Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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KoP's Screenies & Random Rambling

Well said. Yup, when you take all the challenges away, it is no longer a game.


M'avina's Battle Hymn

Modeled by FourNonBlondes - Usually the SpearZon but Rainsong the Bow Babe is a few levels shy.

[Image: Marvin%204%20Non%20Blonde%20-1-X2.jpg]



Aldur's Watchtower

Modelled by WindChillFactor
You will seldom hear about these characters. That's because they are just normal builds. Of course I have my Hammerdin, Lightning Zon, Trap Sin, Necro Summoner and what not, but they have nothing interesting to talk about.

[Image: ALDUR%20Screenshot051-XL.jpg]



Base Vit Melee Sorc Does Eldritch, Shenk & Pindle Under A Minute

This is just a teaser since HotBowBabe is just starting to setup for melee. Still base Vit with 100 saved stat points after spending a bunch in Dex for Block Chance.

I needed that after playing naked toons for the last while dancing



HotBowBabe Slower Than Bow But Faster Than Merc

Short 1:29 clip with Player3 Cows

There is still room to up melee damage in a few places smile

[Image: HotBowBabe%20BowVSMelee-L.jpg]



Does the character screen still display the wrong damage for Enchant with a missile weapon? Fire Mastery multiplies it twice for melee but only once for ranged (unless that changed too), but the character screen shows the damage with the multiplier applying twice.

Or did you really get Enchant up to 12k damage ranged?

(December 7th, 2022, 11:53)T-hawk Wrote: Does the character screen still display the wrong damage for Enchant with a missile weapon?  Fire Mastery multiplies it twice for melee but only once for ranged (unless that changed too), but the character screen shows the damage with the multiplier applying twice.

Or did you really get Enchant up to 12k damage ranged?

Demon Machine base dmg = 31-137
Stormlash base dmg = 12-323 (with 1-473 Lite Dmg which is irrelevant in the 14k decimals ranged) 
The Lying Screen seems consistent with its lies.
I can neither confirm nor deny the Fire Mastery "feature", although it feels like it.

This comparison was not 100% fair to melee mode since she could one hit cows up to Players2 (as seen in the "Eldritch, Shenk & Pindle Under A Minute" video), but needing ~3 hits on Players3.
Still, Demon Machine get to do AoE. I was outfitting for a continuous play comparison without having to stop and change gear.

I have been taking my time on outfitting HotBowBabe, only in between and in the back burner. I think she can hit near 20K on the max. There is at least +7 more to Fire I can see. The test was done with slvl 39 to Warmth, Fire Mastery and Enchant; with Eschuta's, Ormus' and Flickering Flame.

PS: Stormlash is probably the best weapon for a melee sorc. We are talking about true melee sorc who uses no spells during battle, therefore, chance to cast Static Field is an extremely awesome feature to have together with its many other awesome mods. However, being able to one hit most monster makes Static Field moot (beside FIs). I will be testing out other fun weapons. 



Grim Ward Skill Progression To Slvl 49 - The Power Of Leap & Grim Ward

If you still have not guessed what Jeremiah the Naked Baba's niche is....

I re-spec'd, Asher Ordin my Clvl 90 Cry Barb, to major in Leap and Grim Ward. I managed to get his Leap to Slvl 33 and Grim Ward to Slvl 49 before I gave up on searching the mules. The skills didn't need to be that high, just that the new D2R Grim Ward skill progression stats is nowhere to be found so I went ahead and made the chart.  band

Seeing how funny and unorthodox the build is, I thought I would take Asher into a Cow game to mess with the pubbies rolf

Note that Blue cows are affected by Holy Freeze Merc, which pales in comparison to the power of Grim Ward because it can also immobilize monsters due to the flee effect

BONUS VIDEO - The Cowboy Dance
16 seconds worth of Leap + Holy Freeze without Grim Ward

New in D2R V2.4
Grim Ward
Radius baseline value increased
Now also Slows and increases Damage Taken for nearby enemies.
Find Potion synergy added: +5% Damage Taken per level

Grim Ward Skill Progression

[Image: GRIMWARD%20Skill%20Chart-XL.jpg]



Crescent Moon vs Eschuta's Temper on a Lightning Sorceress 

A good Eschuta's Temper can be expensive although it is not extremely rare; the wide range of attributes on it can make a possible uber item a piece of junk. It ranges from +1 to +3 Skills and +10 to +20% dmg. A Crescent Moon is a cheap runeword made of Shael Um Tir, on a Crystal Sword (To save stat points. Funny that, as if she needed to do that. 255 points saved smoke I let her use more points on Energy because a Lightning sorc is Mana hungry)

I have tested Eschuta's Temper against a +6 Enchant Leaf for a Fire sorceress and the Eschuta's came out ahead.

I am in the process of gearing up McTyraelGirl (not McTyraelGal, the purple girl who is the rich aunty who supplies all) for some farming. A little break from the Variants. I don't think I have talked about her before. She is a one trick pony Lightning sorc, not much to talk about. However, the question came up on the weapon of choice, Crescent Moon vs Eschuta's Temper. The following screens shows the stats from each setup

[Image: LightSorcDmgCompareCresentMoon-L.jpg]

[Image: LightSorcDmgCompareEschuta-L.jpg]

Clearly, The Eschuta's Temper does a lot more damage than the Crescent Moon on screen. 35K certainly sounds you have a bigger you know what than 29K. Most people would go for the 39K for bragging rights. However, the Crescent Moon's hidden power comes not from Slvl nor on screen damage. Its power, as far as Lightning damage is concerned, comes from the -35% Enemy Lightning Resistance. So what is that worth in RL? Simple math would suggest 29K x 1.35 = 39K

I could have over simplified all that's involved, i.e. garbage in garbage out. Seems like Crescent Moon wins. It would also hold true in some quick play test using Nova (less random dmg) vs some quick access Hell Act5 monsters when the spell levels were lower. Crescent Moon seems to have a slight advantage as the simple math suggested - Maybe 5 casts vs Eschuta's 5-6 casts.

The Difference:
- The tests were done on slow mode so that I can keep tab on the casts. Casting speed would make a difference in actual play.
- Crescent Moon's 2 Mana after Each Kill a definite plus for a Mana hungry build.
- Eschuta's Temper faster cast easily takes Teleport into the next FCR so she feels good at zipping around.
- Lightning and Chain Lightning use a different FCR calculation. There is only a break point (20% more to 2 break points via Magefist instead of Frostburn) difference between the two weapons with McTyraelGirl's current setup.

Overkill - She is probably going to hit +40K when she's fully equipped. How much is enough? ... not to mention, cough, her merc holds an Infinity, cough...
Although Crescent Moon is the more damaging weapon, and the +2 Mana after each kill is helpful, I think I might end up using the Eschuta's because it FEELS faster...

PS: Still room to improve the Eschuta's with a Jewel



Yeah, I think it's mostly known that Crescent Moon outdamages Eschuta's for a lightning sorc, particularly if you're aiming to kill lightning immunes by way of merc Conviction. But it's good to confirm someone else's claims with your own math.

Eschuta's would win for a multi-element sorc, of course.

The thing to socket in the Eschuta's would be a lightning rainbow facet, how does it look with that?

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