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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Awesome win stat numbers by champs (requested in our chat):

Ashe had by far the highest win rate of commonly picked champs: 17 times picked, 13-4 record, 76%. No one else even really close, Nunu next best at 67% (12-6 in 18 games). Rumble being 2-0 in two games doesn't really count.

In other words, yes, Ashe is just as good as expected in high level premade team games.
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

Sullla Wrote:Congrats to the new winner of Season One:


There were so many awesome games this weekend, really worth watching for anyone who missed them. Also, tomorrow night we are going to try to play Gerry from TheButtonMasherz and some of his friends, so I hope to see a lot of you around for the YouTube game night. nod

TBM vs RB show match. lol
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

Sullla Wrote:Awesome win stat numbers by champs (requested in our chat):

Ashe had by far the highest win rate of commonly picked champs: 17 times picked, 13-4 record, 76%. No one else even really close, Nunu next best at 67% (12-6 in 18 games). Rumble being 2-0 in two games doesn't really count.

In other words, yes, Ashe is just as good as expected in high level premade team games.

Not to be rude but, That pretty much sums up what I meant. (Games as over the entire Tournament.)

Not to be rude, but you said Ashe was the strongest champ in LOL.

Strongest champion in LOL right now is Alistar by a quite a bit. Can do everything and do it well. Tanky dps/AP/Jungle/Roamer/Babysitter.

Another link for you: link to the 70 ELO (yes, 70 not 700!) stream Speaker and I stumbled across yesterday. This thing is absolutely hilarious to watch: lol
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

Sullla Wrote:Another link for you: link to the 70 ELO (yes, 70 not 700!) stream Speaker and I stumbled across yesterday. This thing is absolutely hilarious to watch

Wow - nice fight. Now push through and win the game. Win the game. Win the... what are you doing?! The Nexus is THATAWAY --------> oh god.

It looked like PoisonedTree was playing level 17 -- smurf account?

I was a little surprised to see "baron up soon", which demonstrated more awareness than I expected. Of course, warwick immediately face checked into a 4 man gank at blue.

Judging from how quickly they died, I don't think any of the carries were wearing armor OR MR.

After dreamhack, it was weird to see a map with no wards on it. Then again, if you're farming so badly that the ward expires before you can afford to buy the next one[1]....

[1] I'm exaggerating - three creeps a minute[2] is way more than you need

[2] I'm exaggerating - quite a few of the champs couldn't manage three per minute.

Not so indifferent from the players you meet on your way to level 30 cry

Jowy Wrote:Not so indifferent from the players you meet on your way to level 30 cry

I hear you there -- anybody got good builds for mid-Taric?

Meanwhile, I'm going to stay after class and write on the blackboard:

I will not draft support champs in solo queue. I will not draft support champs in solo queue. I will not....

Dantski Wrote:The one thing I've disliked about the finals and previous games I saw, is that there seems to be about 20 champs being played only. I think LoL has pretty good balance on its mages at present but the AD + jungle + support side less so.

Four supports were played. Aren't there like only seven supports total or so? Six? I'd say there is plenty of balance.

I'm still surprised Ashe was basically never banned. That makes it seem to me that she's the 5th or 6th best champ in the game and so is always available after people ban the top champs (Alistar, Rumble, etc) and team specific bans (eg, Westrice's Akali). Or maybe people are just making mistakes in not banning her.

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