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Thanks for the link Sulla. Ashe, Nunu, Jarvan and Alistar comfortably above the baseline and Jarvan and Nunu are getting nerfed next patch. Ashe is so much more effective in organised 5s than normal play so which do you balance her for? I agree that I find it surprising that she wasn't banned banned more than once.
It was a great tournament, what were everyone's highlights?
My top 3 are
1) The full blown base race to decide one game
2) The day Mordekaiser was banned in a tournament
3) In general the amazing team coordination. The example that I saw get repeated was the Ashe Arrow to Gragas Barrel to Swain Never move that Fnatic pulled off one game.
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5 things about the tournament:
1) OMG, I suck so much in farming, it's not even funny. These pro players farm 3 times the amount I do 
Does anyone have a link to a decent farming tutorial that teaches a bit more than "last hit" ? I am especially looking for advice on how to manage whole creep groups.
Very often I have either two creeps going down at the same time so I can only last hit one, or the whole creep group focusing a single opponent minion so I can't get the last hit in.
2) It's amazing how powerful a champion looks when a pro player uses him as opposed to when you play him yourself
3) An interesting point that was raised on the forums was the question if the NA players play too much SoloQ insteadpremade 5s. I can't really comment on that but I believe it was plain to see that owning in ranked SoloQ ranked doesn't mean much when it comes to dominating a game at such a high premade level with all the intricacies going on.
4) I loved the french guy from aAa who referred to baron as "The Nashor" (french pronounciation)
5) I think Riot did a really good job with the stream. Now we just need the new observer/replay mode and I am happy
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'Nashor' and 'drake' tend to be how EU players refer to baron and dragon, respectively. I've heard those quite a lot before...
Agree with all your other points. Last-hitting just takes practice, I think! Also, it's one thing last-hitting in a lane on your own, and quite another trying to do it when you're being harassed...
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Probably my favorite moment was the Riot team vs Pros show match Definitely not the best game at the event by a long shot, but it still was really fun to watch.
Also, jungle Gangplank in the CLG vs. Game!de match was fun to see.
Other than that, I really enjoyed most of the matches and learned a lot about the game watching each round play out; it sure made me want to play.
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VarisNox Wrote:Probably my favorite moment was the Riot team vs Pros show match
For anyone who missed it: The game (5 supports!) can be watched here
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Ding lvl30!!
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VarisNox Wrote:Probably my favorite moment was the Riot team vs Pros show match
They could have gone for something much less playable than the lazy 5 supports team given that having all 5 support champions means enormous amounts of free stats (Taric's armor aura, Janna and Karma shields, Soraka and Sona heals, etc.). :P
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Deceptus Wrote:Substandard?
They could have gone for something much less playable than the lazy 5 supports team given that having all 5 support champions means enormous amounts of free stats (Taric's armor aura, Janna and Karma shields, Soraka and Sona heals, etc.). :P
Rioters definitely got outpicked.
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I was a bit scared to play ranked right away.
I thought I'd just get owned like when I first started playing with you guys.
Well, I think it's safe to say the skill levels aren't much higher.
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How does Malzahar manage to not farm?
Thanks for the link to the Riot vs Pros link Gustaran I will check it out, sounds fun.