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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

“bloodsucker/regeneration has no effect in this type combat” Why?

Does the AI play out battles vs neutral?

“B20. You can't research those, they are given at the start of the game.” Yes. That was my point.  Don’t display them for Researchable for 20. Remove all (x turns) display from the already researched spells. Those displays are wrong.

“B22. Feature, it always worked that way. Hero skill is not instant and is applied only between turns so it's never available to use immediately.”
OK, but the data is misleading. In this case add a second number behind the first with a ( ) around it that shows the hero’s added bonus too. So the player doesn’t have to change screens and do the math to find out how much progress there will be next turn in the overland casting.

“S48. Read the scripts. EcoFood, EcoGold, etc”. Open the actual EcoFood.cas file with File Magic? The web site does not explain the formula, but it should.

B23. Hero’s added overland casting bonus is a little bit off. From 40 mana, 1/6 would be 6 or 7, but I received 8. HeroOverlandCasting.sav

B24. Autosaves don’t save correct data. I bought an Item for 2800 gold. But in an autosave only the gold was removed. The Item was not saved. For the next autosave turn the item was there.

B25. Thief hero upon hiring had Lucky, but the display did not show 40% Hit. Lucky.doc

B26. During battle, I moved out of the City Walls through the gate then moved back. Wall Bonus was not displayed. But next turn, the Wall Bonus was displayed. WallBonus.sav

B27. When I lost a city to AI attack, many buildings were destroyed. Only a few were printed in text what was lost. WallBonus.sav, BuildingsDestroyed.sav

S50. Apply 50% loss in city production if you change it. So it is not just a hammer collection, but actual construction project. You can't just change an almost complete stone building to a living creature without penalty. Exception is if a production was just completed. Currently I abuse and exploit this too much with no intention to complete what I am building. In last turn before completion, I change it. This saves money, but wastes time for micro. At least add this back as an option. This is how it was in MOM too and it was good. 

S51. Wall Bonus should be also displayed in Gold color Armor like a bonus.

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Quote:I changed to Maxdefaultcitynames=23 in MODDING.INI and added 3 unique names to each in CITYNAME.INI. None of them showed up after gamestart or later. Usually after starting the game I found 1 AI capital or 1 neutral city with no name on the map.

You are right, I forgot to change the hardcoded 20 to the variable at the most important place, loading the names from the file.

Quote:“bloodsucker/regeneration has no effect in this type combat” Why?

Because it's not implemented. These abilities can't be generalized to any of the existing attack or defence types implemented in automatic combat. Maybe they can be added in a later update as a new type when we have nothing better to do. Remind me in about 6 months or so.

Quote:“B20. You can't research those, they are given at the start of the game.” Yes. That was my point.  Don’t display them for Researchable for 20. Remove all (x turns) display from the already researched spells. Those displays are wrong.

No, they are not wrong, they are irrelevant. I can remove them but this is extremely low priority.

what is File Magic... It's a text file. Open it in notepad or equivalent.
I'm not going to explain how a 100-200 lines worth of programming code works in detail with words. We'd have a 3570 pages long documentation. Leave these things to wiki makers.

B23. We changed that to 20% recently.
B24. I guess autosave needs to be delayed if the UI cursor is holding a newly received item. Will be fixed in next upload.
B25. Very low priority.
B26. Added a stat recalculation to the end of unit movement. This should fix the problem in the next upload.
B27. It should say "and more" in the last line if the number of destroyed buildings is more than the space on the scroll, but I see a bug that might make it not happen. I'll fix it for the next upload.
S51. Disagree. Wall Bonus doesn't apply if the attacker is not attacking from the outside.

“B23. We changed that to 20% recently.” OK. Then change Magic => Casting Skill text to match this.

“S51. Wall Bonus doesn't apply if the attacker is not attacking from the outside.” OK. Does the Wall Bonus apply vs. spell damage coming from outside unit? How about vs. Wizard’s spell damage?

Uploaded. Please test if the destroyed building list works, I had no time to do so yet.

(September 10th, 2021, 05:12)Seravy Wrote: Uploaded. Please test if the destroyed building list works, I had no time to do so yet.

