Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Genghis Machinates

Found 2metra while exploring Pindicator land:

That's definitely a jackpot neighbour for him, everyone else has at least twice as many cities. Commodore meanwhile is developing very nicely, his food and GNP figures have grown to around OH's level. I guess the Colossus is working out for him. Somebody(I think OH) has construction.

I finally settled Polis Massa on T109:

It was ready to go on T106, but without the free HG pop there seemed to be little point in settling it. So I waited until I had a chop ready for an immediate ikhanda. Dagobah is building a settler for the last deer spot out west. Weak city but 8 forests and one on the deer, maybe I can do something with them.

I've a bunch of Impi out exploring REM, Comm and Pin at the moment, and I need to rebuild some in my core. Initial impressions may be related to 'Green Grass' syndrome.

One of these guys will stick around REM land to keep an eye out for invasion forces, though I wouldn't expect any for a while. The second will be ferried over to OH.

Pindicator is less than impressed with our map:

His solution is to tech HBR and whip 3 times (with the food totals here, that's a lot).

I don't think this is aimed at me, who invades Zulu with horse archers? So I sent 2mn a horse for horse offer to keep him alert. Need to build a few more impi too though.

In other news, Comm is still the only known person with CoL(path to Taj), and no-one has taken Aesthetics yet weirdly enough. A great scientist and a great engineer were born in faraway lands. Who could they be? A great engineer is scary and also hard to create. It's been about 35t since metra built the Pyramids, so I believe it came from there with a dirty pool. I have vision on REM's HG city, so it wasn't that. It's another scary thought though, he's Phi and managed to not generate a single GP so far, he definitely would finish an engineer before my Taj date. Might slow his other GP production down too much to compete though? Anyway, I'm pretty sure OH doesn't have MC yet, so it isn't him. Mack went for an early Monarchy, so it would take him a while to get a forge up also, he might have got lucky but it's unlikely. I'm not sure what Ot4e's been up to, but I don't think he's Taj competition, so it doesn't matter too much. Commodore obviously got an early MC for the Colossus, so a dirty pool generating a GE is possible. Comm or mack would have to have started working on the guy very early to get the 200GP out by now though. I have vision on his biggest cities though, including the Colossus one. The GS could have come from almost anybody, but OH and REM should really be looking at using their first GPs soon.

Also, I'm very curious what Comm and Mack did with their early Great Merchants. Comm at least didn't do a trade mission, did he settle it?

You can bulb CS with a GM but all the techs required were a long way away when they got there's. I considered that to speed up Nationalism btw, but I don't think it would have helped. I'd need an earlier golden age in order to create the GM in time.


Not exactly winning stuff at the moment. Will they get better? I don't have plans to whip much in the future, so maybe. I wouldn't read too much into the GNP figure, I think me, Comm, REM and OH all have similar beaker rates. I'm not sure what Mack and his size 17 capital in the fog is doing, but at least he doesn't have an academy there yet.

Dropped to 7th! dancing

The GS was OH who throw a golden age. It seems a bit early, I hope to have double his ~65 pop for mine. Of course MoM GAs are rarely a bad thing.

I've been thinking about what I could have done differently over the last 4000 years.

Broadly I'm very happy with how I played the opening up to my first 8 cities. Managing to settle Endor and Geonosis up on Pindicator has been really good, I expected some sort of reaction from him but it hasn't materialised(yet).

The one thing I might have done differently in that opening period is the capital move. With hindsight, I think I would liked to settle in place, delay the 2nd settler for 2(or 3) workers and then throw it down to the pigs/corn spot. But I don't know whether we could have discovered the spot in time to see that. I think both capital locations were about even in the end, but I very slightly prefer SIP

I also haven't been doing any simming since GJ left, so there's probably a bit of extra efficiency that could have been wrung out of the start, but I don't think it would be big enough to make much of a difference.

After those 8 cities, there are some possible improvements.

-The academy in the capital wasn't an amazingly strong play. At the very least, I think it should have been delayed ~10t. It would have gotten a very similar amount of beakers and I could have used the food to build up Dagobah or Alderaan, and the cottages around the capital.

-Broadly speaking, I wish I had a better play for that first GP. I guess we got Currency around T103, we could have immediately got a market somewhere and produced a GM by T120. Have a second city chase the first then hire 4 specs on T120, could have gotten the golden age by T130. That would have cut a few turns from my Taj date.

-The stone city of Naboo should have been settled earlier. That was the key holdup in the Hanging Gardens, it should have been city 9 or 11 instead of city 14.

Meeting Mack is as depressing as I feared.

He's making over 300gpt, admittedly in a golden age(worth <100) and I think I have to accept that he will win the race to the Taj if he wants to go there. What to do ...

OH isn't doing as well as him at the minute but his power is really high. By process of elimination he must be going after Ot4e.

It also looks like they have a bunch of free land still left between them. It's jungle, but at this stage of the game that doesn't matter so much. It's hard to see where I get an advantage.

Meanwhile, Pindicator's power grows, 2metra builds the Great Library and hasn't whipped in ages. Maybe I should be doing something about this.

Well that was a waste of a war declaration.

Looks like Mack may have generated an artist and bulbed Music? He got the SoZ too. On the bright side his GA ended and he's back down to 200gpt. It may be possible to beat him to the Taj, it depends on how well he's set his build up, 1 turning the sucker is hard. It's hard to decide who's got all the GP recently though, it's possible he has another golden age planned. I'm looking at the possibility of building the AP instead. Definitely more worried about him than OH right now but I guess it's not my job to get involved.

What was the war dec intending to accomplish?

I thought there was a gap between two land masses there. Mostly I just wanted to move through and loop back around to meet OT4E. But I would have pillaged any seafood on the way.

He's got routes to pindicator, and we have touching borders, so I'm pretty sure if we agreed OBs he'd get my routes. I didn't think that was a good idea in a potential Nationalism race.

Trying to keep the tech path flexible here. I'm going up CoL-Bureau now and then 7t to my GA. If I'm going for the Taj, I pretty much save gold on Monotheism. If I'm going for the AP I need to get Theocracy and Monarchy before the golden age.

I debated how important winning Christianity is and I think I'm good to leave it another few turns. I can't start on the AP until I revolt into a religion anyway in the golden age. If Comm or REM goes for Theo that's fine. They can build the AP, I'll take their religion and head for Sankore, save myself a bunch of hammers and beakers. If Mack goes for it I'll have to go for the Taj instead. The other 4 look to be in pretty hot wars and have other things on their minds.

Pin declared on 2metra btw and they traded a city back and forth. That's pretty much the best result for me and gives me some hope for the future. I considered building up a force to hit Pin while he attacked 2metra, but I didn't think it was worth it. The likely result was for me to take 2 crap front cities, the two of them to peace out and Pin could return to attack me. That would be a long dragging war, maybe it could be won but I'd be out of the game. Once the two of them have engaged a bit and traded units though this becomes a lot more tempting. I just have to hope 2metra was prepared enough to hold out, despite his refusal to whip. I have a couple of maces pre-building right now, I'm trying to hold off infra builds until OR in the golden age/I know whether I'll be in Mercantilism. So I also have the option of using the GA for war, though that's probably not very compatible with either AP or Taj plans.

Whoops, didn't realise the timer was so low, the turn rolled on me with a bunch of workers unmoved and even one empty build queue. Taking this vet game to heart. smoke

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