Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[Spoilers] PBEM 62 - Ichabod's Thread, feat. Mardoc and retep

Made some initial simming of the next few turns. I can settle all the western cities before turn 50, with some decent worker support and military. It was just the first testing, I'm sure I can do better. We'd have Hunting + Mono circa t45, but then we'd broke (not losing money at 100% gold, though). But gems and religion just got online and we'd have a lot of cottages growing. We are delaying math, but there's almost no chops being made (only 2, and from these, only one is needed - not needed, but it gives a faster settler to the sheep city, which I'm unsure if we need/can afford).

I like this plan. We can forget about expanding in that direction for the rest of the game and that's really the terrain I want. There's a chance Commodore will settle for those horses near him and get the "invisible food resource that could be in the tile 2SW of our scout", but it'd be risky and he has to expand in other directions too. And, if needed, the settler for the northern sheep city could go there, as a 6th/7th city. Perhaps that's a better plan (if there's food there).

No turn today, by the way.

I have been chacking the save (and making my own simming) so yeah you can get all that by turn 48 but is going to cost quite a bit in maintenance.
I will consider making a monument to get the ivory inside broders. Even getting the religion doesn't guarante it will spread there in a reasonable time and you definitely could use the happiness.

Is scary how close the other players are, more scary is to think where actually is Dazed.

I like the dotmap.

I think that MFG is most likely commdore making units/making settlers.

I'm interest in what you do with the workers that finish farming the corn. Actually I'm interested in what you plan to do with all the workers.

For example the settler for the next city will be ready to move at turn 40. In order to plant the city in turn 41 (the fastest you can) you need to road the pig and 3 more tiles (diagonal) for these you need the 2 workers in the horse, plus the worker just finish in the capital needs to road the tile 1SE of the pig in T39 andT40. Problem with this is that Peper will have to work unimproved tiles for a couple of turns...

Anyway I try to look more close to things today. But consider the monument thing.


Monument on PPM seems like a good idea, really.

Regarding the 5th city, I think it's worth to settle it 1 turn later and get more improvements going (I think we could get it by turn 41 with roading the pigs, the city tile and the one 1SE, the one 2SE isn't needed). In my "best" try so far, I don't even have roads in place for this 5th city, but we get the deer improved faster. This try had one of the workers chopping a forest for PPM, to complete a settler fast there, but I don't think that's needed, especially with going monument there. I'm thinking about having three workers on the deer tile by the time the city is settled, so we can get a 5 food tile from the get go. It's a bit wasteful, but maybe it's best. I think that city gets a granary at size 2, with a chop, because I want to work the gems at size 2 and not whip it (and not delay growth to 2 to get a granary). What do you think?

The workers on the corn I planned to do 1t of cottage building on the forest 1E of the city, then stop and get the cottage done 1E of the forest, that both cities could get. But perhaps a road on the corn is best, because the 6th will come soon. After the road, the workers can reach the grassland anyways.

I'll hold the save until my next playing window, too tired roght now. If you want to comment, go ahead. I think I'm finishing the road on the horses, starting a cottage 2W1N of EG with the new worker from EG, roading the corn with the 2 workers there and finishing the cottage 1NE of LS with the new worker in LS.

I'm in my break but in case you still haven't check the save. Dazed and THH are at war eek

Good news!


Good news, I didn't realize that in my initial look at the save (haven't played it yet, I was too tired yesterday).

By the way, regarding micro, perhaps we could leave the horses unroaded and use those worker turns for something else. We need defensive troops for our cities, which makes spearmen the best ones against players (because we need to fear double movers, we can easily whip axes when needed), so we don't really need horses right now. Chariots would be useful against barbs, though...

We could start a warrior in LS right now and we tech hunting, so the warrior on queue becomes a spearman (we time it so PPM can finish its warrior first).

I need to think about the micro in PPM. I think it's worth it to finish that warrior, then we go for a monument. I thought about chopping the forest to get a quick settler there and whip at size 4, but now I think that getting the 5th city faster and with more worker support is better. We have time to finish the monument in PPM and we can grow the city to size 6 (size 5 will be ahppy with the gems) and 3-pop whip it. It gets the 7th city slower, but our Civ overall is more developed.

What do you think of a city 3E of EG? It shares both food and can work some cottages. It'd be mostly to protect our Capital and close that little gap of land S to us. Further expanding E is probably too dangerous.