It only lists 2 buildings "and more" which cannot be clicked.

B28. I had 9 units in a stack patrolling over tower. Right click the stack, change Plane to see them on Arcanus, select the first unit, move it from Tower. “Some of the selected units are on the other plane” message erroneously came up. My solo unit was not allowed to move. It thought the group was still selected. UnitsOtherPlane.doc, UnitsOtherPlane.sav

B29. Wrong upkeep display for Noble. NobleUpkeep.doc

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B28. Not a bug. Patrolling units don't change plane when you press the Plane button to let you control which plane the combat takes place on when under attack better. You have to first select the unit(s) you want to move then press the Plane button.
B29. Fixed for the next upload.
Buildings : fixed for the next upload.

I'm not sure if this is a bug exactly but: normally I have a 2nd monitor plugged in. I play COM on that monitor and when I open the game, it opens to that monitor.

I don't have access to the 2nd monitor at the moment; it's not plugged in, my laptop knows it only has 1 screen. However, COM is still opening to the phantom 2nd monitor, even after a full system restart. So I can't see the app, and I also can't move it because the only method Windows has for moving windowed apps is to drag them. (I can alt+enter to go to full screen of course, but then it can't be dragged!) This is the only app this happens with.

Does one of the settings files save the screen to open to? Or is this purely a Windows issue?

Basically, how windows handles 2 monitors is, it treats them as if you had one but twice as wide.
The game remembers the X and Y positions of the window where you last opened it so yes, it can be a problem if those coordinates suddenly cease to be on the visible screen.
You can edit the saved window position in window.ini back to a valid X position.

(In theory you might be able to move the cursor to the unplugged second screen and drag the window back but it's obviously difficult without seeing it so editing the ini file is way easier)

“B28. Not a bug. Patrolling units don't change plane when you press the Plane button to let you control which plane the combat takes place on when under attack better. You have to first select the unit(s) you want to move then press the Plane button.”
OK, but this is annoying and I think this is a usability problem when the unit is on tower. Unit is highlighted and moves are displayed. Then it does not make UI sense to disallow moving. I propose a solution that changing plane takes movement point into the tile they are entering. So no confusion. No UI problem. If forest on other side of tower then 2 movement points for walking unit, etc. This will also take care of the issue of which plane units fight on tower and makes surprise attack from other plane a little bit slower.

B30. AI player received 2 heroes in same turn. Probably both by random hire in Fortress. I loaded back and replayed same turn and AI received 0 new heroes. So it is not Summon Hero and there is no lair to find new hero. 2HeroesSameTurn1.sav, 2HeroesSameTurn2.sav

B31. I captured city, buildings were destroyed. Then I clicked to sell City Walls. In addition to that a second overlayed message came up that this building was already destroyed. 2CityDisplays.doc

B32. I have 2 High Elf cities. Neither of them have Forest within the city area. One of them has Forester’s Guild (bug). The other is not allowed to build it (correct). Apparently the AI is allowed to build Forester’s Guild. Longbowmen.sav. Happened in 2nd city too.

B33. I want to sell my Forester’s Guild. But I can’t find it. It is hidden. SellForester.sav city Gatewood

S52. Add feature that buildings can be sold on their maintenance page. So it will be possible to find them. Sometimes impossible to sell them due to hiding. And will save time and lower micro.

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B30. Did you read the log file and confirm it wasn't Summon Hero?
The wizard knows Summon Hero and has enough casting skill to instant cast it.
B31. The clickareas of buildings in the bottom row can somewhat overlap with city walls it seems. I moved it up for buildings by 10 pixels.
B32. The AI is a Nature wizard who obviously changed all their terrain to grasslands using Change Terrain - I can't see any other tile in the entire map. They probably had forests at the start of the game. I checked the AI script but it doesn't force building a Forester's Guild for elves - they prioritize fighter's guild instead even though it's less optimal, most likely due to the forest requirement.
B33. It's replaced by the Animist's Guild. You can't sell it until you sell the Animist's Guild which requires it.
In general, you can't sell buildings that are required by others and only those buildings will ever be hidden.

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