementz' tier list: While I disagree with a few orderings within the tiers, overall, this is pretty much a list of all the characters who were picked this weekend. I would say the only character truly too low is Rumble, who is an absolute monster in lane, and has great synergy with other AOE comps, and is in Tier 3.

Orianna toward the top of Tier 2 is a joke right now. She may be strong, but nobody plays her, so it's pretty impossible to say how strong she really is. No way you can put her above characters who are taken in every game. That's just nonsense.

I'm sure Elementz will reevaluate his tier list in light of what happens at Dreamhack. Rumble was a genuine oversight on his part: TreeEskimo's belief that Rumble is overpowered is justified in light of the EU metagame and the way aAa destroyed TSM with Rumble in their third game today. Orianna isn't allowed at Dreamhack, because it's based on a patch from several weeks ago, so we can't conclude anything about her quality based on Dreamhack. She's seen quite a bit of play in high-Elo US solo queue, so I don't think she's weak, but I'm not going to try to assess her relative strength.

Speaker Wrote:(Shushei is God)

yeeeeeeah, holy crap Shushei

Speaker Wrote:I think Janna is definitely better. She just has way more ways to defend the person she is babysitting. Sona does more damage, which doesn't matter as much. Their ults are both awesome. Mellisan's Janna was a thing to watch. Really really amazing.

To me (alert: bad player's analysis) Janna is sort of midway between Soraka and Sona, except higher skill than both. IMHO Soraka is 100% babysit (heal, mana regen, global heal) while Sona is hybrid babysit (heal, speedup) and harass (passive, Q) with a decent offensive/defensive ult. Janna can attack enemies better than Soraka (poke, slow) but unlike Sona every one of her abilities (and her passive) can help her lane mate defend from an attack. The high skill comes from the fact that she does not have a heal, but rather a less forgiving shield.

I think in semi-competitive play Janna is still probably better, and Soraka is viable. In low-level play, but high enough to actually have support champs Sona is better because she can contribute more if noob teamates pick bad champs or build them wrong. At very high ELO play I have to defer to what we saw in practice, which seemed to be Sona>Janna>Soraka>Taric>>>>Karma and Morgana for support.

To add some more data to the discussion here is a table showing the amount if times a character has been picked or banned at the tournament (not made by me)

Also this is Dan Dinh's statement about what happened in the first game against Fnatic

Quote:I just want to make a statement to dispel any rumors about what was said and actually happened after game 1.

First off, EPIK did not once complain about the DC. Are we upset it happened? Of course we are. Could it have happened to anyone? Of course it can. So we are not bitter.

Next, the reason we took a 15 minutes break after the first game is because Westrice's Computer overheated and died. We had to calibrate the new computer. From the time he got back to the end of the game he was playing on a foreign computer, with foreign settings, on a foreign keyboard. We had no form of communicating with Westrice because he was in a different section and had no VOIP.

By the time Westrice had reconnected we had already lost full control of the game and only played it out of courtesy to Riot. Did we finish the game terribly? Yes. Wouldn't any other team finish terribly if their team is built around a DC'd champion for 80% of their DPS (he also played on a foreign computer)?

By game 2, we tried to make game one water under the bridge and try our best. It was honestly anyone's game in the 2nd face off. Fnatic played better, therefore they won.

All in all, although we were unhappy with the dc and the result of game 2, we still support Riot and root for Fnatic (unless we come back from the loser's bracket). Because Riot is a great young company and still has a lot of time to mature and iron out the kinks. Fnatic because they are a great group of players in and outside of the game.

I think it is quite a magnanimous statement considering the circumstances. It does make that first game a joke however.

Enoch Wrote:I think it is quite a magnanimous statement considering the circumstances. It does make that first game a joke however.

Wow, that explains a lot. No wonder Westrice was playing so bad.
I think it's a shame that Riot/Dreamhack can not provide a playing environment which prevents DCs. There is nothing you can do if a computer breaks down, but I have seen at least 3 DCs during the day...


aAa vs Fnatic is on right now. 11 minutes in and Shushei is doing his Shushei thing already.

That sheet isn't 100% correct, atleast Taric was banned once. Probably other errors there too.

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