Anyway, I need to test all of this. This is probably very badly presented, but it helped me to understand the position better.

Okay some comments.

Yes, as said before horses are not terrible necesary right now, so I think delaying the road is okay.
I think the workers move over there could be like this (most likely you alreay play so this is moot)

37= Workers on the horse(lets call then AB) move to the pigs. Worker from EG© move 2N1W make a cottage 2/3.
38= AB road the pig. C finish the cottage 3/3
39= A move 1NW make 1/2 road, C move 3N2W finish the road. B move 1N of the gems.
40= AC moves 1NW a make a road. B make a road1/2
41=B finish the road. Settle the city. AC move to the deer.
What do you think?

Workers in the south should make the road over the corn.
Worker just make in LS should finish the cottage 1 NE


I bring some of my paint skill from PB21 to make things a little more easy to understand!


In other topics. A city 3W of the capital is okay. Is in a hill ans share the 2 food resources with the capital, plus can work some cottages.

Making the autoupgrade from warrior to spearman is good but I not sure how the timming will work.
I like the idea to 3 whipp PPM but are you sure that growing to size 6 and work unimprove tiles is better to start a size 4?
Are the turns need toe growing less than the turn need it to slow build and double whipp from size 4?


Oh maybe you mean we need to grow to size 6 to give time to the monument to finish...

And this make my 4 post in a row! Maybe I have to much free time after all contemplate


I had played the turn already when I saw your post, retep. We are doing things similarly, but not the same. I think your plan has a mistake, because worker C can't move 3N2W on turn 39 and still finish the road.

Anyway, let me show what I did, I want to make this post a good guideline for my plan going forward:

Regarding the workers:

Worker A and B on the horses (I'll change the name of the workers when the next save reach me), go to the pigs. They'll road next turn:

Worker C, just borned in EG, goes 2NW and drops a cottage turn, cancel next. He'll move 2NW again next turn and start a road.

On turn 39, worker C finishes the road NW of the pigs ans worker A and B go 2NW and finish a road. On turn 40, worker A and B finish a road on the tile 1N of the gems and worker C moves into the deer. We settle the city on t41, worker A goes on the deer (to finish it on t42) and worker B mines the gems.


Worker D and E didn't road the corn, they spent 1t cottaging that forest 1E of GT (2/5 cot). The next move is to go finish the cottage 1NE of LS.


Worker F is the most interesting one:

Why do this? It involves the plan for PPM:

PPM will do a monument this turn 5/20. Then, it'll finish the warrior 12/10, overflowing 2 hammers, just as we reach size 4. When we are at size 4, we start a settler. On that turn, we'll work 1 unimproved tile, a grass forest, but for a reason. It'll give 13 prod (11 + 2 overflow that turn) on that turn + 12 prod on the next one (with that mine finished), for a total of 25/65 on the settler. Than we whip the settler and overflow 15 hammers exactly on the monument, finishing it at 20/20.

This settler will go for the sheep + copper city. The marble city will be delayed, in order to accomodate this. The Marble city is worse than the sheep 1, because it doesn't have a first ring resource tile just for it. And growing LS is easier than PPM, due to more tiles workable.


EG will start a settler at size 6 and whip it to oveflow into a 1t worker. After that, we get some military.


LS will slooowly build a spearman (this warrior will upgrade into it, the timing works). It'll finish just as the city hits size 6 (the city hits size 5 on the exact turn we get gems online, so no unhapiness), when we'll whip it.


GT will be whipped next turn for the granary. After that, we grow on cottages and we likely 2-pop whip a worker into another worker or something (+ chop, perhaps).


Here's the tiles workerd by the cities next turn:

The forest in EG and the forest in PPM (not worked next turn, but mentioned above) are the only unimproved tiles worker in the next 5 to 10 turns (apart from the deer for 1t in 5th city). I need to think a little better about the micro in GT, but it'll likely be whipped into workers if we need to work unimproved tiles.

After this settling, we need to focus on:

*Getting military.
*Getting more workers.
*Finishing Mono and thinking about where to go next.

We'll have:

*Gems hooked.
*Monument in PPM for culture to hook the ivory.
*Axe in sheep city, spear in marble city (need more!!).


I didn't take a picture, but moving the scout 1SW didn't reveal any food on that fogged tile. So, city 3E of the Capital it is...



We don't look so bad military, even though there are people fighting...

Feel free to ask questions about what you didn't understand from my plan.

Do you like this plan, retep?

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