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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

Version Beta 1.2 08Sep2021 build:

Bug 1010: Casting Destiny on a Nomad settler does not give them extra defense etc, and hilariously makes the created city Race "Life", and yields a barbarian swordsman defender. This city will cause the game to crash once it matures to a full city.

Bug 1011: Starting City (Fortress) name still defaults to the barbarian list of names, no matter the starting race selected.

Bug 1012: Possible bug, otherwise just inconsistency. In wizards.ini, Wizard 5 (Sharee) has no Voice=line, but all others do.

Documentation Typo: In AIRacepref.ini, the commented help says this file goes to AIproc.CAS, but it in fact goes to AIprod.CAS.

Typo: In the Help. txt file the entry for racial unrest for Klackons ends in a comma when it should end in a period, like the rest of the entries.

in Units.ini

BE (entry 53) and LM (entry 125) settlers have 20 hp instead of 10 like everyone else

troll (entry 100) settlers have 40 hp instead of 10 like everyone else

This is true in game as well. Troll Settlers are a better spell damage tank (trading ranged blows with a few ghouls for example) than actual combat units if you intend to spellcast the opposition dead.

Combined city names : The idea is good. However, we can generate those names with a simple few lines of code in any programming language and then copy the output into the citynames.INI file.
Added the number of names to modding.ini for the next upload.

B18. According to the logs, the two armies are roughly equal in total HP and melee attack strength which is reasonable (vampires are stronger but there are much fewer of them). The attacking army also has ranged strength exceeding this melee attack which is again reasonable (4 units can shoot and all four of them can also cast spells and those add up - unit casting ability adds to ranged strength directly instead of to the wizard's casting ability because units don't use MP and might have different spells).
The attacking army has ~3 movement while the vampire army has ~4 so the attacker can kite for a few turns before being caught. The 3 ranged attack turns used seem reasonable. The ranged attacks kill 60% of the vampire army before melee starts, at which point they stand no chance (bloodsucker/regeneration has no effect in this type combat)

I think this is the reasonable outcome, with three high level caster heroes, 4 Vampires should be easy to disable as long as any save-or-die spell is available or web.

B19. Low priority, added to my todo list for the next version.
B20. You can't research those, they are given at the start of the game.
B21. Unable to reproduce. I was able to add it and cast it in battle.
B22. Feature, it always worked that way. Hero skill is not instant and is applied only between turns so it's never available to use immediately.
S48. Read the scripts. EcoFood, EcoGold, etc
S49. Yes, I will read them there. I can't guarantee anything will be used though.

1010 : Made settlers an invalid target for this spell.
1011 : There was no upload since that fix yet.
1012 : Yes and she doesn't seem to be the only one. If anyone knows the correct voice values, let me know, I feel even some of the wizards who do have one defined don't really match the voice used.

Units.ini settlers are not used except for the Barbarian one. Settler race parameters are set in Settler.CAS.

...will reupload in an hour or two.


Is it possible to add city name more than 20 per race?

If possible, I want to expand the list due to by late game, when I found new outpost, it start using name from list by other races, and I also hit so many point to get city name "Noname" by late game which seem to indicate that city name list exhausted.

Yes, in today's upload the feature to add more than 20 city names was added. It's untested so let me know how it works.

(September 9th, 2021, 05:40)Seravy Wrote: Yes, in today's upload the feature to add more than 20 city names was added. It's untested so let me know how it works.

I changed to Maxdefaultcitynames=23 in MODDING.INI and added 3 unique names to each in CITYNAME.INI. None of them showed up after gamestart or later. Usually after starting the game I found 1 AI capital or 1 neutral city with no name on the map.

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